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Posts posted by Izanagi

  1. Not sure if CS has non-vote calling votekick (e.g. you have to manually type it, a server vote isn't called), but from my time modding TF2 a while back, it was abused fairly frequently on younger kids or annoying people (not that it makes it okay ofc)

  2. My PS4 should be getting here on Friday, so anyone have any must-have exclusives? (I have a PC, so non-exclusives would be a waste of money). I'll already have the uncharted collection as well. Anything else worth of note? (other than TLOU and Until Dawn) I like chinese cartoon games as well.


    Tagging @Yu_Narukami since he said he'd get a PS4 around this time (lack of P5 may have affected that)

  3. Just as a note, I have a blue switch keyboard at my mom's place (currently using the red switch at my dad's)


    Some observations on the blue:


    Holy shit this thing is loud. Seriously.

    Amazing for typing.


    Some observations on the red:


    Not as loud, but there's still some noise.

    Very good for touch typing, but that means that you might accidentally press a key that you didn't mean to while resting your hand.


    I personally haven't noticed much of a difference between either one in terms of games. If you're set on blue switches, I really recommend that you buy some O-Rings, as they can help cut down on the massive noise that they sometimes make.

  4. All I'm gonna play is mostly TF2, Binding of Isaac Rebirth, and Hearthstone.

    TF2 and Isaac are available on Linux, and Hearthstone works through Wine.

    Also Windows costs a whole ton of money and they spy on you ;_;

    If that's all you're going to play, a GTX 980 is overkill. Most AAA games experience a moderate performance loss (10 FPS or so) while running on Wine and lose out on many features that you'd expect to have, since Wine has no plans to implement DirectX 10 or beyond in the nearby future, so most of the bells and whistles in modern games that will be using your GPU heavily will be missing. (See stuff like SSAO/HBAO, tesselation, etc.) Also, Linux GPU drivers are never as good as Window's.


    Just do what @Stickz suggested and pirate it. If you care so much about a company spying on you (which they probably aren't, aside from maybe running some metrics or some BS like that on which programs you use) then you should probably consider moving to the woods, as the NSA has spied on many, many foreign countries in the past couple of years, including Germany (Merkel's phone calls, I believe)and the UK. Also, you should be anonymous if they collect any data, especially if you pirate it and don't use a Windows account.


    Considering the games you play, a GTX 760 or 960 will probably be enough to drive you. All of those games that you mentioned shouldn't need anything beyond a GTX 560TI or its equivalents (closest thing I can think of is an HD 7850), which is ancient.

  5. This is a complete fudge post.


    Raid depending on the CPU?

    -A raid is when you ether split or duplicate the sectors on your hard drive. It has nothing to do with your CPU.


    I made an estimate that the GPU gives me 10-20 more fps?

    -Learn how to measure properly in units. Measure the total fps of your CPU and GPU output separately is how you compare without guessing.


    A CPU will net at a 10-20 increase in FPS?

    -You cannot guess that without running a profiler on the game. Pulling stats from your a$$.


    If we include just Intel Processors?

    -Lets include the Intel i3-5005U with 2 cores and 2ghz. It's so weak you can't even play Skyrim.


    I mentioned WoW. A raid is this. I would've capitalized it if I meant that kind of RAID (BECAUSE IT'S AN ACRONYM)



    As you can see from @Hushpuppy's post (thanks m8), there's concrete evidence. Between an i5 and an i7, there was almost no net increase in that example. A lot of other benchmarks, like Far Cry 3's, Far Cry 4's, and others prove this. You can also look at the links @Hushpuppy provided (seriously, thank you) for more.


    By Intel processors (especially considering this range) I'm talking mainly about the i5 and above. You know what I meant, but you're just trying to be a smartass.


    If I'm pulling stats from my ass, how about you back up yours? Please don't use games that are famous for being CPU dependent, since they don't show what the AVERAGE experience should yield. (I'm looking at you, Skyrim)

  6. It's bigger waste to buy an SSD period, if you're not going to all your games on it. If you need more space than 500gb, a 1tb sshd would be a good addition.


    1TB ssds are a complete troll though. It just means you don't know how to free up space properly. You can free up a good 50gb/500gb of space using disk cleanup and the community winapp2.ini for ccleaner. And put stupid things like torrent downloads which degrade the life of your ssd on sshd. Plus games you're only going to launch once or twice are fine on sshd.

    lol wut.


    SSDs are nice, they speed up boot time and the general performance of Windows/your OS. You definitely don't need it for all your games, especially since loading times shouldn't be too crazy outside of heavily modded Skyrim (haven't played it in ages now, so vanilla might also apply) and other, similar games.


