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Abuse By Minecrack.

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[xG] ๖ۣۜStartNow: xG:M | MineCrack : Alright, I'm about to ban you if you keep going on.



xG:M | MineCrack : I'm looking at console, don't tell me what to do kid.


-xG:M- Sham!! is Warden!!

-xG:M- Sham!! is Warden!!

-xG:M- Sham!! is Warden!!

xG:M | MineCrack : One of you wasn't a freekill.

(TO ADMINS) [xG] ๖ۣۜStartNow: minecrack you freekilled 2 people slay your self

Canada [xG:tf2M] MuffinMonster : no sham

Blunt [xG:A] Death God : FUCK YOU

Canada [xG:tf2M] MuffinMonster : dont do it

Sniped by Rebel : minecrack goin HAM

[xG] ๖ۣۜStartNow : still need to slay

Blunt [xG:A] Death God : wit greit paure kams greit responsipiliti

[xG] ๖ۣۜStartNow : minecrack you still freekilled 1 person

[xG] ๖ۣۜStartNow : slay

xG:M | MineCrack : No shit kid.

_ Game4Xyz : joke day

[xG] ๖ۣۜStartNow : then slay

[sM] Terrorists can now speak... quietly...

xG:M | MineCrack : Shut the fuck up for a second instead of spamming me to slay myself.

[xG] ๖ۣۜStartNow : still need to slay

xG:A | $moker : is the ladder a vent?

xG:M | MineCrack : !gag art

(TO ADMINS) [xG] ๖ۣۜStartNow: nice abuse minecrack

Canada [xG:tf2M] MuffinMonster : dddhdhdh

TarpAlert -xG:M- Sham!! : 1=1

Canada [xG:tf2M] MuffinMonster : 456


Menstrual Blood Smoothies : wat

Sniped by Rebel : ...............................

TarpAlert -xG:M- Sham!! : 1+2

xG:A | $moker : tyou retards better not naswer that shit

_ Game4Xyz : 6

Sniped by Rebel : 33

BobbyBallBoa : 69

_ Game4Xyz : 3333333333333333333333

Canada [xG:tf2M] MuffinMonster : 3.1

[xG] Last CT is now activated!

[xG] Last CT is now activated!

[xG] Last CT is now activated!

[xG] Last CT is now activated!

Canada [xG:tf2M] MuffinMonster : 3.21

Report hackers, or admin abuse in the MOTD!

[sM] Terrorists are muted the first 90 seconds of the round!

Menstrual Blood Smoothies : that was bad aiming

xG:A | $moker : as fuck

-xG:M- Sham!! is Warden!!

-xG:M- Sham!! is Warden!!

-xG:M- Sham!! is Warden!!

Canada [xG:tf2M] MuffinMonster : CLICK ON ME FOR A CH


[xG] ๖ۣۜStartNow killed pro.knifer with m4a1.

�(Private to [xG] ๖ۣۜStartNow) xG:A | $moker: �dude

Player: [xG] ๖ۣۜStartNow - Damage Given


Damage Given to "[xG:A] Death God" - 110 in 2 hits

Damage Given to "pro.knifer" - 94 in 4 hits

_ Game4Xyz suicided.

�[sM] �Terrorists are muted the first 90 seconds of the round!

xG:M | MineCrack : !kick art "If I'm abusing make a thread, chat is no place for your bickering."

[xG] Obama *Purple Swag* is Warden!!

[xG] Obama *Purple Swag* is Warden!!

[xG] Obama *Purple Swag* is Warden!!

sliver : crouch spam abuse

Map developed by Doctor Waffles

Cells will open in 10 seconds

[xG] ๖ۣۜMegaRσbin™ : who, nivek?o-o

[xG] ๖ۣۜStartNow : abuse more

Disconnect: "If I'm abusing go make a thread, chat is no place for your bic.

Disconnect: "If I'm abusing go make a thread, chat is no place for your bic.


Its been happening for a few weeks. I think its time for a change in mods...

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1. I was checking console to verify I didn't kill two people, if I did it would've resulted in a one day CT ban.

2. I gagged you for spamming, then unmuted you the next round.

3. There is a lot of bits and pieces missing. You removed a whole chunk of you threatening to report and spamming admin chat. People were there for it.

4. This is how I was told by Aegean to deal with you.

5. I slayed myself within 30-50 seconds after the round started.

6. Gyazo - 935449ecc09429b5f37781635a3efe2c.png Please mate, I typed !slay @me.

7. I warned you that I will ban you if you kept going on.

8. A few weeks? Please I was barely on jailbreak. I've been on minecraft or doing homework. If I was in jailbreak I was AFK.

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If you want screanshots, Go to Steam Community :: Error Too many to upload.

What does this have to do with your report? You didn't provide any proof to back up your statements besides Darkwolf attempting to discuss admin business in admin chat. He told me to not bring is there so it was in chat.


Your report happens to be on carceris, this shows no proof to backup anything.

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Big text for ignorant people. Again with bits and pieces. Right now you're on Blax.


Gyazo - e13caa6a9cddd14bbfbe32901ea4c013.png


Death God has been AFK since sometime in carceris, he was on CT. He didn't even play on blax. So basically you posted yet again more bits and pieces of carceris (by showing you killed him), show console logs please. I wouldn't just talk to myself & abuse you. If not, you yet again have nothing to back up your statements.

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Ok, Basicly your posting useless information, That has no point in this post. Your showing me the chat that has you and me in it and what?? Your saying im just taking a picture to show I killed deathgod? You really need to get better defence other than saying useless stuff.

