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Started on TinyChat. Abraham Lincoln, Towlie, Sham and myself join.


I turn on webcam, jokingly "Flash" my chest - Camera gets turned off. Understandable, not a problem.


Turn Webcam on later, do that "magic trick" that looks like your pulling your thumb off - Camera turned off.. Uh what?


Ask Chrono, why did you turn my cam off - He replies: "I don't want autism on cam." First disrespect.


Turn on webcam in shorts with my leg in view - Banned from server


Finally unbanned - Turn Webcam on once more asking, "Hey Chrono have you seen my beach ball?" - Camera turned off, literally no good reason and no explanation. Cool.


Turn Webcam on flexing my muscles - Webcam turned off, told if I do that again, I will be banned.


Completely understood. Chrono leaves, its been about 30 minutes after he left. Abe, Towlie, and myself are in TinyChat.


I Turn on my webcam, flexing muscles, get permabanned.

<04:03:02> "Chrono": not getting unbanned

<04:03:02> "Chrono": :)

<04:04:43> Chat partner has closed the conversation



Moments later Chrono joins teamspeak!


Comes in and says,

<04:30:33> "Chrono": problems have been solved

<04:30:37> "Chrono": and life has been made simpler

<04:30:53> "Chrono": the rules of tinychat are

<04:30:56> "Chrono": don't piss a mod off

<04:31:00> "Chrono": or you will be banned


Ok.. I guess, not really understandable but ok. We will oblige.


We ask, why do you keep deleting our TinyChat thread? If you're gonna delete ours, go in the past and delete the others.


We get an explanation, no worries:


<04:33:28> "Chrono": if you post stupid shit in general

<04:33:33> "Chrono": it either gets moved to fast lane

<04:33:34> "Chrono": or removed

<04:33:37> "Chrono": whichever is easier

<04:33:41> "Chrono": i prefer to just remove gay shit


Second example of disrespect, posting pictures of us is "GAY SHIT" that he feels should be removed. Ok... Totally makes sense right?


He then kicks Abraham Lincoln for no reason but this:


<04:34:00> "Abraham Lincoln" was kicked from channel "MiniGames" by "Chrono" (go to bed, past your bed time)


Third disrespect, this time we say, "Why are you disrespecting Abraham, he didn't even do anything wrong...?"


He obviously replies:


<04:34:40> "Chrono": you want me to disrespect?

<04:34:42> "Chrono": because i can

<04:34:52> "Chrono": i can easily start and nobody will give a flying fuck

<04:34:54> "Chrono": do you know why?

<04:34:58> "Chrono": because it involves you towlie

<04:35:01> "Chrono": and nobody cares

<04:35:07> "Chrono": because you break every single rule


But this clearly doesnt just involve Towlie? This also involves two xG members.


Abe then asks for xG TinyChat rules - just as any humanbeing would



<04:35:43> "David": Dude were just having fun and you screw everthing

<04:35:45> "Chrono": i already told you

<04:35:54> "Chrono": the rules are dont piss the room mods off

<04:36:00> "Abraham Lincoln": send me the link

<04:36:06> "Abraham Lincoln": i dont see it

<04:36:08> "Abraham Lincoln": where is it

<04:36:13> "Chrono": there is no link

<04:36:16> "Chrono": because tinychat is not x

<04:36:18> "Chrono": :)

<04:36:19> "Chrono": xg

<04:36:23> "Chrono": therefore

<04:36:27> "Chrono": dont piss us mopds off


I personally thought that the TinyChat room was run by xG with the url "xGRepresent" matching the Official Facebook Page and being run by admins of xG, perhaps I was wrong though!


I say something along the lines of: "Oh I'm still banned - I can't connect, sorry Abe."


Chrono replies with:


<04:37:24> "Chrono": you're just too stupid to know how to set up a proxy


Fourth Disrespect.


Towlie starts talking about a Proxy he knows about:


<04:38:12> "Towlie The Wizard" was kicked from the server by "Chrono" (annoying)

<04:38:24> "Towlie The Wizard" connected to channel "Waiting Room"

<04:38:26> "Towlie The Wizard" switched from channel "Waiting Room" to "MiniGames"

<04:38:26> Channel group "Guest" was assigned to "Towlie The Wizard" by Xeno Gamers Voice.

<04:42:06> "Towlie The Wizard" was banned for 1 hour from the server by "Chrono" (Annoying)



This occurs



<04:40:54> "David": Updated roster:

Subject to change.


