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About Me

Found 1475 results

  1. Salutations, I would like to officially place my submission to become a member of xG. It has come to my attention that I have been missing for a while now, and would like to return to my place of residence. I used to be (i think) the League of Legends division leader along with Chrono (he hopped on my bandwagon) and would like to submit a request to become a member. I know a lot of older members, but havent been around much to meet much of the new recruits. Ask any questions here and I will be happy to answer them. Au revoir, Jay
  2. I've spent a lot of time playing on your Jailbreak server lately and it's really fun so I'd like to apply and get to know more of you. (shiiiit I messed up the Name part, disregard Trunorz, should be Emily)
  3. i would absolutely love if i could rejoin the xG community, i miss you guys
  4. Hello! Here's my application for xG. Hope I get accepted into the clan! I want to join xG Because it has a great community with populated servers and good players.
  5. I am applying to be a xG member because the community and clan is amazing. I think the people in xG are very fun and nice when I play with them on the Jailbreak server on CS:GO. I have played 61 hours of CS:GO and got it about a week and a bit after it came out. I play it atleast... 3 hours a day and almost all of that is on the Jailbreak server. I have already made quite a bit of xG member friends, such as Chimera, Zippo, and Dontbleedpls. I am very nervous and excited to see my results because I want to join very much! My goal to becoming a xG member is to perhaps become staff, a mod or admin in the future and help! For now if I get into xG as a regular member I would love to play and help people on the Jailbreak server I play on, and become a part of the awesome staff! Thankyou everyone and I hope I get voted in, and thankyou!
  6. I love xG and it would be awesome too have that tag. i play many steam games such as CSS Gmod L4D2, Tf2 and many others, i love minecraft and basically any game. i am a skilled player and i believe i am very helpful too the community. Ive been playing on xG for awhile now and recently (minecraft) i have been playing on the Tekkit server. i hope io get in xG anythings helpful (except a -1)
  7. To start out with, I am in a Guild wars 2 guild, Luciform, www.luciform.net. I did read that you do not allow people to be in other clans and wanted to say this upfront in case you guys would count this as not allowed. I completely understand if I get denied cause of this alone. If that is not an issue I would love to join you guys, and eventually if possible help admin your server. Not sure what else to say here so I guess just, thanks for reading / considering me as a member. -Cookiesars --edit reason my In-Game Name: said Cookiesar instead of Cookiesars
  8. After quitting tf2. I decided to do something else with my free time. So I decided to try out TTT as I just had gmod in my library and hadn't touched it. After going server from server, I found this one to be the most consistently populated and above all with a good community. I also enjoy the 24/7 admin as they enforce the rules, but don't abuse it. I hope I can add to this community.
  9. Hello, I really want to join this group :P. It seems really healthy and fun group to join and play CSS. Also I donated some to buy stuffs in Jail Break lol. EDIT: The IGN shouldn't be [xG] JordoZombie i was confused :P
  10. Hello, my name is The Jesus, in case you couldn't already tell. I would like to join your clan, your beautiful, ever growing clan. I donated to the server twice, (20$). I don't freekill, but we all have accidents do we not? Anyways, I would appreciate the +1, and have a good day!
  11. Hi my name is [TW]BatTowlie the Wizard and I would like to join XG. It says on my app its been 4 weeks but idk if I can apply or not because I saw another app that only said it was 4 weeks and he got accepted so Idk if it changed or not. I tryed to apply before but they were denied cause of my attitude with some of the admins. I havent had a attitude with them for the past probably 3 weeks. I try not to disrespect but if I believe that a admin or mods slays somebody for no reason or a invaild reason then I try to help out. I try to record the matches I am in that way if their is a admin/mod abuser I can report it to the forums. I have not told anybody to +1 my apps I simply ask them to check out my app. Their is a difference between +1 my app and telling them to look at it. If I join XG I will do my best to not disrespect/troll admins/mods, Members, or anybody else in the servers that XG has. So plz give me your honest opinion and if you do -1 me then plz explain to my why you -1 me and I will see if it is true or not.
  12. I've been playing on the jailbreak server for about 1 month and a week. The first week i broke some rules that i now probably wouldn't. I play more on the weekend but try to get in a hour every weekday. I have made lots of friends on the server. I usually don't get into fights. I rarely break rules. I report when cts are not following rules. Sometimes i play on the surf server as well.
  13. I really like the jail server and I play mostly at night but at night admins are never on and cts just freekill all the time causing people to stop playing on the server, therefor I would like to help prevent this because it is a very good jail server and the Cts who play at night make it no fun for anyone and I don't want the server to continue having this problem.
  14. I'd be glad to be in xG because I like it's servers and i'm on them all the time. I'm constantly trading and playing on them and just having overall fun.
  15. Hey there, I'm Lollerskater. I am in a Canadian University, on my way to becoming a nano-materials engineer. You'll see me in-game as a warden on CSS Jailbreak on maps that don't have a ton of places for Ts to rebel. I tend to stray away from common games like First Reaction / Last Reaction in favor of maps games and less-commonly played MotD games. In my previous jailbreak experience, the server community enforced much harsher rules (eg. Tarping allowed at any time) and this has rubbed off on me a bit. As such, I give very specific orders and very little pardons. However, there comes times where we make mistakes and I like to think that I don't hesitate to make amends for any unintentional freekills that may come about. This (and any) style of wardening garners both positive and negative attention, but I do try my best to make sure that everything I do is legitimate. I spend most of my time in-game as of now, but I will become active on the forums and Teamspeak 3 if I am accepted into xG. Either way, I'll be sticking around here for a while. EDIT: [xG] Gkoo referred me to apply to [xG].
  16. I'm here to apply for XG on Garry's mod. I've been with the group for a year now so I think it's time to join. That's about it I'm not much of a talker.
  17. hey guys its Champion can you PLEASE say yes, Thanks
  18. This is my application for joining xenoGamers. I use to play a lot under the surnames "Agito" and "gooby pls", and have a total of 21 hours of gametime. In the ranks, It says I have been here since December of 2011, making that 9 months. I like to think of myself as very active, but at some points, very annoying. I have been told in game and in real life that I need to work on my hyperactivity and have gotten on terms with myself in calming down when needed. Along the way I've made a couple of enemies under my names, but I hope you can look past my past, if that makes sense. Didn't mean to make it long. Thank you for reading and hope you put my submission into consideration. [ATTACH=CONFIG]3505[/ATTACH]
  19. Long story short, I play a lot of the xG servers and I haven't had an interest in joining until i met the community. The clan has tons of nice people and i got a chance to meet some of the Admins and Moderators. I would wear my xG tag proudly. I play on Surf, Bhop, Pub, and i will Scrim (If needed/Accepted) If there is anything i left feel free to add me on steam and message me. I am a daily player and i leave my computer on 24/7. I will get and respond to your message. Thank you for your consideration. :)
  20. After searching around for a good CS:GO/Jailbreak server, i came across you guys and I notice that the server is always packed. Which is fun because the more the merrier! Played with Akio today and felt that this is a good community so that's why i applied. I haven't play much with other members but I will try my best to get to know all of you guys. :loyal: