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  1. Agree
    Barmithian reacted to Forest in Kittylicious - mmo   
    @Kittylicious , as rude as this may come off (genuine honesty), don't be a kiss ass. You and I both know that post regarding "who is talking the most sense" is irrelevant and should not have been made here. This is neither the time, nor place. I realize you want to defend yourself, but pointing out the opinions of those for you doesn't help your case, but merely digs yourself a deeper hole.
    For those of you who are lashing out against the "injustice" that Kitty did in that thread, you are so blinded by your preconception that Kitty deserves it that you won't even give a second thought to that particular thread. It seems that a large majority are mistaking what I said, and so I'll further clarify.
    My first post within this thread pertains to, and only to, the words of Moosty; that of which resulted in an all out war within that thread. In no way am I saying that Kitty hasn't been insulting or disrespectful prior to the thread, but I am merely saying that those of you who are using it as a means of evidence are doing so wrongly. Moosty instigated. Kitty retaliated. Moosty continued. Kitty continued. End of story, a vicious cycle that runs rampant within our clan. Moosty could have simply said "I disagree with your idea because of (reasons)", that's all, and avert the whole crisis. But no, he instead provoked her by calling her salty, calling out on something that is irrelevant to those who are merely suggesting ideas (not being a Member), and in the end, lighting the fuse of a heated argument. Again; to clarify further to those who don't seem to get it: In this one instance, in this one thread, Moosty instigated and it resulted in hurtful words from both sides. That does not excuse either behaviour, nor does that make that thread a credible source of proof for either side, although in terms of instigation it leans further toward Moosty. To clarify even further than that, Kitty stepped over the line as well, but it was completely provoked.
    This next part I'm going to bold as it seems to be the main thing that many are misunderstanding:
    That thread =/= any sort of evidence that favours either side, and should not be used as evidence here in this thread. Stop bringing it up as if it were. Just because Kitty has a record of bad behaviour does not mean she does not deserve just one measly thread with an opinion that should be shot down immediately in a way that can be seen as hostile.
    Any other evidence, have at it, feel free to use it as you please, but for the love of god, stop referring to that gong show of a thread.
  2. Salty
    Barmithian got a reaction from Bach in Kittylicious - mmo   
    Commenting isn't working for me for some reason, anyways Moosty's first post was very rude towards kitty and clearly tried to insult kitty's idea
  3. Salty
    Barmithian got a reaction from Bach in Kittylicious - mmo   
    @Moosty If someone thinks that 2+2=5, no matter how wrong they are, it doesn't give you the right to insult them and attack them. The mature thing to do is disagree politely and explain why you think so. You are just as much at fault as kitty.
  4. Disagree
    Barmithian reacted to Scootaloo in Kittylicious - mmo   
    I fail to see how a slightly rude, on-topic response is considered equal to the detrimental lashing of someone's social status, especially when it has absolutely nothing to do with the topic at hand. If you honestly feel that both parties are equally at fault here, you probably should reread through that thread, because you missed something.
    Stop trying to use analogies to compare this situation. It's inaccurately representing what is happening here. This isn't a car crash or a fist fight. It's cyber-bullying, plain and simple, which is AGAINST our rules. Did Moosty respond in a rude way? Sure. Did he cyber-bully Kitty in that thread? Absolutely not. His posts were on-point and on-topic. It was KITTY who took it out of context. It was KITTY who dragged it to an unnecessary level. It is KITTY that causes these issues, has been causing these issues, and CONTINUES to cause these issues. She does not exemplify what we should be striving to achieve here at xG in the least and MUST be removed, lest this division loses a LOT of outstanding members. It is clear that her presence is no longer desired by a LARGE MAJORITY of our division. Something needs to be done about it. If the incorrect action is taken, or worse, if NO action is taken, we will lose members who are sick and tired of this same song and dance, week after week.
    It's not a threat, it's a reality. If this is handled poorly, the TF2 Division as we currently know it WILL LOSE a lot of people. Mark my words.
  5. Salty
    Barmithian got a reaction from Bach in Kittylicious - mmo   
    Meh, I'm at 0. You guys caused that thread to get off topic and start a flame war with kitty.
  6. Salty
    Barmithian got a reaction from Tsuchikure in Kittylicious - mmo   
    Meh, I'm at 0. You guys caused that thread to get off topic and start a flame war with kitty.
  7. Optimistic
    Barmithian reacted to Haxx in I'm off to get some applebees. (eww who eats there)   
    Darn...bye man
  8. Salty
    Barmithian got a reaction from Bach in Thunder   
    +1. I have seen thunder many times, and I have had a lot of fun times with him. He certainly SPARKS my interest and rebels LIGHTNING quick on jb.
