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You guys always closing my threads why not close everybody elses. What you guys dont want me to talk shit about them but let them talk shit about me. I see where this clan is going to.

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The clan will continue as it normally does and only get stronger & bigger. A butthurt brat who wears anti-Xg won't really change anything being as you were just a hassle. Most people in this clan don't like you as we'll for the things you've done. Initially hadron should of kicked you out for harassment after you we're demoted for PM. Why don't you just leave and work on your all so mighty version of xG?

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Why don't you just leave and work on your all so mighty version of xG?






Made my day good sir.

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You guys always closing my threads why not close everybody elses. What you guys dont want me to talk shit about them but let them talk shit about me. I see where this clan is going to.


Talking shit about others isn't going to help you, you're not helping your case in any manner by being a little whiny bitch. Plus they're closing them because the higher ups know you're going to get flamed regardless of what you post, maybe take that into consideration that they're doing you a favor to not get you harassed as much? Didn't of that did you?


I've read so many of your threads and not be crude, you're immature man. You whine and complain over every little thing (Eg. So and so can't do their job right because I was freekilled, EG; STFU you power abusing fuck, EG; Goodbye thread, I like you, I think you're a faggot, you've been a douche to me etc etc.) You literally complain over every little issue that pertains to you. I don't care if you know me, I don't care if you flame at me, till you realize that your ego is the size of Uranus and shoved SOO far up your ass, you won't be able to reflect on your own actions.


From what I've gathered, you've not only garnished the hate and resentment from many xG members, you're also exasperating, yet you complain that people are pessimist towards your actions (EG; This post). Were I you, I'd apologize to everyone even if you don't think they deserve it, just do it and then shut up. Later on you would realize that in the interim, they might start to accept you and you can move forward from there. Take some time to contemplate, and play the game. Having an Anti xG tag just shows that you want to be harassed from this community because of your own actions and are an easy target. If you can't cater to your own actions no on else will and don't blame it on others for your own mistakes because you're too incompetent to realize them (Eg. Serbian can't do his job because I freekilled a player, he banned me, not him, Eg. Disrespecting goodbyes, target segmenting a specific individual on forums to have them demoted, your abuse and constant disrespect). If there are a lot of higher ups or even members and non members complaining about you then you know you're the problem not them. Honestly I believe you think too highly of yourself but look where you're at right now and where it has gotten you. If the community thinks you're a faggot because of your own actions in lieu of being a chill guy like @@PiNoYPsYcHo or @@Chrono or even @WarriorFury then you should realize that the problem lies within you, not the community.


This is just my opinion, you want to move forward, just shut up, apologize, don't speak out of turn, respect and i'll emphasize respect because you're a disrespectful brat from what I can tell from seeing demos, threads and hearing on TS3. If you adhere to this then I guarantee you, slowly but surely the community will accept you back. So for now, do yourself a favor, not us, not the community, not link or silence or any higher ups, but yourself: Calm down and think before you talk. You're in a position where everything you say is going to be directed back at you in a negative manner.



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Holy shit guys, if you have nothing nice to say don't say it at all. he left, whatever, he posts still, whatever, you may not like him, whatever, but that does not warrant disrespect. we close the threads because they begin a spree of disrespect, just like you can see with minecrack's blunt statement. it gets annoying having to close a bunch of threads but it is to try to somewhat stop it, every new thread you make though gets their attention and they do it again. we are trying to stop the disrespect all around both from you and from them, so we close it before you can respond with more of it.



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