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Everything posted by Cr1TiKaL

  1. @Snipes Seeya Snipes! Even though we don't know each other well I went through the same thing as you. I just came back from taking that long break from xG so I know what its like. ~Good luck and never forget xG.
  2. Honestly I don't know what to do with them either. You aren't alone on this.
  3. Cr1TiKaL

    Art commissions!

    huh... is it possible to get a full blown full body of this guy in a dark alley smoking leaned up against a wall? btw if the background isn't included in the full body I can add in some more keys for a really well done picture. Oh also, i'm that guy who you had no idea existed. yup.
  4. welp, I guess they patched the beard so now it sticks to his face. Btw this thread is dead anyway but just wanted to let you guys know all is well now.
  5. *When the pizza comes and its all soggy and totally gross*
  6. Honestly, whenever I taunt or do anything with soldier he face goes through his beard or his beard falls down below his neck and it looks likes its hovering. I just wanted to know if I was the only one or not because I cannot stand it when I can't conga without having my facial hair look demented. ~In both pics the beard is not attached to his face like it is supposed to. :I
  7. Honestly no, you guys had that name because you used to 24/7 Nintendo sixty fortress which was a map I believe. And I like Gaming History more because it suits our server more rather than Nintendo Sixty Fortress because we don't even have that map anymore. Plus I grew up on this server when it was named Gaming History and it stuck with me. ~Btw. I may be totally wrong about why its named that and if I am... (lol sorry).
  8. So uh... I sorta posted originally that this thread was about [xG] Gaming History. Just realized that the original [xG] Gaming History that I have been playing on changed names to Nintendo Sixty Fortress. Just to make it clear with everyone this thread is about the Nintendo Sixty Fortress server. (I guess i'm really that old of a member unless the name change for the server was recent) ~My bad for the confusion.
  9. Gonna get a buzz cut today. I'm pretty pumped.
  10. Cr1TiKaL

    Lets go back

    Wow. The Nostalgia just hit me like a cannonball blast to my memories. God I yearn to go back to the Golden Age of xG and folly around in the fields of memes and squeakers that was xG Gaming History. ~I miss those times most because of how stupid everything was. I wish to go back and laugh at my old self in the face for thinking memes were ever funny.
  11. Hi, I am Skullwan a 2 year veteran player from [xG] Gaming History. You probably never knew I existed because I never posted on the forums until about a week ago also I only ever play on Gaming History. It has come to the attention of all the regulars who play on [xG] Gaming History that our small amount of maps to choose from (which is 5) is not enough. For most of us including myself we play on [xG] Gaming History for typically 3-4 hours everyday. The same 5 maps over and over and over again is quite dull and we miss some of the old maps like Frantic Factory, and Abstract. This post is to get the attention of any servers admins for [xG] Gaming History and tell them that we need more maps! Please do not post here unless you are taking this post seriously and want to contribute in helping us get back some of our beloved old maps. ~Thanks
  12. A bit late on this one... *cough*. My news years revolution is to conquer the world for the my bird brethren so that we may one day soar above the skies free from pollution and the tyranny of those things humans call planes. IT HAS BEGUN~
  13. Well said. I couldn't agree less.
  14. +1 I really do need to cover up my bald head since I am a bald eagle. A fedora would help with that.
  15. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=odhkO05_ijE
  16. Well, lots of people say the meaning of the universe is 21 while I think that it is 42. Had a little discussion on xG gaming history over this one today and I'd like to know what you guys think the answer is.
  17. Alright, I have been inactive in the [xG] group for going on about 2-3 months (can't remember how long but around that) so my opinion isn't going to really effect this. I have been talking to Ponyboy on steam quite a lot of recent and even though I still see the Asshole side of him show he has definitely matured in a sense. I have no clue if he is as reckless as before but from what I have seen he has treated most {xG] members and players better. I believe he deserves a second chance but the second he goes around acting like he has authority over players or begins to scrutinize them for their items he should be perm'd. He should not be any of your priorities but even so if he does show improvement then how will he become a better person by shunning him entirely which may fuel the fire or extinguish it. My opinion... don't risk the flame getting hotter (even though he can't do much) and give him a second chance but constantly watch him in-case he does any more "Cancer" or other bullying to players. +1
  18. This guy would be a good addition to the crew! I know he is good and he has been playing on our TF2 Gaming History server for a while.
  19. Division: Team Fortress 2 In-Game Name: Skullwan Steam ID: Steam Community :: Skullwan Banned: No Previously in xG: No Active on Teamspeak: No Age: 15 Further Information: I have been playing on your Team Fortress 2 xG server for over a week now and have been loving it. I am currently 15 years old however I am very mature. I have a very deep voice and always make adult like jokes. I have tricked other gamers from other games in the past to believing I was 27 and that says a lot. I love to trade and have been playing Team Fortress 2 for three years now. I am also incredibly nice and often give hats to the F2P's. I rarely ever get mad and when I do I never decide to yell into the mic at another player. I am very fun to be around and understand what it is like to act mature around others. I hope you all can accept me and think of me as an adult not a child. Sincerely, Skullwan