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Everything posted by BashinBolshevik

  2. I want to chnage my name but i dont know how to. Please halp?
  3. It is the face of the #SinglePringle himself. Don't know why it's upside down, deal with it.
  4. I sell propane and propane accessories.
  5. Well, glad to be back. When I read that pun, i blacked out. I woke up wearing nothing but my underwear. The smell of onions was in the air. I saw a giant green mass... It was Shrek. I bowed down to the ogrelord. The reek of onion became stronger. I blacked out once again. I woke up in the hospital. A nurse was nearby. " Your anus was covered in green warts" she said. "We had to surgically remove them. What happened to you?" "Shrek happened." I replied. I had a feeling it was not ogre. Shrek is love. Shrek is life.
  7. Like me or not, i'm bak. huehuehue. But seriously. Sorry, for being gone, and inactive. It's Christmas break, so i dont have to deal with h[ell]igh school.
  8. BashinBolshevik

    Job advice?

    Ah, the joys of being a minor. But seriously, be nice. Don't be a jerk. Nobody likes a jerk. I'll tell you hwut.
  9. uhh... im replieing on my pop's computer right now... hi
  10. Sorry guys my computer broke. I am typing this in the library. I am going to be inactive ( i might be online from my dads computer once in a while) So please don't rage me. Thanks, comrades.
  11. You have to do one of me, i'm a member now. what have i gotten myself into
  12. I will shiver your timbers.
  13. I am full of sandvich, and i am coming for BLEEEEEECCCHHHH *vomits*
  14. Guess who just made member!
    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. SireScumbo


      Nice job, m80.
    3. BashinBolshevik


      thanks. I still did not get the member acceptance message thing, though.
    4. SireScumbo


      Well, still. Good job!
    5. Show next comments  3 more
  15. So, at 24 hours, I'm an official member and I can add the xG to my name?
  16. I... I did it! I'm a member! I would like to thank Rejects, Barm, Kypari, Foxy, Tekage, SireGumbo, CoolyCooly, and Spastiash!
  17. Look down. Look down. Don't look them in the eye.
  18. Well, I kinda don't like using my mic, because I kind of have a stuttering problem, and my English pronunciation is not the best. (I've spent nearly half of my life in Russia) I think I could try though.
  19. Yeah, I was a bit hesitant about asking people for + 1's, because I thought that they would misunderstand and that I would like like I'm begging for + 1's. My philosophy is that to earn something, you must work for it. I always thought that I would get member by proving to people that I am worthy of the power given to members and any of the higher classes. And prove to them I will.
  20. Well, i'm sorry. I think that I should at least try one more time, In desperation to fulfill my dream of becoming a part of this great community. Its just that this is a great place, and I would feel incomplete without getting member. I've looked at many groups, and none of them come close to being as good at this. If my last chance, my final struggle to get member fails, then that is the end.
  21. Division: Team Fortress 2 In-Game Name: burrito_bat Steam ID: Steam Community :: BurritoBat in a pear tree Banned: No Previously in xG: No Active on Teamspeak: No Age: 14 Further Information: This is it. My third and final try. If this fails, fine. My two other submission failed. Member or bust.
  22. You know what? I changed my mind. I'm going to try again. One more time. If this doesn't work, nothing will. Member or bust.
  23. There's obviously something i'm doing wrong. Ive had two failed threads. I won't waste your time by making failing threads. I will take my business elsewhere, to a new steam group. I have to say that this is an awesome group, with an awesome community. It is evident that i'm not good enough for this server. Keep doing what you're doing. Reply if you want. It was a good ride. Burrito_von_Bat