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About minecraft staff and raiding...

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The staff of Minecraft no matter what faction they are in WILL NOT BE RAIDING.

Due to many complaints and people leaving the server we will no longer be RAIDING any other base/establishment what so ever. Many complaints about how we spawn stuff in, tp to people to get their coordinates to raid their faction have become overwhelming so we are making this change.




Any report of abuse WHAT SO EVER about ANY of the staff members is taken seriously and is dealt with accordingly.

But apparently this message is not getting through so this change is being made. If you have any staff raiding your base from THIS POINT ON. Get their name and a screenshot and they will be dealt with accordingly.





EDIT: Mods can still raid because they no longer have tp.

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weren't you the one who destroyed the faction you were in, and than came to ours and did the same exact thing? even tho i don't know how u were able to claim land from our faction when we had enough power to protect it. and now you post this? tis this! and the 2 faction you destroyed had the most people in them both.. and i heard you did this because .. we killed you?

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you only made this because you knew you were losing people in the minecraft community


Yes I did. Does this this make me stupid? I care for the community more then the amount of fun I have.

@@Duckii, Yes I did this to get loot. Thats what factions is. But no one here plays hardcore factions apparently because everyone calls abuse.



And yes I did that because of you Arvelez.

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Yes I did. Does this this make me stupid? I care for the community more then the amount of fun I have.

@@Duckii, Yes I did this to get loot. Thats what factions is. But no one here plays hardcore factions apparently because everyone calls abuse.



And yes I did that because of you Arvelez.


Uhh so you're saying you took over my area through admin bypass and than lava the place than? cause there's no way you could have claim a faction land unless their overall power is lower than the power they have used to claim the land. And you care for the community you say? Than why would u purposely raid/destroy the top faction and then moved on to disposing of mine. Think wisely for you are the Division leader of Minecraft who should be making the server enjoyable. KTHNX

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Uhh so you're saying you took over my area through admin bypass and than lava the place than? cause there's no way you could have claim a faction land unless their overall power is lower than the power they have used to claim the land. And you care for the community you say? than why did u destroy/raid a faction that worked hard to build what they had. They had the most players in their faction than you moved on to disposing of my faction which had the 2nd most players. Please be reasonable seeing how you are Div of Mc.


Sorry for avoiding that question. I did not take a look at the faction power (I will right after this post) but still I HIGHLY doubt microsoft did admin bypass. Even so bypass does NOT let you claim land for your faction. Why did I destory/raid a faction that worked hard to build what they had? To get loot. The point of factions is to raid/destroy. I do not understand why you people cannot comprehend this.


Do you want me to change factions into a different type of server?

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even tho i don't know how u were able to claim land from our faction when we had enough power to protect it.


Deepfreeze was on at the time and we were able to kill him a couple of times then claim land. You only need to have more power than your enemy and have to claim from the edge of their land in. Thats how we claimed land.


We never spawned anything in or tpd to anyone unless we had a valid reason to. Such as our chat being spammed with "NoCheatPlus" Violations telling us there is something wrong.

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I just went on and checked. You have -3 power. We can claim your whole faction...


To partially make it up for you I can give you what I got from your faction. And i'll rebuild the base

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I just went on and checked. You have -3 power. We can claim your whole faction...


To partially make it up for you I can give you what I got from your faction. And i'll rebuild the base

Cause i died several time when i was on after you raided us. And you're full of bull i'm sorry.. but you said you cared for the community more than fun, yet you raid the top 2 faction which was what? 3/4 of the server population i believe?



d. You only need to have more power than your enemy and have to claim from the edge of their land in. Thats how we claimed land

Uh no? me and arv tried that several time.. we were trying to claim a 1 member faction land with a 5 member faction with 2 player with max power. we tried several times from place to place and it never worked >_>.

To partially make it up for you I can give you what I got from your faction. And i'll rebuild the base

I don't think anyone is willing to play with someone who is untrustworthy at all. Nor do we believe if you are spawning in items or not.

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The point of factions is to raid/destroy. I do not understand why you people cannot comprehend this.


Yes this is the point of factions, but not to a raid one you are in. and not joining a faction just to raid it =/

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Yes this is the point of factions, but not to a raid one you are in. and not joining a faction just to raid it =/

Indeed, but he'll just come on and post


He's going back on what he just said about caring for the community more then amount of fun.

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I can't tell if you're being serious or just saying we're a bunch of idiots. How can we trust someone who just did the opposite of what he said.

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