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Everything posted by Hype

  1. Hopefully today will be the Neato update .3.
  2. Found a map of Mad Monster Mansion, made by the same guy who made frantic Factory, its only 70% done though so... :P Mad Monster Mansion (WiPs) - GAMEBANANA
  3. It is a good map, only if everyone loves undertale memes :^)
  4. Oh wait, this is all a prank? Darn, I got all my Pr0n sprays for nothing then :c
  5. Remove Marioblast_2011 its a bad reskin of an Orange map and the music constantly bugs in the first 3 seconds, and it advertises a other clan/server. http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/476626985732957657/64EEF59AB4B67A3308ABAC3D209B866C78CA7BF9/ @Vexx is a witness on how bad it is @Ohstopyou @BelloWaldi @Scootaloo @Rejects
  6. Has nudity, pixelated boobs! @Scootaloo @Ohstopyou @kbraszzz @Rejects
  7. What about the Mario Kart Deluxe?
  8. @Scootaloo trade_houseofchaos2 (Team Fortress 2 > Maps > Trade) - GAMEBANANA
  9. So @BelloWaldi @Scootaloo @Rejects What do you think of Mario Kart Deluxe?
  10. He made a sequal to the HouseofChaos with undertale stuff everywhere (Maybe we could add that as well :3) I also found this trade_plaza remake of Station Square from Sonic adventure maybe this can also be added: Steam Workshop :: Station Square Hotel (Trade_Plaza)s EDIT: I do also have a question, why do we have TGH? Why not just make a fun server with maps, there are so many hidden maps on Gamebanana that never get attention, Like Manor_of_fun which is basically a halloween theme explore map, filled with secrets and rewards. EDIT2: Grammer mistakes an wanted to link Manor of Fun (manor_of_fun (Team Fortress 2 > Maps > Trade) - GAMEBANANA)
  11. Do you mean Conne, he helped create this map, its like he is high af when he creates maps...
  12. I'mma get more images on the map, the workshop does not give much info on the map (BTW If your gonna install the map via workshop, I goes into a folder workshop that you have to fine, the screenshot on the end shows where you can find it) EDIT!: Image gallery of more of the map [MEDIA=imgur]id=a%2FRqaaP;type=album[/MEDIA]
  13. @Bach I thought I did too, then dolphins came into my life @BelloWaldi I dun know whos who these days, @Rejects Hi Sonic oc Reject :3
  14. Mario_kart_deluxe_v3 This is map I've been trying to find for weeks but I finally found it. The map contains 2 music rooms, a house of chaos (humorus music n stuff everywhere) and a recreation of the Heart chamber in the last story of sonic adventure 2 (Where you first fight the Biolizard) I hope you guys will add this map @Ohstopyou @kbraszzz mario_kart_deluxe_v3.bsp
  15. Is the website trustworthy, have you used it before? EDIT: Thanks for letting me know Bonk. I don't really trust websites like G2A after the GTA 5 crap that happened
  16. Division: Team Fortress 2 In-Game Name: ☣☢Hypepredator☢☣ Steam ID: Steam Community :: ☣☢Hypepredator☢☣ Banned: No Previously in xG: Yes Active on Teamspeak: No Time Active: 20+ hours Age: 17 Further Information: Umm, I was in xG but now I wanna join back. I may bring some friends along that have been playing onto the server for a bit. So have a little bunny peero
  17. Offended by words? Hurt your feels? How about a nice cup of shut the fuc k up if it's too much.
    1. Tsuchikure


      If it was as simple as that, Vector wouldn't be banned, and this clan would be a much better place instead of being filled with delicates.
  18. Me to, sorry about trying to get this map on it, didn't know that xg community have lesss mature then 1st graders +1
  19. Does it matter? There was already a ban request on him and @Flareon said that he once had to mute him because of it and just recently while still on the server @Jpie112 just had to gag him. proof: Steam Community :: Screenshot
  20. We shouldn't give him a warning, after what people are saying on this thread he has been warned more then once I belive it should be Perma.
  21. Giant scumbag, who is just a neo nazi, disrespects others. @Rejects @Ohstopyou @kbraszzz
  22. Division: Team Fortress 2 In-Game Name: Mr. lawyer sir(262 day vacation) Offender's Steam ID: Steam Community :: citizen_ Rules Broken: Being salty, Massive Disrespect, Racism Evidence:
  23. This is another thing about the facing worlds map, the music is quiet and nice there 2 songs that play Foregone Destruction: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ql8GWBkA7L0 Foregone destruction Phracture Remix: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=id=zhKdx__f5xY;list=LLtdVSXaKwfz6_aAdZf7e1Rw
  24. People wanted Delphino removed, due to there no being spawn protection (no building to protect) and the only resuplly locker was in the middle of the map, close to one of the other teams.
  25. Remove Cyberpunk, has nothing to do with gaming, just because it has posters and music from gaming doesnt mean anything, niether does Lava Giant. EDIT: just learned that Lava Giant is a port, Why dont we get the ctf_facing_worlds_2011 link: ctf_facing_worlds_2011 (Team Fortress 2 > Maps > Capture the Flag) - GAMEBANANA i believe this version has music, which isnt spammed its looped and its quiet and peaceful so its not like the music in cyberpunk.