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Everything posted by Cpl_Hojang

  1. Like seriously, first are squeakers but than there were guitar mic spamming nutshells like dafuq.
  2. So far, the xG servers are pretty low and empty lately, even more so than usual during the holiday seasons. It seems as almost the xenoGamers are going into a “Great Depression” or state of decay. We are pretty alien and unknown to a big fraction of the Tf2 Community and I vouch for a new change. I think it is inevitable we need a change for there is a likely chance of more decay if we don’t do something. We don’t have enough donators to contribute for further development of servers and we aren’t that known. I propose that we more fully indulge ourselves in social media such as youtube for an example and patreon for further development. Its either sooner or later that xG will crumble and we need to find more ways to make xG flourish. Perhaps a good sfmer could sponser us? Or we sponser them in return for advertisement? Tell me what you guys think and maybe this can be seen by mods and DLs.
  3. Bonfire, your keen and nice. Respectable among peers and have sought purity in the servers. Even though I'm new, I already know you're a good person, kind and heart, and a tendency of spawn camping. Kitty's gone and now so are you, I am quite sad for you. If you need anything you know you got a lot of xG friends standby in your aid. I hope no behemoth sized asshat blow happens again... ;n;
  4. I'm an inconspicious gamer who loves xG! and Tf2, and almost all valve games except Ricochet
  5. Hey! I'm new and I'd like to know more about you guys so lets mingle :D
  6. +1 A:9 M:8..??????????????????????????? VERY FUNNY ACTIVE MATURE HILARIOUS FUNNY FUNNY FUNNY and more funny must have
  7. FUNNY NICE AND SWEET INDIVISUAL A:9.8 M.9.???+ (somewhere over 9)
  8. Do you believe that we should add in more maps?
  9. A: 9.9999999999999999999999999 M:11 Good Addition, still wondering how his younger counterpart got in first though xD
  10. A;9 M:9 14 year old like moi. Very active... not on the intellect side like me doe... still a cool GOOD AWESOME MUTHA F*CKA