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Posts posted by SupremeWolf

  1. I try my best to help when I can. It seemed to work to getting people to stay on our servers when I hold free entry raffles on the less populated servers. The only problem to that is I'm not rich nor do I have unlimited items to give. I've managed to get some of my friends in real life to check out our servers, though they're not full PC gamers. Once I get my job, car, and such established I'll hopefully be able to help out ALOT more with this. I feel like not many other people are putting as much an effort as I or some of my fellow members are.


    The question is:

    "What is the first and last name of the anime character I have as my profile?"

    Winner gets the following items:

    • Area 451
    • Spell: Gourd Grenades
    • Spell: Sinister Staining

    Have fun and good luck. Some questions will be harder than others. I'll be checking for the winner tomorrow at 8:30!

  3. Supreme's Super Questionnaire!


    So Here's the rundown how this is going to go. Every time I have some Items that I don't have a use for or can't sell I'll be putting a questionnaire up, so keep updated with it! Every time I do start a new item giveaway/questionnaire I'll have NEW QUESTION along with the item(s)



    • Questions will be about random things. (Anime, TF2, My Homework, etc.)
    • Only ONE post per question.
    • NO EDITING! Someone after could have the right answer. If I find you cheatin, you gettin a beatin.
    • First come, first server rule. Person to first put it in gets the items.
    • Make sure you have me on steam!
    • Have Fun and keep it civilized!

  4. My steps to fighting stress. Order is by accessibility.

    1) Gaming/Chatting online

    2) Music

    3) Anime

    4) Playing/Walking with the dog (if you have an animal)

    5) Making a bonfire outside (If that's available to you. and no pun intended)

  5. So I've been thinking... Why not have a Mario Kart map or something along that line (Not the Deathmatch maps) and add bumper karts to that... Then BOOM a new gametype for TF2 and xG super population. Now you're probably thinking "But SupremeWolf, how are we going to make something so amazing?" Well I have the answer to that question. Butts are for sitting! All we need to do is have @Kbrazz and @ColdEndeavour make this for us! It's simply genius, and just might get me to finally waste- I mean donate 20 keys to Kbrazzers.

  6. So I've heard that a lot of xG members are going to kill children for candy this year. Like selfie Sunday, feel free to post your costume up! (Fursonas are not a costume, just an excuse to dress up like a sex slave.)

  7. Restating what Vaporeon and Moosty had said earlier, it would be easier if we just have a spawn protection plug-in. I've been to plenty of servers where they have spawn protection and it's always full players and almost no complaining about gettin killed at spawn or near spawn. It's whatever @Bach and @Kabrazz wants to do. (Sorry if I dont tag someone else, just tagging the people I know could work this out)