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Line slayed me for no reason.

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.. admins IS NOT A VENT because it opens like a door and doesnt not break like a vent does... I went through and up onto the wall to guard while we had a cannon day.... halfway through the round Line asks me how I got onto the wall, and then slays me for opening a vent.

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The secret door to tower/wall on summer is considered a vent, CTs cannot open vents unless they are last CT. you were not LastCT and were not even pursuing a rebel. Therefore I slayed you.

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Please do not go into areas that you're not suppose to, Eg: That vent, Go inside open vents if a T has gone in their, justified slay.


- Closed

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Correction yo. since that AUTOMATICALLY CLOSES if a CT saw a T go in there, and it closes on them. then I see no reason why a CT should be punished for re-opening to go in there and kill them.


Bottom line: If it auto closed and a T was seen enter there, CTs can open and go in. ONLY IF THERE WAS A T SEEN GOING IN IT AND MUST EXIT AS SOON AS THE T IS SLAUGHTERED.

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Not familiar with the map that's being discussed here (I don't play CS:GO) but on CS:S (and I believe the MOTD is the same for both) CT's don't need permission to rebel hunt, so CT's can be out and about without permission (as long as they * believe* they're hunting a rebel).


That being said, there are plenty of maps that have hidden vents in the form of what I'll call walk-able through-able walls. CT's aren't slain in CS:S for going through these, again as long as they believe there are rebels and they are searching. As far as secret passages that are doors, like you're discussing, it's kind of a judgement call in CS:S.


Again, I don't know the map or the door/vent you're talking about, but I believe CS:S and CS:GO have the same JB rules so I'm 50/50 on this.


Just my 2 cents.


However, Matsi does say that (s)he (no disrespect, I don't know you so I dunno if you're a she or a he) was told by other admins that CT's could go through it, so this is yet another great example of Admin's needing to get on the same fucking page with shit.

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