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Everything posted by SupremeWolf

  1. Posting the angry/aboosive/loud people. They know I love em. Except for Kendrick. I don't like Kendrick.
  2. Something tells me tho is gonna end up as cancer on your eyes. Though it does look badass
  3. @Kypari @Vector @Tekage @KendrickLlama :)
  4. Ohhhh Baaaach! Where's your dick so I can start sucking up? :derp:
  5. Yaay I didn't get... oh wait.
  6. Was told by DCook able to bitch during Promo/Demo. Wow what faggots. TF2 div ded. GG no re. Ewww. *Continuous Bitching*
  7. I Don't know you. Never seen you on the servers. And Ewww if you're from JB. Other than that good luck.
  8. Played my first competitive match an hour ago. I hate the game but the game loves me. Got like 10 luck shots with a rifle.
  9. Hello! (Is he JB? I think he's from JB. Quick don't make friends with him if he's from JB!)
  10. Is it possible to make a pun out Of my name?
  11. CoD Blops 1 was the last good zombies :I
  12. 3) Leave them dead husks of xG because nobody wants to bother with them
  13. Sorry to hear that, I send my condolences.
  14. I stopped after CoD4. The last good game of the series.
  15. Borderlands Series! The Borderlands series has to be my favorite, It's unique, has tons of weapons, many ways to play, awesome crude humor and a wonderful storyline. I even have over 1500 hours on the series its self on Xbox and PC. Borderlands is my Crack Cocaine.
  16. What is your favorite game and/or series that's NOT something that valve made. (Call of Duty is not a series. It's a joke.)
  17. Single and ready to mingle.
    1. LeToucan


    2. DrLee


    3. Swift


      can i suck your dic bb
    4. Show next comments  36 more
  18. I've seen him a few times. I can't tell his maturity too well. I can't say I'll +1 or -1. And don't talk about mod. You have to suck dick. A: 6 M: 7
  19. He is active and somewhat mature. I've yelled at him a few times before. No further comments for me.
  20. My jambo jet flies cheerfully ;)
  21. First! (gonna edit) Well. I never really played with you... But just chattin with ya in the Shoutbox you seemed like an awesome member of xG. I'll make sure to bitch during Promo/Demos for ya.
  22. THATS SCAMMING!!! The Boston Basher is only a scrap ;-;
  23. Helpful tips: 1) Don't play league at all. 2) (if you ignored the first) Don't play the game if you're mad. 90% chance of breaking something.