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Laptops or Desktops?

Laptops or Desktops  

  1. 1. Laptops or Desktops

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    • Desktops

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Now, just by reading the title, you probably think 'laptops for sure!' Lemme just say, that it may not be as good as you think, and for some people the desktop may be better.


In a desktop, you know exactly where all the circuitry and Hard Drive techno stuff is....the Tower Case. Well, its spreda out, ever little wire and board has room and space to work. PLus, it may contain more memory. But there arent many Desktops with i5 / i7 processors or windows 7 etc. But there are some games, that can only be accessed by the desktop because of the bit, or windows version.


In a laptop. Lets be real here. have we ever really thought about were everything else in a laptop is other than the Disc Drive, USB, and HDMI ports? I havent. So, in most cases, the laptop COULD be a better option. Its small, portable(depending on yur laptop), it can be lighning fast in terms of interent speed. It can have the most spacious hard drive. But all the circuittry and wiring, power sources, fans, slots, card and other stuff, is built into a bout a 1 inch thick base. Thats no alot of room. What does this tell you? Everything in a laptop is built onto itself, thus, causing i higher fail rate, and maybe even overheating rate. But thhere is The latest processors (and oldest like Pentium) on laptops, and the latest version of windows, and other softwaare that only laptops can access.


So based on what ive mention here, which do you go by, Laptop or Desktop?

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Laptop only if you need the portability, otherwise desktop.


Desktops run cooler, easier to work on, parts are cheaper, easier to upgrade, service is cheaper (if you don't do your own work and need to bring it in), and the list could go on.


In a laptop you are paying for portability. This means smaller pieces which cost more to make. Also the tight space can lead to overheating depending what you're doing with it. Upgrade capabilities are pretty much limited to HDD and RAM.

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I had both, but then they died and I bought a awesome fucking laptop last year, and it still works fine :P


Use it for school and gaming ++ other stuff :P

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Just saying internet speed doesnt matter on laptop vs desktop it's based on the network card. Oh and Desktop's have better hardware as itsmade first for them usally then made for laptops etc. Also OS doesnt really differ in laptop vs desktop.

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Dual Screen Desktop with 8 cores of mind destroying processing power + a $250 video card. Desktops are cheaper, faster, and more personal. Laptops are portable. Woooopdidoooo.

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Restating what everyone else said, but desktops are better. For the reasons they listed as well as an ultra-customizable...well, everything. Yes you can go to websites and customize a laptop. You can do that to a desktop for half the price.

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Restating what everyone else said, but desktops are better. For the reasons they listed as well as an ultra-customizable...well, everything. Yes you can go to websites and customize a laptop. You can do that to a desktop for half the price.


Well, i go with laptops. I dont like desktops. THey take up alot of space. They are not portable. This one i had was a virus magneet. It once got a virus so bad that even after we removed it, the "blue screen of death" showed up unbleievably often. And I KNOW it was becuae of this killer virus. So, i dot use desktops unless i have to. Im a laptop person.

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That is NOT a hardware problem. Viruses are security/software/user errors, not the computer. As to how much space they take up, that's a definite problem if you live in a small apartment or a small dorm. I would like to point out that in your original post, you said that not many Desktops have Windows 7, or an i5/i7 processor. There are 10 times more i5/i7 processors for desktops than for laptops (Maybe hyperbole, but the fact is there are many more). Also, if the desktops you have seen don't have Windows 7 on them, then it's clear that you are not looking in the right places. Try Newegg, and definitely try building your own desktop. If the space problem and portability problem are major no's, then go with a laptop. My honest opinion is that a desktop will outperform laptops any day. I have an eight year old desktop that gets the same benchmarks on all tests as my friends 2 year old laptop. Let that sink in for a bit.

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Two different computers will not be more prone to hardware failure, OS corruption, or viruses if they are used as designed.