Capt: Aki0

A-Capt: Bean

Starter: Opie

Starter: AgH

Starter: Corvo

Sub: BruceWayne

Sub: David

<04:41:22> "Abraham Lincoln": david

<04:41:24> "Abraham Lincoln": wats that from

<04:41:41> "David": CEVO

<04:41:42> "David": a team

<04:41:45> "David": of CS:GO.

<04:41:47> "Abraham Lincoln": k

<04:41:53> "David": you may not join though.

<04:41:58> "Abraham Lincoln": i dont care

<04:42:06> "Abraham Lincoln": cs go and the csgo division suck

<04:42:16> "David": Lol jelly.


Abraham stated his opinion about CSGO and the Division(Not the players, might I add. Abraham - A 13 year old, was not saying anything bad about any players, just simply giving his opinion, and what he thought about the Division after being told, "You may not join though" and informing David that he "dont care".




<04:42:22> "Abraham Lincoln" was kicked from the server by "Chrono" (disrespecting an xg division)


He comes back saying, "I was just saying how I felt about CS:GO... I played it before and I don't like it..."


Chrono says,

<04:42:57> "Chrono": <01:42:11> "Abraham Lincoln": cs go and the csgo division suck


Then finally decides to talk on the mic explaining to Abraham that he was disrespecting every single member that is apart of the division personally and that he deserved to be kicked...


I said over mic: "Oh, so we cant have an opinion about CS:GO? Cause I think it sucks too."


He tells me: "Don't fucking talk over me or I will fucking ban you because I can and no one can do anything about it."


So I typed:

<04:44:11> "Digitalhax": lolmadmuch uhhhh yeah


He then says something about being annoying as fuck and

<04:44:20> You were kicked from the server by "Chrono" (annoying as fuck)

<04:44:20> Disconnected from server



Refused to join back and decided to post this because of the extreme admin abuse... Will provide screenshots of entire chatlog if timestamped copy pastes arent good enough. Really would like some repercussions, you can't just let Admin abuse, "Because they can".



Obvious dislike towards me and constant Gags in game after a group came in to JB called "KKK" joined saying "Fuck you niggers" and mass freekilling" I told Chrono, after awhile later and nothing happened to them, "Chrono do your job", he then gags me and tells me to not disrespect him. Weird, wasn't disrespecting. It happens AGAIN and he gags me and says, "Do you see them doing it? I dont" or something along those lines, then ungags me, then gags me again when I say, "uhh do your job and scroll up in console?" He then proceeds to tell me that I am annoying.





Would get more pics, but I was lagging badly in the server at the time.

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would love for you to take more pics of shit that was said in game, if possible, but you left the server. where you were spamming chat with things such as "DO YOUR JOB" "ARE YOU GONNA ACTUALLY DO YOUR JOB FOR ONCE CHRONO?" "SORRY GUYS THEY AREN'T GONNA GET BANNED BECAUSE CHRONO DOESN'T LIKE ME AND WONT DO HIS FUCKING JOB" where if you at all paid attention, you would see that all while you consistently typed that in chat there were people getting teambans and server bans. menwhile all other issues outside of CS:S are addressed in the other thread created by towlie.


Edit: I lied. after reading the thread here, and seeing all the bullshit that digital is posting, i couldn't contain my laughter, and decided to address it here as well.


P.S. interesting your wording there when you quote me on things i spoke, because it seems to be poorly quoted. as what i had stated was "it is perfectly fine to say your opinion on a game, it crosses the line however when you say that a division under xg in a game you may not like sucks is disrespect." and then while i was saying that and explaining why, you kept yelling over me and i told you to "shut the fuck up right now because i am tired of all the shit you are doing and if you continue to talk over me i will kick you." nothing was said about banning nor did i say the last part of nobody can do anything about it.


Secondly. your statement of "oh i'm still banned sorry abe" is completely false, you never ONCE said that, and the quote you took of me saying you're too stupid to set up a proxy was actually from a thing towlie has stated where he said something along the lines of "hey chrono how come im still in the tinychat?" i responded with because you are using a different country url for tinychat. and his response was "well yeah but i can also set up a proxy or reset my router since that changes my ip" as that is correct i give him props for having some basic knowledge, however i rest with my statement i made, because he did not drop connection whatsoever in teamspeak and i am sure that he doesn't really know how to reset his router. i mean for gods sakes, he tried to make a member application on a new forum account while he was banned, using the same steam account.


now to refer to "posting pictures of us is gay shit" the pictures you are referencing which are still up in the thread in fast lane are of your legs/crotch and you were rubbing them, along with stating you wanted to show your penis.


