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Tekk last won the day on June 30 2020

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About Tekk

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    The Ketamaster

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  1. The new Super Smash Bros came out in the UK. I main Palutena ^^
    1. Swift


      Gross......smash bros
    2. Swift


      now lemme tell ya, it's all about Street Fighter or Vs. Capcapom games
    3. Tekk


      I'm not even having this discussion. I've been playing Smash Bros all my life and have every single one and easily beat Level 9s. I'm probably better at that than I am at TF2. You do realise that you can like 2 things? I'm also pretty good at Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3, so don't start being like "Ewww you have to like this and not that" because you can't control mine or anyone else's lives and opinions.
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