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Everything posted by JohnHoston

  1. Pretty sure no one cares, but I am back, and my name is TheLoneAllStar now. Thank you.
  2. I came back and people still use lennies.
    1. Egossi


      lol what did you expect
    2. Ohstopyou


      It's the song that neverrrr ends
  3. +1 my bae left me, i cri all nite. But finally he is back. Leave me again and I will not just cri but make you cri as well. a.k.a He will be "Credit to Team" GET IT, because it's a TF2 refrence. M 9.5/10 A 10/10
  4. +1 A:10/10 M:7/10 Uh....his age is very unsure.....he said he is 14 but here it says he is 15....I don't know. HE IS VERY ACTIVE. Pisses me off here and there but he is a nice guy overall.
  5. kbye mvp:all admoons and mooderators ayylmaobye Sorry, I had to do that. This past few weeks there has been a few people leaving xG and not coming back. In most of all threads they conclude to this drama. This DRAMA shall not be an excuse to leave the brotherhood that we are all part of. Together we make xG, and even the people who left are a piece of that but we still connect, do not let this be a domino effect. I quote Bach's saying that we have some "middle school drama"? So be it! Sometimes we act like a bunch of childs but also think of the good times we had. There has to be at least one moment in xG where it made your day better. That is why we are all here. ON THE INTERNET. We come here to relax, chat with friends and forget all that stuff in our lives that make us depressed. That might not be you but it is to me. I've gone on xG and met lots of good people on the way. I had fun and learned all about the xG Brotherhood. So I joined, later on people realized how much of a douche bag I was. I think the reason for this is because I bring all the negative from my life towards the internet and just be a plain asshole to everyone. I should not be doing that. We come here for fun. Let's only bring good feelings and belonging in the brotherhood. This is XenoGamers. Please stay. Hi, My name is JohnHoston. Nice to meet you.
  6. You do realize you are no longer my bae, (don't leave plz ;-;)
  7. I can tell that just because a few Admins/Mods and Valued Members are leaving this "xG Doomsday" Cult rises to give off negative vibes.
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. JohnHoston


      No, I'm a new member of this clan and don't know much about the past nor the future. but I will take any kind of comment as a way of telling me something that I've yet to understand. So thank you @[51341:@DrLee]. I also love many members and friends that I've met in xG. hoping they don't leave too and we can stop this "middle school drama".
    3. DrLee
    4. Waimalu


      We are strong people, like ox <3
  8. I'm sorry I didn't get to know you well Bach, I hope maybe just the tiniest chance that you can drop by and visit us. I'll miss you.
  9. I'm the great mad scientist, Hououin Kyoma!
  10. Thank you all who accepted me into this amazing community named Xeno Gamers, I am really happy and hope to make some great fun memories <3
  11. Goodbye Cooly. This people in here know you way better, but I at least want to be a person in your life that was a friend and someone you will miss too. I will miss you.
  12. "One kills a man, one is an assassin; one kills millions, one is a conqueror; one kills everybody, one is a god"
  13. Division: Team Fortress 2 In-Game Name: JohnHoston Steam ID: Steam Community :: JohnHoston Banned: No Previously in xG: No Active on Teamspeak: No Age: 14 Further Information: My username is JohnHoston, I go on xG servers daily and have lots of fun in them. I would like to become a xG Member to show I am part of this amazing community. I literally met lots of nice and funny people on xG servers and would finally like to become part of the crew. Thank you for having the time to read this application.
  14. Division: Team Fortress 2 In-Game Name: JohnHoston Steam ID: Steam Community :: JohnHoston Banned: No Previously in xG: Yes Active on Teamspeak: No Age: 13 Further Information: I would like to become an xG Member to represent I support this division and I will be active on xG servers.