as for kicking abraham from the channel (and then moving him back in immediately after, which you seem to have left out) [did anybody else notice how much he has left out yet? or how much he has changed and by adding things he never actually said in there?] he was constantly repeating the same question while i was still answering the other issues presented by all of you being stupid as can be at 130 in the morning my time, and as such when someone is spamming over me answering a question they get a warning generally via channel kick. with whatever fucking reason i feel like putting. yes the reason may have been a bit disrespectful, but get over it. that is the smallest bit of disrespect, i believe, that abraham has ever seen. infact i am sure that you clowns disrespect him more than that 1 line there.


yes this is out of order, by a lot but i don't feel like being organized as i am going to sleep after posting this edit. infact i don't even think this is worth organizing for that matter, as i just typed as things stood out.


P.S. excellent excuse as to why you couldn't take more pics, "i was lagging too badly" because lagging really effects taking pics? it is quite simple to disconnect from the server and load console up as logs are right there, and then you wouldn't have people talking in the background. might i also add that your statement about lagging is a lie? seeing as your ping in server was about 80 at the time. not laggy IMO laggy would be 200+

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would love for you to take more pics of shit that was said in game, if possible, but you left the server. where you were spamming chat with things such as "DO YOUR JOB" "ARE YOU GONNA ACTUALLY DO YOUR JOB FOR ONCE CHRONO?" "SORRY GUYS THEY AREN'T GONNA GET BANNED BECAUSE CHRONO DOESN'T LIKE ME AND WONT DO HIS FUCKING JOB" where if you at all paid attention, you would see that all while you consistently typed that in chat there were people getting teambans and server bans. menwhile all other issues outside of CS:S are addressed in the other thread created by towlie.

but they weren't, hence the reason I created this post. And I said 2 things, once when they said racist things and once when they mass freekilled AND STILL WERE IN GAME - they were the ones spamming saying, "Yeah Admins do you job ban us you fucking faggots" but think what you want. We will see how this plays out, and message your buddies to -1 this and act all innocent.

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Reading thru all of this is kind of funny i won't lie.


But honestly if my -1 counted i would vote, because seriously i cant believe that there are two threads on this.


Tinychat isn't part of xG the mods in there can rule with an iron fist as it isn't controlled by xG, it'd be like saying "Oh god chrono's being a dick to me on steam" you have options if you didn't like him being the mod for the tinychat room you could have GONE AND MADE YOUR OWN... its not as if you PAY for it or anything you can make w/e channel you want like "tinychat.com/neoisgay" for example =/ @@Neo isn't gay but its an example. Also if you have all of the conversations of the teamspeak chats screenshot post them in full, do not edit or leave any parts out show them in full if you are telling the truth it will show, however if you are only showing what makes him look bad then obviously this wasn't abuse.

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Duke is right, tinychat is not in xG. However, it is public, and we should still represent ourselves appropriately. I no longer put the Tinychat links on our FB, though I wish could, because first-timers shouldn't be submitted to the typically ass-hattery that goes on in there. xG server or not, you're still representing us in tinychat.


Unfortunately copy-pasta text is flimsy proof, it can easily be editted, etc. Take screenshots next time. @@serbiansnaga @@Neo What are your guys opinions on enforcing some basic rules when representing us publicly?


As far as whatever happened in game, you only have 2 screenshots. The makes it hard to draw out a time line of what all actually happened. Telling an admin to "do your job" will put most of us on edge at times. Especially if he just joined he's probably trying to figure what the hell is going on, and spamming him doesn't help.


-1 on all this. But if you had better proof and if we had rules for public representation then we could further in the future.


Also, Neo isn't gay?

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All the chat logs are from Teamspeak, I did not leave anything out except for the things David was saying up to the point where he spoke of the division, and before when you spoke about adding a country to your url, Towlie and I must have spoken at the same time because Abe WAS telling me, "Did you join yet?" and I said, "No, I am still banned." then Towlie said, "Why am I still in here?"

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If this didn't happen that long ago then you should still have the logs from teamspeak. Just scroll through and take screenshots.


I don't get why you, Chrono, would ban or kick them for anything if they weren't annoying anyone but you. Just leave the channel or tinychat because clearly everyone else is fine with it. It's not like you were getting complaints or anything but instead you wanted to stroke your e-penis and clearly just ruin their fun for no reason at all.

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seeing as how digital had proof to back up his statements, this thread will be closed until further notice while it is discussed with the co leaders because of a division leader's involvement in this.


-tinychat mod has been removed


-sealed away in the last great time war

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