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Chrono Admin Abuse

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So here is what happened on TS3. Me/Digital/Abraham were in a PUBLIC CHANNEL and it was only ME/Digital/Abraham/and David and then chrono comes in and we were laughing and making jokes. And then he kicks digital. Bans me for a hour cause I was annoying even though I was in a PUBLIC CHANNEL. So what I see here is admin abuse from Chrono and that needs to be stopped cause that right their in a public channel is admin abuse.

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Gonna leave my response here very short because at the end of it you will be linked to a semi-larger response in the initial thread made by you guys. (not really the initial thread as you made it in general 3 different times.)


I do not feel there was any abuse here at all, as you were being obnoxious in tinychat and then you messaged me a few times in teamspeak saying thinks like "still here" "hahaha shits goin down" etc. so i came up to see what the hell you were talking about at that point you continued being as obnoxious as you had been previously in tinychat, and as such, my tolerance had already gotten down to a minimal amount because of dealing with various different things and different people. so when you would continue to be annoying after i told you to shut up and stop, is when i had lost all patience and when you talked over me after that and disrespectfully called me a name when you have no fucking clue where anybody got that name, and you were only saying it because you saw someone else say it, that was the final straw and i had had enough of your bullshit and quite frankly all of yours bullshit. surprisingly digital was not banned because i think he got the clue that maybe he should actually shut up in teamspeak when i tell him to because he was being annoying, either he got it after repetition or after i banned you. not sure which, who knows? not me.



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Admins have the right to kick or ban anyone if they believe you are doing something wrong. Why not tell everyone what was being said at the time so it becomes a bit clearer why you were kicked.


EDIT: After what Chrono said, it looks pretty obvious that you were in the wrong and Chrono was right in doing what he had to,

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Personally I find this whole teamspeak/tinychat "abuse" fiasco hilarious. I was going to respond to Digitalhax's thread as well, but I'm deciding to merge my two statements and just post it on this thread. I thought that Duke said it best on Digitalhax's thread, and I don't feel like regurgitating what he said:

Tinychat isn't part of xG the mods in there can rule with an iron fist as it isn't controlled by xG, it'd be like saying "Oh god chrono's being a dick to me on steam" you have options if you didn't like him being the mod for the tinychat room you could have GONE AND MADE YOUR OWN

Secondly, addressing the Teamspeak issue, Abraham and Digital were KICKED, not banned, or anything else. At worst, Chrono caused you a minor inconvience by having to *GASP* click back on the teamspeak channel you were in a second ago. Do you really think he should be stripped of all admin powers because of that? From the quote below (btw this was posted by Digitalhax himself so you can thank him for that) you directly insulted a division of xG, and Chrono punished you accordingly.

<04:42:06> "Abraham Lincoln": cs go and the csgo division suck
Regarding the ban, do you really think that it's a good idea to be super annoying at 3 in the morning, cause I don't. From what I'm seeing, you guys are cherry-picking the parts of teamspeak chat to your favor, and in my opinion Chrono handled the situation fine. -1.

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Ok, the part about CSGO, I know that was disrespectful and I deserved that kick. But the rest was kinda unneeded. Its not that big of a deal to me anymore but lets just see what happens.

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While I thoroughly enjoyed that night, you guys deserved the kicks/bans, you were being pretty gay in tinychat.


Wasn't there for teamspeak though, but it looks like you were just being annoying.


Final verdict:

While chrono should loosen up and enjoy digital's hot bod, he DID have the right to enforce the rules in tinychat. -1

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If we are in a Public Channel he dosent have the right to ban if it is only me/abraham/david/ and Digital. So and you can also check digitals cause I think that has more information because I was kinda too tired to post any more evidence. Chrono did admin abuse and something should be done about this with a sever consequence not just a ohh you have been warned. I think a demotion temp or permanent until he has proven that he is fit to be div leader again.

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Chrono was in his full right to ban you. Public channel or not the server is owned by xG so we have control over our rooms.

You were being obnoxious and then disrespected when told to calm down. Your ban is already up. Get over it and move on.

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This is basically the same thread that digital had. Serb closed the other one for further review so might as well close this too.

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