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Friend of xG
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Everything posted by SupremeWolf

  1. Very active on trade servers, see him on almost every day. +1 M: 9 A 9.5
  2. TekTek. You could call it the "Axer" (Asker) and for 1 Refined (pure or overpay) ill sell you a desc tag to say "May I axe you something?"
  3. Hold up, so from what i hear, Stoe's been banned. are these guys the peeps that got caught in a ban or something? if so then Forgive me please.
  4. Commercial and Graphic Arts class. Not only does it take half the day off my regular school scheduel, but it's Game Design, Art Class, and Web Design all in one. For TF2 it's gotta be Medic. My Medic's set makes him look like a Nazi Commander, and the weapon loadout of pretty much insta-kill crit hits makes him the best battle medic and support medic.
  5. Page 4 of my backpack includes Cosmetics, Taunts, Fabricators, Stranges, and others! Take note I'm only accepting in pure or item overpay. If you want specifics then hit me up on steam, my bp will most likely have different content inside after a while.
  6. A decent addition, I've seen him on here and there. He's friendly and doesn't disrupt too much. +1 A: 7 M: 8
  7. Don't mind me, just stalking like usual.
  8. Being invisible to pretty much the entire world has it's perks. Winning.
  9. It appears that steam is screwed up somewhere for me, in the end result I can't update or play TF2 until i fix whatever is going down.:migraineinducing: Also, it might not be for a while due to my school starting, and I found another anime series to watch. :kawaii: kawaii
  10. I think it'd be a cool little mod. +1
  11. Active, fun, and very friendly to all.+1 A: 9/10 M: 9/10
  12. I think all skins should be removed. I found many glitches that can easily be aboosed, such as the invisible demoman in the Gangplank skin.
  13. Not trying to start an argument, but isn't that all maps on xG? minus the music and dmg decrease.
  14. Yes and no. I'm always high... but never high...
  15. Some of the regulars on Trade Gaming history wanted to bring back cyberpunk. of course. it's just our opinions, no need to argue over any of this, please and thank you.
  16. +1 Would be a great addition to xG. He's active, friendly and mature. M: 9 A: 8
  17. Alright. Thanks for the tip, i'm not on the forms much so im still finding my way around.
  18. Sooooo everyone is now upset appearently over a new rule about spawn camping not allowed. Whats your take on this? (buy my stuff)
  19. +1 He's entertaning, active, and treats everyone with respect. (buy my stuff) M:8 A:9
  20. Scrubs be bustin our fun.
  21. Met him not too long ago but seems nice, and a mature person. +1
  22. +1 A wonderful person, he's very friendly and would make a great addition to xG.
  23. +1 a very cool guy, friendly to all, active.