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McNeo Unban Request

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For the TL;DR version, see above. For more details, read this:


I mass freekilled on JB with the excuse "I need an excuse to do the Mona Pizza challenge." After discussing this on the forums it blew up and I flew off the handle. I insulted a number of people, burned a number of bridges, made (empty) DDOS threats, and made myself look like an idiot.


This isn't an excuse, but my life was crazy when this all when down. I don't want to get into all the details, but yeah, crazy. I'm working again (have been for a while) full time on the help desk for an international engineering firm. I'm over all my girl drama and stress. And I'm drinking less.


I can't try to tell you I've changed or how I may be better (or worse) - it's one of those things I hope you give me the opportunity to show you guys.


If unbanned I may be on for a few hours randomly throughout the week, but mostly on weekends. I likely won't pursue a Mod/Admin position. I'll be able to contribute to the community by being active on the forums again and also by donating.


One final thought - I've apologized to a few people in the XG community already outside of the forums and Steam. To anyone else - I'm sorry. Hindsight is always 20/20 and I see all the ways that I was an asshole and brought all this on myself. I generalized and nit picked and freaked out and said some pretty cruel things. So again, I'm sorry.


To anyone who's curious - Silence unbanned me from the forums just now so I could post this. I'll follow this thread and be active here. If I'm unbanned and feel welcome back in the community then I will be active elsewhere on the forums. Out of respect for you guys I won't be around the rest of the forums until I feel like the community wants me around.


Thanks for reading.

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+1. Did a lot of good especially on helping with many problems that happened with the server. The error problem I had wasn't fixed until you made your CSS error fix thing.


I wasn't personally attacked though, so I really wouldn't rate my +1 as high as those who were affected.


Good luck though.

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+1 Shit happens, people get mad, everyone is human. Let go of old grudges if you have them and let one of the most productive members of xG back in. He did quite a bit with the software/programming side of xG so hes super useful. Hes also a very attractive lad.

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Thanks for all the support so far guys. I know this will be open for a while and I know there's plenty more input to come.


Anyone please feel free to inbox me if you want to discuss anything.

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+1 for sure. I really wasn't here when shit hit the fan, regardless you did a lot for the community and I'd love to have my junior back(if you still want to)!

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I would honestly like to -1, idk why, but I do think that you did get involved quite a lot on helping the community out and did a good job over all, and I never really got to understand fully what was all the fuzz that got you banned and lead you to /snoopdogg.php, rite?

But It's easier to give second chances to someone like you than to a 10 year old talking shit.


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considering that u did try to tell others not to trust me, ill overlook that because u were a big help to the clan, more so than 90% of the ppl in the clan lol. anywho, co leaders agreed that u should be unbanned.


so ur unbanned now, have fun :)


-sealed away in the last great time war

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