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Well I am back

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well I am back from my forum ban and I am sorry for my troll post. I was just trying to post what I feel was right for me to say but people got hurt by my message to the community and I am sorry for what I did. I have learned to not be selfish and to care about others which I have but I became selfish in that post and I want to regard how sorry I am. I know people hate me in this clan and I am here to say that I am sorry and I will try to be better but I dont know how just tell me what I need to do better at and I will try to be better. I know I troll but I troll just to make people laugh. I hope one day that I will try to join back xg but I will not now cause for the time being xG has gotten a little bit worse and I will join back when I see that the childishness gets down. So if you have any advice to give me on how to improve my act plz post it down below.

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You've just made an anti-xg steam group. The leaders have decided to ban all members of that group, according to Neo anyways.

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Boy, you might be the single dumbest person I have ever met in my life. I wanted to respond to your member app but it got closed too quickly so here we go. -1 you border on the severely retarded. You have no comprehension of what people think or how to act in a social setting. You are, in my opinion, a spoiled brat who if he doesnt get what he wants he whines and cries about it (im guessing your an only child due to your poor social skills and lack of maturity). Now, im going to -1 this whole thread, this is not a welcome back, we should shun you away like the plague in Europe. You are the definition to a cancer to the community. I award you no points and may god have mercy on your soul. Merry Christmas.

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Boy, you might be the single dumbest person I have ever met in my life. I wanted to respond to your member app but it got closed too quickly so here we go. -1 you border on the severely retarded. You have no comprehension of what people think or how to act in a social setting. You are, in my opinion, a spoiled brat who if he doesnt get what he wants he whines and cries about it (im guessing your an only child due to your poor social skills and lack of maturity). Now, im going to -1 this whole thread, this is not a welcome back, we should shun you away like the plague in Europe. You are the definition to a cancer to the community. I award you no points and may god have mercy on your soul. Merry Christmas.


Ahahahahahahahhaha im getting rid of my entire sig, and putting this in its place. STRAIGHT gold right here.

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Wow no wonder this clan has gone down hill cause of rude people like some of the people in this clan. See this is why some people leave is cause of the rude comments and nothing is done about it. So you know what thank god I didnt get accepted cause of the language and disrespect that happens in this clan is out of control and NOBODY has done anything about it. And no this is not a troll post.

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See what towlie is saying. He was simply saying he is now back and politely asked what he should do. But you guys start a mass disrespecting spree on this thread. I'm sorry Towlie. For the pricks out there, I suggest you knock it off. It's Christmas don't be a bunch of asswipes. He did nothing to you.

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