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Posts posted by SupremeWolf

  1. I believe if I make more special sales... Then not only will I be happy, but the servers populated! (Buy page 4 of my backpack.)

    But in all seriousness, I belive we should work on our server advertising. It may seem pathetic or idiotic, but it has yet to fail for selling my backpack. And not only change back to the Nintendo stuff, but have more activites to do for our guests, bigger maps for exploration, maps with buttons that do shit, and more minecraft. Now, I know what everyone is thinking, "Not fucking minecraft" but if you take a look on the server browser, 7/10 servers are minecraft maps. Take note this is mostly for TGH. As for other servers, I have yet to find ways of getting them up and running on full capacity once more.

  2. Commercial and Graphic Arts class. Not only does it take half the day off my regular school scheduel, but it's Game Design, Art Class, and Web Design all in one.


    For TF2 it's gotta be Medic. My Medic's set makes him look like a Nazi Commander, and the weapon loadout of pretty much insta-kill crit hits makes him the best battle medic and support medic.

  3. Page 4 of my backpack includes Cosmetics, Taunts, Fabricators, Stranges, and others!

    Take note I'm only accepting in pure or item overpay.

    If you want specifics then hit me up on steam, my bp will most likely have different content inside after a while.

  4. It appears that steam is screwed up somewhere for me, in the end result I can't update or play TF2 until i fix whatever is going down.:migraineinducing:


    Also, it might not be for a while due to my school starting, and I found another anime series to watch. :kawaii: kawaii

  5. No. Cyberpunk caused nothing but problems and angry kids. And that music spam is atrocious. The damage decrease is really bad too. So yeah, -1

    Not trying to start an argument, but isn't that all maps on xG? minus the music and dmg decrease.