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Could I please get a CT ban repeal?

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Uh, I realize now I might be doing this wrong. Hope I'm doing it right.


Anyways, again, I don't think I did enough to deserve a permanent ban. Maybe a 24 hour one, but definitely not a perma one.

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The teamban logs are glitched, so atm we cant see the logs, unless you were banned in the last couple of days.

Hopefully it will be fixed soon.

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image of his CT ban because fat people are too lazy to do the searching. (It would also help if you filled the form out properly, cuckoomage101 is your custom community url. not your steamid. this is: STEAM_0:1:25955813)


ban was by @@MineCrack for "Mass Freekill"


very unlikely that you will be unbanned, unless you do this: Want To Get Unbanned?


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I probably banned you for mass freekilling. To get banned for mass freekilling you must of have left, and killed 3+ people. Which would probably be pretty obvious. So don't bull shit around, you know what you did.

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