    What SSDs should have:

    Windows/OS (duh)

    Your most frequently launched programs/smaller games

    Games that have crazy long loading times/glitches/performance issues on HDDs (I think Arkham Knight got a slight performance boost from SSDs, but I can't remember where I read that)


    What HDDs should have:

    Most downloaded files

    Movies and general media

    Everything else.


    I don't disagree with where you said it helps changing maps, which it does, but most people that have been on our servers to be members usually have all the most-used/good maps downloaded already. I also agree that SSHDs are a really good way to make consumers lose money/performance (Jack of all trades, master of none argument).

    To finish off my insight into SSDs, 256 GB is probably enough. I have a 120 GB one (840 Evo) in my desktop at my mom's place and I have to go through it with something like Windirstat (did I spell that right?) every year or so, but it's good. Considering that you can buy a 256 GB SSD for around the same price as my Evo last year, it's definitely got a great cost: performance ratio.


    Your build has a few ineffectiveness, I will point them out bellow:


    The i7-4790k is significantly faster with a 4ghz base and 4.4ghz turbo. And can easily overclock to 4.8ghz on the water cooling solution you posted.


    The other option is the new i7-5775R (3.3ghz base or turbo 3.8ghz) which is on the new intel broadwell architecture. Don't be followed by the ghz, it benchmarks approximately 3-5% slower than the i7-4970k but guarantees support for 1886 ramn. A stronger built in video card (with 4k res support) is also included so people who play light games (no first person shooters) don't need to buy a dedicated one.


    The i7-4790k cannot support ram that fast. 1866 might be doable (even tho it says 1600). You got 2400 which is going to downclock and possibly perform worse due to higher cas latencies and timings. -$60


    You can easily drop 150 watts on the power supply as even that's overkill. I'm willing to bet that build will use less than 450 watts with a i7-4790k 4.8ghz overclock.-$15


    My mouse and keyboard costed $25 including taxes and shipping. Really decent for the gaming and fast typing. And isn't going to break nearly as quick. Three years now no issues. -$200

    Logitech MK120 Wired USB Keyboard and Mouse - Black - Newegg.ca

    -300 reviews on this product, 74% are five star, 89% are four star or higher.




    You don't need that strong to achieve the 100% performance you're looking for. Think of it this way, you're running 1080p on the monitor you're going to get. The 980 is for 4k resolutions which has three times the pixels. The 970 is overkill for 1080p so you never have to worry about drops. (It's actually designed to run 1440p)




    I can confirm this statement as my video card (r9 270x) is half as powerful as the 970 and still holding max fps on ultra 1080p with a couple demanding settings tonned one notch down.


    Mechanical keyboards are on a whole 'nother level though. I have two (one Kailh (sadly) blue switch and one cherry mx red switch. They have greater than longevity (for example, my dad's IBM mechanical keyboard lasted for over 20 years), are usually even nicer to type with, since you can get feedback (idk what the exact term is) and the actuation force is based on your needs/hands. They're not essential, but saying that they'd break quickly (or implying, which is what your post sounded like) is just incorrect.


    It's actually the complete opposite, most games relay more heavily on the CPU than the video card. The video card is just that component which takes what's processed and sends it to the screen. The CPU on the otherhand is the brain of your computer which does a lot of the work.


    The i7-4790k only has four cores and that extra ghz will make a difference on more complex games like Battlefield 4 or Natural Selection 2.


    A common issue you will run into on lower ghz is the first thread getting maxed out. It's really tempting when making a game to just put most of the things on the first thread, and create a few others to prevent overloading. In this scenario, 3.9ghz (4690k) vs 4.4ghz (4790k) will make a huge difference especially in the future.


    Edit: If you're looking for a more cost effective solution, the i5-5675C (3.6ghz) would about 1-2% be stronger and alot cheaper than the i7-4690k. (3.9ghz) It's on Intel's new broadwell architecture which is an improved version of Haswell in their tick-tock method of doing things. Plus the power usage saves you a dollar or so per year.




    Games rely a lot more on the CPU in nearly every case, with exceptions including the games you just mentioned and stuff like WoW, where raids and shit really depend on the CPU.

    Moving along, GPUs don't just take what's processed. GPUs are really, really good at doing a bunch (a bunch is an understatement) of simple calculations really quickly. CPUs love doing complex calculations. Most games (bar their physics engines and other stuff like that) don't use CPUs to perform most of the tasks, like Anti-Aliasing and rendering (exceptions to this include emulators like PCSX2, which are more CPU reliant.). While a good CPU is absolutely integral to the performance of Windows and programs that rely mostly on it, video cards have a lot more of an impact. If you want proof, look at benchmarks of games on sites like Tom's Hardware, where the CPU is kept constant and the GPUs are changed, then the opposite. In most well-made games (Read: Not a shitty port), the CPU will net, at most, a 10-20 increase in FPS. In most cases the difference between a GTX 960 and a GTX 970 (or a 970 and 980 at higher resolutions) will gain more. That 10-20 FPS estimate I made was based off of Skyrim. If we include just Intel processors, you'll be lucky to see a 10 FPS gain in most games.