  9. Salty
    Barmithian got a reaction from Bach in Thunder   
    @kbraszzz @Bello @Bach You are all just jealous of how funny I am.
  10. Drunk
    Barmithian reacted to Snipes in Thunder   
    +1 active and mature and better than barm
    A 7/10
    M 7/10
  11. Not Funny
    Barmithian reacted to Kittylicious in What is the best tf2 class?   
    sniper because requires most skill :coffee:
  12. Salty
    Barmithian got a reaction from Bach in Cya nerds on the flip side   
    god damn I thought we were finally rid of this kid
  13. Salty
    Barmithian got a reaction from Bach in The best shark attempt ever   
    I bet @DrLee would take this trade
  14. Salty
    Barmithian got a reaction from Tsuchikure in The best shark attempt ever   
    I bet @DrLee would take this trade
  15. Funny
    Barmithian reacted to Robster in I'm off to get some applebees. (eww who eats there)   
    Man, remember how ________ used to be fun __ years ago? Now it sucks because _______.
    Feel free to use this template for everything ever.
  16. Salty
    Barmithian got a reaction from Bach in Bumper car days?   
  17. Salty
    Barmithian got a reaction from Tsuchikure in Bumper car days?   
  18. Winner
    Barmithian reacted to Vector in Spawn camping   
    Okay so now that i got home, took a nap, i'm gonna comment.
    First of all, we have had this conversation before. multiple threads actually:
    Spawn Camping Poll. | Xeno Gamers
    Spawn Camping Removal Dicsussion. | Xeno Gamers
    Spawn Camping: Yay Or Nay? | Xeno Gamers
    An Upset Server | Xeno Gamers
    spawn camping | Xeno Gamers
    and probably more if i looked.
    now spawn camping is fine, the matter of the fact that this is a trade server, we have a server dedicated to 24/7 clocktown, and if you have ever played on that map, you would know that the red team has an unfair advantage because of how blu spawn exit is a small hallway that usually get them selves trapped. so, naturally if you ban spawn camping, we're gonna be banning so many people and which @Bach said "Then we'll ban them" well that's not so great seeing as how the map's spawn is so close together and that it will probably end up banning the regulars. so you're gonna be banning people in hopes that the people will repopulate. For pokemon trade, the spawns are so far apart, that the other team must build multiple buildings to actually get through with it, we are already dealing with body blockers and building blocking so it's easier to destroy them all. Any map can be spawn camped. Also these are trade servers and we have a friendly plugin which i barley see any other admin tell the players to use.
    As mentioned before, that we will have to end up banning multiple people for just playing the game how it should be. Also enforcing the rule is tricky as we don't know how we dictate what spawn camping is, the obvious one would be something like going heavy and being in front of their spawn, but what about the players who just hang around it such as scout, don't tell me a scout himself can keep a whole team spawn camped, same goes for sniper.
    The players are what bring people back, spawn camping doesn't me jack because people go around looking for a server to trade on.
    now the conversation i had with bach, when i joined the teamspeak room i was like why is spawn camping banned again? i'm greeted to, "it's now not allowed and if you don't like you can leave". (leave xG) we then go back and forth with little to no real reason on their side and no point that could be deflected on our end, he never contacted me about this sort of rule, so he knew that this would happen and still let it happen. after that, it just turned into "Moosty is more credible then you" which literally had nothing to do with what we were talking about, and then problems about my admin style, which again was deferring the actual arguments, insults such as, i don't give a shit about the server even though i have been here for over 2 years and have been admin in 2 divisions and one of the admins who helped populate TGH. and finally threats of demotion against me. @kbraszzz @Moosty were there.
    So if i get demoted, gg
  19. Salty
    Barmithian got a reaction from Bach in Spawn camping   
    If you are just a heavy/soldier/pyro/demo with a medic, it's pretty easy to get to spawn.
  20. Salty
    Barmithian got a reaction from Tsuchikure in Spawn camping   
    If you are just a heavy/soldier/pyro/demo with a medic, it's pretty easy to get to spawn.
  21. Friendly
    Barmithian reacted to Robster in Bumper carz   
    I don't understand but bumber carz
  22. Salty
    Barmithian got a reaction from Bach in Anger management servers??   
  23. Winner
    Barmithian reacted to kbraszzz in Anger management servers??   
    Beating Lee to this.
  24. Not Funny
    Barmithian reacted to Tomahawk in Bye.   
  25. Not Funny
    Barmithian reacted to KendrickLlama in Bye.   
    do you hate jpie??