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Friend of xG
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Everything posted by SupremeWolf

  1. Now we can't forget about the macho of xG. WHATS THIS?! A TAG TEAM!!!!?!?!?!
  2. So I found Nomulous! Our wonderful leader! More will be coming!
  3. Tekage x Kypari #CONFIRMED! (Sorry. The images are broken, so here's the links) imgur: the simple image sharer imgur: the simple image sharer
  4. Hey errbody! I'm gonna be dumping any of my Photoshopped pics of xG members in here! Feel free to use them as sprays! I have them in PNG files and ready to go! I'll be putting them in by member(s)
  5. Hmm. Wussing out before my big bomb of Photoshopping? Very well! Good luck out there lil' guy.
  6. Mnt Dew and Doritos double XP myself to death while playing every call of duty game that's out. Id say a quick death after I got blind from five minutes of it.
  7. Muzzle just got me hyped for nothing
  8. I try my best to help when I can. It seemed to work to getting people to stay on our servers when I hold free entry raffles on the less populated servers. The only problem to that is I'm not rich nor do I have unlimited items to give. I've managed to get some of my friends in real life to check out our servers, though they're not full PC gamers. Once I get my job, car, and such established I'll hopefully be able to help out ALOT more with this. I feel like not many other people are putting as much an effort as I or some of my fellow members are.
  9. +1 Hes active, friendly, mature (somewhat) A: 9/10 M: 7/10
  10. You guys do know it's over right? I'll have to find a way to post that it's over next time.
  11. NEW QUESTION! The question is: "What is the first and last name of the anime character I have as my profile?" Winner gets the following items: Area 451 Spell: Gourd Grenades Spell: Sinister Staining Have fun and good luck. Some questions will be harder than others. I'll be checking for the winner tomorrow at 8:30!
  12. Supreme's Super Questionnaire! So Here's the rundown how this is going to go. Every time I have some Items that I don't have a use for or can't sell I'll be putting a questionnaire up, so keep updated with it! Every time I do start a new item giveaway/questionnaire I'll have NEW QUESTION along with the item(s) Info/Rules: Questions will be about random things. (Anime, TF2, My Homework, etc.) Only ONE post per question. NO EDITING! Someone after could have the right answer. If I find you cheatin, you gettin a beatin. First come, first server rule. Person to first put it in gets the items. Make sure you have me on steam! Have Fun and keep it civilized!
  13. Being salty is hard work.
  14. This fucking guy. (btw permission to bitch cause promo/demo day) Who the hell is sin.
  15. +1 Seen him on alot, Follows the rules. Not a JB scrub. A: 9/10 M: 8/10
  16. Where are all the non-JailBreak scrubs?
  17. SupremeWolf

    Bonks name

  18. I tried getting on TF2 Kart but apparently I need to download the map manually?
  19. But my empire shall be the first.
  20. So I guess we should all wear kilts for now on?
  21. So many newbies that I've never heard of. Probs from follow the dictator or die server
  22. My steps to fighting stress. Order is by accessibility. 1) Gaming/Chatting online 2) Music 3) Anime 4) Playing/Walking with the dog (if you have an animal) 5) Making a bonfire outside (If that's available to you. and no pun intended)
  23. So this is what my friend wore to my Tech College on Halloween. I say GG.