    I definitely agree with you on the PSU. Since SLI 980s (or even 970s) for 1080P is overkill, 600w is perfectly fine here.


    Sorry if it seems like I'm being harsh or nitpicky, but I really hate faulty info being tossed around.


    @Hushpuppy (I'd quote your post if xenforo or whatever we're using atm wasn't being shit and not doing it properly), processors really make a difference in streaming games/video editing (CUDA acceleration my ass, Adobe Premiere). Aside from that, you're correct.


    Now, back to the OP @The_Unlit_Torch : If you're planning to stick to your monitor and are absolutely deadset on one of these GPUs, get a 980, since a 980 TI is beyond overkill, like others have said. You'll probably be fine with a 970, in all honesty.


    Manufacturer recommendation: I haven't shopped for cards in a long time, but I'd sincerely recommend EVGA (honestly not sure if they offer support where you're from). They have decent coolers (except on their first rev. 970s, which they've shuffled out). Their customer service/support is one of the best in the business. Their trade up program (not sure about the name) is also a consideration.



  7. Ban Appeal: The Wraith-ist (please Move To The Appropriate Board) | Xeno Gamers

    Vector's story.

    Ban Appeal: The Wraith-ist (please Move To The Appropriate Board) | Page 2 | Xeno Gamers

    Bonfire's story.

    Ban Appeal: The Wraith-ist (please Move To The Appropriate Board) | Page 2 | Xeno Gamers

    Forest still being a CL.


    -1, see @Chrono's post for reasons, especially

    that steaming pantload is taken serious and the directive behind those is perm ban; no appeal. straight from the man upstairs.

    and my links


    inb4 shitstorm

    inb4 bugger off

    inb4 smelly

    inb4 drunk

    inb4 blaze it

    inb4 nerd

  8. Are you talking about this one? If so, he was ban-ana'd by IggyIgs (For 2 months, 1 week, 2 days, 10 hours, and 39 minutes-wow, that is oddly specific, random big number I guess?)


    Now, since it was done after this was posted, I'm assuming that either:

    A: @Bach or @kbraszzz told him to do it.

    B: Iggy thought that this was enough and went for the ban on his own.

    Probably A, since (read the thread that I linked).

    Since I don't play TF2 anymore, I'm just gonna +1 this ban, since he admitted it in that thread I linked and this proof compounds it enough. While the context isn't the clearest, he did admit that he did mass freekill.


    IIRC, when I used to be mod, I permed a member for massing and leaving. I don't know if he got unbanned, but I do remember that @Akatsuki (Espeon) is trying to use the same argument that failed back then.

  9. thats the whole point of nothing to something + who sold all your cancer unusual as well as your other tf2 items ?

    What I'm saying is that CSGO trading is pretty different from TF2 trading, since ALL items have exact dollar values. I can see what's happening here. If you want to be successful, say they can make offers as well on it. Hell, try to see if it looks FN, if it does, screenshot and say so.

  10. If you have left or got kicked out of xG, and are allowed to re-apply, you must have

    - 20 vouches

    - A Division Leader from the respective division to agree on your return 01/13/14

    - waited a month minimum from the day you have quit/left xG (unless you are Neo)

    Thread to leave was made less than ten days ago.


    Guidelines: Member Submission Guidelines. (Read) | Xeno Gamers


    Pls close @ThePenguin @DrLee

  11. So, just broke my last 3 pairs of earbuds in the span of 2 weeks. Yeah, I'm going back to normal over-the ear (not preferred) or around-the-ear (VERY PREFERRED) headphones.


    I can buy the stuff from the Apple store and Best Buy (can't wait too long, I take the train 4 times a week).


    I can get prices from Amazon, but only if the item is at Best Buy.


    Anyway, the price range is at 50$ or so.

    Oh, and I mainly use them to listen to rock and orchestral stuff (sometimes classical music with lots of piano/orchestrated rock), in addition to playing games like CS:GO and TF2. I'm going to be using them with my cell phone and computers as well. I DON'T need an integrated mic. I already have a pretty expensive desk one for recording stuff whenever I pull out my electronic piano. So, have at me, I have two weeks (I can buy them Sept. 19th,), so feel free to throw suggestions at me.

  12. Obvious mention of Metallica, really strong vocals+guitar. Master of puppets is super long, but REALLY good. Battery is super energetic and makes you want to do something. The White Stripes are also pretty good. (#7nationarmyrocks)




    Also, Bad Religion is pretty good, especially in their album, Stranger than Fiction.


    Will post vids later.