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Waste your time on this thread!

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Well. The title says it all, waste your time here. Waster your time posting, waste your time commenting, type a whole bunch of periods to show you are truly wasting time.


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.......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... white text beeytch

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Stop with these threads. Don't know if you are trying to get post counts or not. This isn't what the forums for. If you have a specific topic that you want to talk about then make a thread otherwise refrain from doing it.

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thread was moved to arbitrary, they can post any random thing because it doesnt count towards their post count here so it doesnt matter, and it auto closes after 3 days of inactivity

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thread was moved to arbitrary, they can post any random thing because it doesnt count towards their post count here so it doesnt matter, and it auto closes after 3 days of inactivity


The reason it got closed was because he has an identical thread open. Exactly the same thing.

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