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Maybe if we reward those wardens who are good and keep things moving, we can encourge better rounds and more fun for the server, if others see those wardens getting rewarded for what they are doing, than people will want to join CT and become as good as them and try and have fun rounds.


Also the warden plugin can cause proplems because a few people will join CT, call warden by Mic spamming, then open cells just to let the Ts get freedays. It's annoying.

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Maybe if we reward those wardens who are good and keep things moving, we can encourge better rounds and more fun for the server, if others see those wardens getting rewarded for what they are doing, than people will want to join CT and become as good as them and try and have fun rounds.

@@silence @@Starbuck Can the warden plugin be modified to say, like, if total players > 20 then whoever is warden gets 3 credits instead of 2 for gameplay? Or something like that?

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@@silence @@Starbuck Can the warden plugin be modified to say, like, if total players > 20 then whoever is warden gets 3 credits instead of 2 for gameplay? Or something like that?


the idea was to give a benefit to good wardens, this encourages anybody to go ct and spam for warden the way you would have it put like that, i see what you're saying but that way wouldn't work. it would attract the derps we are trying to fix.

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I like the idea of not letting T's be in front of cells for too long, I'll figure a rule out for that.


Also, i'll get more staff on JB including myself more often, it does get fun from time to time lately when I've been on so Yolo

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See one of the problems that I see is that people don't know where to draw the line in being a "good" warden. It all really depends on the person and what they do, which imo is what makes or breaks the whole sense of Jailbreak RP. Either the warden knows what he's doing, but insists upon doing trivial and blatantly boring tasks.. Or the warden doesn't know shit all, and does spontaneous and random events (party in disco, etc). There are only a handful of great wardens who mediate between the two differences without absolutely ruining the whole RP idea.


Your typical 'bad' warden fits the following description:

-Pardons literally Everyone

-Loses control almost immediately upon round start

-On a map such as jb_avalanche insists upon doing FR/LR all day e'rey day (let alone any other map)

-When in doubt of their own wardening skills, immediately calls a freeday, valid or invalid

-Tarps out the ass with the beginning round orders

-Many other slip-ups


Honestly, what I also think is lacking is what has been said already by others. The lack of players who used to be Jailbreak regulars, but soon grew bored of the whole thing and switched to something different (Gmod, TF2, etc). It's really a shame that they don't play as often, as it's what gave Jailbreak that diversity. In most cases, the wardens nowadays are literally always the same, giving the same orders as their predecessors before them.


The only real fix I see, is to become more spontaneous as a warden. What I mean by this, is being entirely different each and every round. Also, in saying this, I do NOT mean completely random ass days or random orders that defeat the whole purpose of jailbreak.


These are just my thoughts.


- Dat guy, Forest

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