Desktops will always outperform laptops. When's the last time you saw a laptop used as a supercomputer, numbercruncher, or web host? Exactly. (inb4 "derp those are servers derp" - a server is just a skinny desktop flipped on it's side and screwed into a rack)


Laptops are more prone to hardware failure do to overheating if they are used outside of their specifications. Also, due to the fact that the parts are smaller and the laptop is made to be moved around, you'll typically find shorter warranties.


As I said earlier and as a few others have said, if you need the portability then a laptop is your best option. Otherwise a desktop wins an all other platforms.


As for the virus thing, no. Just no. Desktops are no more prone to viruses that laptops. I'm not sure how anyone could suspect that.

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As for the virus thing, no. Just no. Desktops are no more prone to viruses that laptops. I'm not sure how anyone could suspect that.


ok i understand that. Trust me, im not saying that desktops do in fact get more viruses thatn latops, nor Vise Versa. Now i dont mean to cause i big argument here, but all im saying is this virus (literally) dstroyed my desktop-Therefore causing me to avoid desktops, becuase i have heard from others (IRL) that their desktops had the same problem, but theirs got fixed. They got a bad virus, it cause the Blue Screen of DEath, and yada yada yada.


Now, i have like 3 diffrnt laptops....one i use more than the others. But one of them caught i virus....also known as Ransomeware viruses. (If you dont know what that is,it means someone sends a virus to your computer, blocks it. Whenever yu log on, it shows the FBI symbol sasying you have violated federal laws and to pay a fine to unlock your computer. UNless you pay the fine you cant get on. and all your files, info, personal documents are held) Lucky for me i was able to receive the expertise from my father, and he helped me remove the virus, and nothing went wrong woth the latop again.


Now i am not saying that the virus i received on the latop and desktop are the same, im just saying rhat one was easier to fix than the other....and there were no side effects

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As for the virus thing, no. Just no. Desktops are no more prone to viruses that laptops. I'm not sure how anyone could suspect that.


ok i understand that. Trust me, im not saying that desktops do in fact get more viruses thatn latops, nor Vise Versa. Now i dont mean to cause i big argument here, but all im saying is this virus (literally) dstroyed my desktop-Therefore causing me to avoid desktops, becuase i have heard from others (IRL) that their desktops had the same problem, but theirs got fixed. They got a bad virus, it cause the Blue Screen of DEath, and yada yada yada.


Now, i have like 3 diffrnt laptops....one i use more than the others. But one of them caught i virus....also known as Ransomeware viruses. (If you dont know what that is,it means someone sends a virus to your computer, blocks it. Whenever yu log on, it shows the FBI symbol sasying you have violated federal laws and to pay a fine to unlock your computer. UNless you pay the fine you cant get on. and all your files, info, personal documents are held) Lucky for me i was able to receive the expertise from my father, and he helped me remove the virus, and nothing went wrong woth the latop again.


Now i am not saying that the virus i received on the latop and desktop are the same, im just saying rhat one was easier to fix than the other....and there were no side effects.


Once again, no argument meant. If you like desktops thats finw with me.

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ok i understand that. Trust me, im not saying that desktops do in fact get more viruses thatn latops, nor Vise Versa. Now i dont mean to cause i big argument here, but all im saying is this virus (literally) dstroyed my desktop-Therefore causing me to avoid desktops, becuase i have heard from others (IRL) that their desktops had the same problem, but theirs got fixed. They got a bad virus, it cause the Blue Screen of DEath, and yada yada yada.


Now, i have like 3 diffrnt laptops....one i use more than the others. But one of them caught i virus....also known as Ransomeware viruses. (If you dont know what that is,it means someone sends a virus to your computer, blocks it. Whenever yu log on, it shows the FBI symbol sasying you have violated federal laws and to pay a fine to unlock your computer. UNless you pay the fine you cant get on. and all your files, info, personal documents are held) Lucky for me i was able to receive the expertise from my father, and he helped me remove the virus, and nothing went wrong woth the latop again.


Now i am not saying that the virus i received on the latop and desktop are the same, im just saying rhat one was easier to fix than the other....and there were no side effects.


Once again, no argument meant. If you like desktops thats finw with me.

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