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JB is full of retards.. I'm finding another server

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Matsi, I understand your point of view, However I also have to back some admins up as well. For example, if you were admin its hard to keep up with many things at once, since you have lots of stress and pressure on your back. I agree with you that sometimes admins don't make smart choices, however you also have to know that "Admins" Arent perfect Bots that take action for every wrongful act. Sometimes admins commit mistakes, or accidently do something that they have regret over. The public admin command thing should defiantly clear some things up though. In the end, I defiantly agree with the points you have stated.

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Matsi, I understand your point of view, However I also have to back some admins up as well. For example, if you were admin its hard to keep up with many things at once, since you have lots of stress and pressure on your back. I agree with you that sometimes admins don't make smart choices, however you also have to know that "Admins" Arent perfect Bots that take action for every wrongful act. Sometimes admins commit mistakes, or accidently do something that they have regret over. The public admin command thing should defiantly clear some things up though. In the end, I defiantly agree with the points you have stated.


Pretty much the truth. You have to remember that we actually have to see someone break the rules, which is actually really difficult when you think about it. If im specing IU, then every other person on the server can break the rules without me knowing about it. I may see them through specing IU, which will then allow me to punish accordingly. Unfortunately I cant watch everyone, and there are a lot of times where rules may be broken but we simply cant see it happen. Without it happening there isnt much we can do. It's your word against theirs, most of the time both sides have different although seemingly valid stories. (You say you got freekilled because you jumped and it wasnt restricted. Derp CT says that he killed you for not shift walking.... kinda hard to see who is right). The reason we always punish people who do something to us is... well kinda logical.... we see it happen. I understand that you think that we just don't care about you, but its not that at all. We just can't see everything (and yes, i'm sure there are mods/admins that really dont enforce rules as they should, but there are a lot of good ones).


Complaining to us doesn't help it either, thats when mods will start being very harsh with you (dont disrespect, etc). Tell us once, just once. I attempt to follow up or at least respond to those who say something happened, but spamming it doesnt make us want to help you more.


End rant.


TLDR: Mods/Admins are good usually, just busy.

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Didn't read all the replies, but here's my 2 cents...


If the server is busy, and/or there are very few mods/admins on, things can get hectic. We can't see everything, and we can't act on things we don't see (unless 5 people all start yelling at the same time "WTF ARE YOU DOING???" "FREEKILLS" etc).


If you need to report abuse, get a demo, ask people in game to be witnesses, etc. There was a time when I recorded everything while in-game, if that's what it takes to put the nail in the coffin for your nemesis, then go for it. Don't bail on everyone because one dick is being a dick. Put in the little extra work to nail his ass (take that how you will) and in the end it will pay off.

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