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Ok, Basicly your posting useless information, That has no point in this post. Your showing me the chat that has you and me in it and what?? Your saying im just taking a picture to show I killed deathgod? You really need to get better defence other than saying useless stuff.


*Face Palm*


Just post console logs and stop wasting my time if you can't read.

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I would say something, but, I'm in divison CS GO so i'm going to say TROLOLOLOLOLOL! and dude Minecrack...

If Aegean told you to follow certain procedures just tell him to back you up on this thread then it's case closed.


xG|M Nova out

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I'm at 0 here.


StartNow: Your proof is sketchy. I do believe you, but hear me out. Copying and pasting your console makes it easy to post here, but it can be easily editted to anyone's favor. Minecrack says you cut out a chunk, so now it's your word against his. You can still copy and paste the text, but try to get a chain of screenshots of your console.


MineCrack: You did initially admit in chat to freekilling when you said "No shit kid." So, since you admitted it, you should have slayed (and even in that screenshot you posted, I don't see that you did). Also, sidenote, your response seems a little disrespectful.


Both of you, no disrespect by my post here, just arguing devils advocate on both sides.

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Alright so what happened is this:


The Plaintiff: StartNow, claiming that the Defendant, Minecrack had recently freekilled him.


The Defendant, who will hereafter be referred to only as, Minecrack, was obligated, as per MOTD rules, to slay him/herself.


Pending this ruling, the Plaintiff, who will hereafter be referred to as StartNow, was insistent that the slaying be prompt and timely.


MineCrack responded "I'm looking at console, don't tell me what to do kid." which led StartNow to repeatedly state the word "Slay" or some alternative form of the word, in regular chat.


In response, MineCrack retorted "Shut the fuck up for a second instead of spamming me to slay myself"


StartNow quickly responded "still need to slay"


Smoker then postulated "is the ladder a vent?"


In response to StartNow's hasty response, or perhaps Smoker's lack of map knowledge, MineCrack gagged StartNow.


StartNow began speaking in admin chat at this point, stating "nice abuse minecrack".


Almost immediately after, MineCrack slayed himself.


StartNow continued making statements in admin chat at this point, claiming "mincrack your abusing", "hard" he later added.


Death God then asked "are you fucking me in the ass?"

Juben's responded with a "Maybe"


Upon his ungagging, StartNow continued to display his displeasure in the abuse that he alleges, expressing his sympathy that "too bad your a abusing mod"


MineCrack inquired "Start, how did I abuse?" and then followed that question up with the statement "Second, why don't you make an abuse report instead of PMing someone and lying to them?"


Startnow insisted "[He] dont need to lie"


MineCrack sympathized "Too bad you did, now go make a report"


Upon Startnow's insistence that MineCrack "abuse more",


MineCrack responded with the command "!kick artnow "If I'm abusing go make a thread, chat is no place for your bickering."


That leads us to the thread here.




StartNow is Clearly upset that he was freekilled and, as many of us do, expressed his displeasure by vocalizing in the text chat both his anger, as well as his belief that MineCrack should be punished for his transgression.


MineCrack felt disrespected that a player would continually berate him into slaying himself, and vocalized his belief that a player should not be one to tell him what to do. Ultimately, MineCrack did follow the rules by slaying himself, but was also a bit brazen with his comments directed towards StartNow.


It is my belief that StartNow's claim for admin abuse is not entirely defensible, but that a claim of disrespect would be far more convincing given the circumstances.


All salient and applicable proof is attached in the addendum.


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Are you guys really arguing right now..? No one cares about your personal vendettas you have for each other. Settle that over steam if you're that immature. Not on our forums.



And stop being a douche Minecrack.

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So basically you took screenshots of me going off at you for things you're a repeat offender of.


I followed guidelines on how to deal with you after I did nothing but argue with you the first time. I followed those guidelines. You spammed chat because I wouldn't slay my self immediately, I was going to teamban myself if I did freekill two people. Do you expect me admins/moderators to let people like you stomp all over them? No. We have power for a reason and if you're going to harass us, we're going to use it.


Gyazo - 77d7ba845d970d0a4b2f38e08e602fe1.png


Why is that up top when that should be at the bottom? That's when I finally got you to stop.

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minecrack u freekilled and u shouldve slain urself right away, even if u didnt know if it was a freekill or not, it wouldve been better for everyone for u to just slay urself to avoid any problems from not slaying urself. calm the hell down already and grow up, u should know that even if ur not sure if u freekilled, its better to slay urself just to be on the safe side, than for someone to think ur breaking rules and post a ban request on u for freekilling


not abuse cause minecrack had slain himself, but minecrack should have slain himself right away instead of verifying whateverthefuck which lead to him having to gag startnow, get rid of ur ego minecrack


-sealed away in the last great time war

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I personally think Minecrack did the right thing by verifying, I'm sure other ♥♥♥♥ was going on at the time so obviously wanting to make sure he freekilled was better then just slaying himself just cuz someone says so. Console does show who you damage/kill/get damaged by so that was a valid reason to delay slaying himself for the time that he did. The douchyness was unnecessary and will be monitored for future situations on Minecrack's part. Other then that, spamming "slay yourself" does no good on anyone StartNow, please understand that. Just type in admin chat and let him have time to review the situation.


Honestly, these reports are so unnecessary. I'm sorry I didn't get to your inbox in time of you posting this startnow, I'm done with finals now so I'll be on top of ♥♥♥♥ like this.


Serb already closed it, but I needed to put my word in it.


Ps. @Smoker post on forums more, you write masterpieces everytime you do


~Still Closed

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