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Fucking cops

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So, I went out for a drive tonight. Had to make a quick run to the store for something.


On my way home I see a group of squad cars lining the side of the street (turned out to be 6) so I turn down that way (minor detour) to see what's up. I don't see anything special so I pull a (legal) u-turn at the next intersection (pass them again) and continue on my way.


One of the cops whips out and pulls me over...

Cop: What are you doing tonight?

Me: Just out for a drive, on my way home from the store.

C: Do you know why I pulled you over?

M: Honestly? No.

C: Have you been drinking tonight?

M: Yeah, probably about 10oz of vodka between about 6 and midnight.

C: How do you know when you were drinking?

M: Because that's when I was watching movies and playing video games.

C: I see. Can I see your ID?

M: Sure. Can I ask why you pulled me over?

C: Haven't decided yet. *takes my ID and goes back to squad car*


C: *Comes back* Here's a ticket for speeding at 14 mph over the limit, as well as reckless driving. I should tow your car, but I'll let you go. You need to drive more carefully.

M: I wasn't doing either of those things officer. I turned off that street *points* when I saw your lights. I don't think it's possible for me to be speeding that fast (55mph zone) within a block, plus it would be pretty stupid of me. Would it be possible for me to see your radar gun to confirm the speed you locked?

C: No it would not, and it was pretty stupid of you. Can I have you step out of the car?

M: Sure. But I do not consent to a search of my vehicle.

C: Why not?

M: Because I legally don't have to unless you plan to arrest me. And frankly we both know you don't have grounds for that. Furthermore, you're supervisor is going to love seeing this video I've been recording ever since I turned off that side street 10 minutes ago.

C: *look of astonishment* *grabs the ticket from my hand* You get out of here and don't ever let me see you again. *storms off*


I wasn't recording, wish I was. Don't even have his name or badge number since he took the ticket. I'm planning on calling the station tomorrow (or Monday) to see if they have any way of seeing who ran my ID and such.


If I disappear, it means I got arrested.


Fuck the police (except @@Neo) YOLO

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It grinds my gears to see officers out doing these kinds of things. You also could have asked for his dash cam recording to prove that his ticket was valid(which it wouldn't have been.) Glad you got out of it though. Lemme know if you can track that corrupt bastard down.

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