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Everything posted by Stan_Laurel

  1. Yea Im trusting Bello on this one. Even though he is 15 he acts like a 12-year old. -1 A: 7/10 M: 0/10
  2. Happy New Year xG!
  3. Welcome back, Bell. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qzRRAgAjGTo +1 A:8/10 M:9/10 Saw her on jailbreak before my inactity + She was a admin
  4. So yea. I've been inactive for a few days because I am traveling with my family at a ski station (Yes I practice this winter sport). Anyways I have forum access now but I can't play Team Fortress 2. I will be back from my holiday on Friday or Sunday.
  5. Inb4 mass tagging: @Barmithian @Rejects @p0s3s3dh0b0 @Snipes @Colorparty @Black_Dynamite @Ghosty @Christian @RichKnight @StarmiX @FoRgE @GreyIgnis @metalslug53 @Fwutters @Bryan(Btw Happy Late Brithday) @Burrito_von_Bat
  6. We need you back man. +1 A: 9/10 M: 10/10
  7. 2sweg4meh. +1 A:5/10 M:8/10
  8. Bye Dethman. I will miss you , man. You were one great metalhead. )'''':>
    1. Tekk


      Can I be the new Metalhead pweeze? @[106466:@Dethman] c:
    2. Dethman


      eh......for now. you do like slipknot but............
  9. Bye Dethman. I will miss you. D:>
    1. Dethman


      Me too bbby <3
  10. Dethman you were one great friend. I will miss you man.:cry::cry::cry::cry::cry:
  11. I was listening to my country's national anthem and I was proud of it. I also thought many countries have their own anthems. So I made this thread just to hear the national anthem of your country. I will be the first. This is Romania's national anthem. It's called ''Desteapte-te Romane''. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kqYCLYCQ2vs
  12. Well we need someone who's mature to hit our heads and bring us back to normal. It's just my opinion. +1 A:7/10 M:10/10
  13. Saw him on Pokemon Trade Center. He is good. +1 A:8/10 M:9.75/10
  14. @Dethman (I think you saw him on jailbreak) or I drank too much.
  15. Saw him on jailbreak. He is a good guy. +1 A: 8/10 M:8/10
  16. Chiroptera(Latin)=Chiropteran. And the bat is a member of the order Chiroptera. And venenata means in english poisonous. So the name (in my opinion) should be called the ''The Green Poisonous Chiropter'' or ''The Green Poisonous Bat''. Eh I tried my best here
  17. Physics is Love , Physics is Life
    1. Dethman


      no, economics is
    2. Ghosty


      @[106466:@Dethman] physics>economics dummy
  18. Best friendly Sith I've ever met. Active and mature. +1 A:9/10 M:9/10
  19. One of the nicest Sith Lords I've ever seen. Saw him on jailbreak. Very mature and active A:8/10 M:10/10
  20. Good Luck with those exams and school , my dear friend.