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Everything posted by Cr1TiKaL

  1. Was wondering if anyone made these things anymore because I would love to get one made for my sniper loadout as my new spray. Some random examples of what I am talking about down below (found on google images). If anyone knows anyone who makes these things I would greatly appreciate it.
  2. Division: Team Fortress 2 In-Game Name: Cr1TiKaL Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:62700847 Position: Moderator Time Active: 3 years Age: 16 Experience: I was a tf2 mod before and I did my job regularly on a daily basis. Information: I want to rejoin the staff as a mod for the TF2 division since I have retained my interest in playing TF2 once again. I know how to be a mod for TF2 and I have experience in the field. I moderated on all of our TF2 servers during my time as mod and did my job efficiently. I plan on staying as mod if I do get it unlike last time and how I stepped down because of loss of interest in playing TF2. Hopefully I get accepted, thanks guys!
  3. Got back into Tf2 and I am loving the new update...
  4. Got bored of playing WoW so now I am playing Witcher 3
  5. Me and Fasty currently at lvl 60 and getting closer to max level. I am really hoping this guild doesn't die after a week or two. BattleTag: Skullwan#1132 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FzjtPtOH-Hg
  6. No idea if I am gonna sign up for the rooster or not since I have been playing different games recently. I also am gonna be a lot more busy this summer so I might not be able to make it to matches. I guess time will tell if I do join this team for season 2 of Highlander.
  7. Time to make a mean stew...
  8. Time to make a mean stew... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=id=0R9vT8f2-PM;list=FLAkpNr_rDOjepinjiJ4CSZQ
  9. So if some of you haven't heard yet I will be going to be away from my computer for a month. And I feel that I should announce this to people who may be unaware of my sudden absence. Details as to why I will be away for so long are listed below. Oh and for the time being Iggy is going to get leadership of my TS channel until I return back to xG. Iggy will have control of the Blacklist and name of my channel however other than those two things he cannot change anything else. Further info is listed below. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I am leaving because a certain game is coming out that I am really hype for. The game is shown below. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9FOP2oLb31o Knowing myself (a huge fan of former Souls games) I will probably be fixated to this game for a good month or more and I will also be on vacation all of Spring break through March 28th to April 7th. I will come back to XenoGamers once my addiction to Bloodborne has stopped and until then you can contact me through steam and I will check my steam messages from my mobile. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - So my Teamspeak channel currently called "Cr1TiKaL's Kitchen of Chef Boyardee" will be temporarily given to Iggy for him so oversee it whilst I am away. He will have control of the Channel name and Blacklist and he himself must follow the rules and punish those who do not follow them. The reason I choose Iggy as the temp-owner of my Teamspeak channel is because he is mature and has shown that I can follow rules and punish those who do not follow them in a mature and fair manor. ~That's all for the news update on why I will be gone from xG for the upcoming month. If you have any further questions then just send me a steam msg or something and I will respond back to you as soon as possible. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~R.I.P Dank Memes http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kGJR4ju6DVY
  10. Will be able to make it. (You guys want us to tell you in advance so just in case you didn't know I will be able to make it)
  11. Well you already told me this so, :I Stay on TS bby.
  12. Uh, I can make it whenever rlly so yea im in
  13. that cat is trully a masterpiece. Reminds me of my cat who sleeps all day long.
  14. Doyoulikehurtingpeople?
    1. Dethman
    2. Cr1TiKaL


      Yea, i'm a sociopath
  15. +1 because he is awesome and makes me laugh. M: 3/10 A: 9.5/10 11/10 IGN would bang for a spoonful of mom's spagheti!
  16. I can do a sick 420 no-scope with my hacks if you guys wanna and I can also blaze as a pyro
  17. #Payday2Jacketcharacterpackhype
    1. April


      Yeye! Chickens!
  18. I like the idea of a new division for Overwatch but I agree with everyone else on this. We should wait a few months after release and see if the community dies down, and if not then I am all up for a server and division for Overwatch if its a good game.
  19. Ah, didn't see that. Sorry for the unnecessary post.
  20. btw Moosty, did you know that Gayporneon isn't playing Highlander anymore because of the whole H1Z1 Salt fest that happened to him. I'm like 90% sure that he was serious about not playing Highlander anymore but idk he might play this last match for the medals.
  21. gg no re, all these retarded re-posts of Morgan Freeman got me like... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bLJTAqnmHt0
  22. The Website and how it works along with its stupid bugs. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2aegP8j5al0
  23. I ruined my one serious post, damnit
  24. I'm sorry in advance for the autism that I have caused on this thread. Seriously I didn't mean to re-post I just wanted to have some kind of gif with my second message but the website kept saying there was an error in uploading my message so I tried other gifs thinking that the one I wanted to use was corrupted or something. Basically I reposted the same shit 10 times and refreshed the page to find to my suprise 10 posts by me of the same exact message. Kill me.
  25. The gif's weren't working it kept saying error so I kept retrying. This is such a mess and the worse part is I can't delete any of the ten posts. xD This is embarrassing but funny as hell.