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Difference between giving orders and talking to ct

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I slayed myself and left after this occurred so I dont know if I was team banned for this, but this is sort of ridiculous. I gave the orders of: "When cell doors open take one step out, then afk freeze". All T's understood this, all were afk frozen. I then said, "ok hey guards, you can kill them if they aren't frozen like i said", and everyone still understood this, and understood that I was allowing guards to do what they have to do if someone is breaking the rules.


At the VERY end of the round, I was told that I was tarping somehow?? I question as to HOW I was tarping and I'm told because I didn't say, "Hey guards, you can kill them if they aren't AFK frozen like i said", I was tarping. Which is incorrect. This is the first that I have EVER heard of this happening or seen this happen that someone called that tarping because it happens all the time.


Tarping is when your orders are contradicting, impossible to follow, or is literally a trap for Ts to fall for, correct? Well I gave my orders perfectly fine, there were no problems with those orders at all.


Notifying your CTs that they can kill whoever is not following orders on the other hand, IS NOT AN ORDER FOR THE Ts So it is literally impossible for that to be a tarp.


If I am CT banned for this, I really find it ridiculous and I would like to know the input from other people, besides the one person in game that was telling me I was tarping.


There needs to be a KNOWN difference between what giving orders are, and telling your CTs whats up. If I wanted to I could've said, "Hey CTs go ahead and kill anyone you think is wrong", or "Hey CTs kill the people that are different" and they would understand what that means, its a whole different story if they don't understand it, and end up freekilling, but this situation was over "TARPING ORDERS". Anything said to CTs are not orders that are "tarpable" because CTs are guards and NOT prisoners, in fact, prisoners should DISREGARD EVERYTHING said to CTs because it has literally nothing to do with them.




If you want to add RP into it, which this IS an RP game, technically the Prisoners shouldn't even hear what I am saying to my fellow CT, because its not their business, nor their problem.

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I slayed myself and left after this occurred so I dont know if I was team banned for this, but this is sort of ridiculous. I gave the orders of: "When cell doors open take one step out, then afk freeze". All T's understood this, all were afk frozen. I then said, "ok hey guards, you can kill them if they aren't frozen like i said", and everyone still understood this, and understood that I was allowing guards to do what they have to do if someone is breaking the rules.


At the VERY end of the round, I was told that I was tarping somehow?? I question as to HOW I was tarping and I'm told because I didn't say, "Hey guards, you can kill them if they aren't AFK frozen like i said", I was tarping. Which is incorrect. This is the first that I have EVER heard of this happening or seen this happen that someone called that tarping because it happens all the time.


Tarping is when your orders are contradicting, impossible to follow, or is literally a trap for Ts to fall for, correct? Well I gave my orders perfectly fine, there were no problems with those orders at all.


Notifying your CTs that they can kill whoever is not following orders on the other hand, IS NOT AN ORDER FOR THE Ts So it is literally impossible for that to be a tarp.


If I am CT banned for this, I really find it ridiculous and I would like to know the input from other people, besides the one person in game that was telling me I was tarping.


There needs to be a KNOWN difference between what giving orders are, and telling your CTs whats up. If I wanted to I could've said, "Hey CTs go ahead and kill anyone you think is wrong", or "Hey CTs kill the people that are different" and they would understand what that means, its a whole different story if they don't understand it, and end up freekilling, but this situation was over "TARPING ORDERS". Anything said to CTs are not orders that are "tarpable" because CTs are guards and NOT prisoners, in fact, prisoners should DISREGARD EVERYTHING said to CTs because it has literally nothing to do with them.




If you want to add RP into it, which this IS an RP game, technically the Prisoners shouldn't even hear what I am saying to my fellow CT, because its not their business, nor their problem.


I specifically heard you say "all t's must be frozen by now" hence why I called it tarping. ANOTHER reason as to why I'm saying you tarped is because you said "All t's head to couch game and get in couch game" While we were IN ROUTE to couch game you said the hallway is RESTRICTED, thus making it ANOTHER tarp.


Instead of saying "ct's kill them if they not frozen" just say "ct's kill them if they are not doing the orders."


P.S I did not ct ban you.

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I specifically heard you say "all t's must be frozen by now" hence why I called it tarping. ANOTHER reason as to why I'm saying you tarped is because you said "All t's head to couch game and get in couch game" While we were IN ROUTE to couch game you said the hallway is RESTRICTED, thus making it ANOTHER tarp.


Instead of saying "ct's kill them if they not frozen" just say "ct's kill them if they are not doing the orders."


P.S I did not ct ban you.


i never said anything to t's after that about them having to be frozen by now, i just told cts to kill them if they werent frozen, and i had said once your in hallway is restricted then had to say it again when abraham was like, "wait we cant go in if the hallway is restricted" but my point is, it cant be a tarp if its not an order, that is what i was telling you in game

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i never said anything to t's after that about them having to be frozen by now, i just told cts to kill them if they werent frozen, and i had said once your in hallway is restricted then had to say it again when abraham was like, "wait we cant go in if the hallway is restricted" but my point is, it cant be a tarp if its not an order, that is what i was telling you in game


You said that AFTER you said it was restricted twice while we were not in there but ordered to go in.

Half the t's shouted "TARP!"

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Honestly, I understand why Warriors would consider it a tarp as a standard "freeze" implies that the Ts are 'WASD' frozen, whereas an afk freeze is pretty much don't touch ***t. Because you didn't specify which type you were talking about, it is understandable why he would call you out on it.


As for the restriction of the hallway at couch game or wherever, i'm sure most people know that when the warden gives that order it's kind of implied that once you go through it that it becomes restricted from Ts re-entering it. Once again, it's just one of those orders that seems tarp-worthy, but I agree that to prevent any misunderstandings, you should say "Once you proceed through the hallway, hallway is restricted" or something along those lines. Just be a Little more elaborate so you don't get people flooding and spamming "TARP TARP TARP"


Just my take on all this.


- Dat guy, Forest

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First of all in my opinion (since i was in all of this crap) The freeze stuff didn't seem like a tarp, Sure he said something wrong, but, nobody died from it (I mean obviously everyone knew it was AFK freeze, if he messed up that bad then that's more freedom for the T's), I mean people have been saying (mods) "If you don't know the orders or are screwed up with 'em, DON'T SHOOT". simple.


Moving on, That couch game one seemed like a complete failure. Entering the game when the one and only entrance is restricted, sounds kind of cheap, does it not? Kinda gets though peoples' heads, and makes them think that's a MASSIVE MASSIVE MASSIVE tarp.


So yeah, just a heads-up, If it sounds like a tarp or something like that, Just don't shoot anything at all, and you might avoid your own CT ban yourself, or just your own day-ruiner (slay)


GG, back to no-lifing JB.

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I see you flame a lot on the servers. You need to cut that out for one.

Secondly it's a tarp...


I only "flame" or "troll" the people that I've played with often and joke around with them all the time... If it's a completely random person I ease up on it until they get to know me and know that I am joking around with them, I haven't had anyone tell me that I am treating them incorrectly or asking me to stop, because I don't do it to random new people... Me joking with friends isn't a crime, at least as far as I can tell. But if you have some exaggerated example of me flaming someone and causing verbal harm to them, let me know.


If I remember correctly, Cristo calls all Ts pussies when he is CT, no matter who they are. Have you gone ahead and told him to cut that out? Just something I'm wondering personally, you don't have to answer it.


As for the tarp:


Well my point of this thread was that it's impossible to be a tarp if I am not even talking to the T's or telling them to do something at all. Disregarding the whole couch incident, whatever I was telling the CTs was not a tarp. I told them to kill anyone who isn't frozen, it wasn't an order, therefore not a tarp. And IF for some reason that CT didn't hear the initial orders, worst case scenario he lets a whole bunch of moving Ts live. Ouch saving rebel's lives, really worst crime I've ever done.


Which doesn't make it a tarp as well, because no lives would be lost from it.

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You're missing the point here, your discussion/argument was that you didn't tarp during the cell orders. Be that as it may, all anyone is trying to tell you, if you'd take the time to read it, is that your orders could have been mistaken as a 'WASD' freeze rather then an 'afk' freeze. That is all anyone is trying to say. Those few people who were harkin' at you yelling "tarp tarp tarp" shouldn't even bother you if it's over something as small as this. Like you said, no Ts were harmed, so why should you take the time to build up anger against a un-needed conflict?


Also let's not bring in this discussion over you being a "troll" or whatever either. If you have a grievance with that, post it elsewhere under a different thread name. As I see it, it is completely irrelevant to This thread and the problem here has been 'solved' and/or discussed.


- Dat guy, Forest

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All i'm trying to get through to you is make your orders more specific.


i understand, and i agree with you about the couch thing, that was my fault, and i messed up, and realized it then fixed myself.


but for the afk freeze thing, i wasnt giving an order so im just saying its impossible to be a tarp

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