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Why is WarZ a division?

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The Devs are shit heads but not the game.


The game has had many improvements over the time its been around, but there is still a lot to be done.


There has been many rumors, some true, some not, about the game and its devs, and because all are assumed to be true, is why the metacritic value is so low.


Ill run through the rumors.


Banning forum accounts (not in game accounts) for demanding refunds. This is true. But they have stated many times that the forums are not the place for that. They have an email for all refund questions and statements to be sent to. Those who dont follow the forums rules, get banned.


False Advertising. This is true. They did this for the steam version and because of that got kicked off the steam market. Many people then posted on the forums asking for refunds, but like I said above, got banned for not following rules.


User Agreement From LoL. This is true. But Sergey (the lead dev) created the user agreement and other parts of LoL so he took it from it because HE made it in the first place and it worked for his game.


False Bans in-game. This is true. They tried beefing up their anti-hack engine and it caused many people to get banned. Those who asked for an unban who were banned at this time were unbanned, even the real hackers.


Once Banned You Cannot Be Unbanned By Email. This is false. A user who was banned for hacking in game with proof created the faulty rumor and later told the truth stating that she did lie. They made her tell the truth by treathening to press charges for using fake information to discredit their game, thus making them lose money. She also was unbanned.


Also JayBreeze WE are not wasting time on this divison considering xG hasnt put a single cent into it. I am the only one who has paid any money for this division currently. And I will pay once again when the ability to create a server for xG is given to the players.

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The Devs are shit heads but not the game.


The game has had many improvements over the time its been around, but there is still a lot to be done.


There has been many rumors, some true, some not, about the game and its devs, and because all are assumed to be true, is why the metacritic value is so low.


Ill run through the rumors.


Banning forum accounts (not in game accounts) for demanding refunds. This is true. But they have stated many times that the forums are not the place for that. They have an email for all refund questions and statements to be sent to. Those who dont follow the forums rules, get banned.


False Advertising. This is true. They did this for the steam version and because of that got kicked off the steam market. Many people then posted on the forums asking for refunds, but like I said above, got banned for not following rules.


User Agreement From LoL. This is true. But Sergey (the lead dev) created the user agreement and other parts of LoL so he took it from it because HE made it in the first place and it worked for his game.


False Bans in-game. This is true. They tried beefing up their anti-hack engine and it caused many people to get banned. Those who asked for an unban who were banned at this time were unbanned, even the real hackers.


Once Banned You Cannot Be Unbanned By Email. This is false. A user who was banned for hacking in game with proof created the faulty rumor and later told the truth stating that she did lie. They made her tell the truth by treathening to press charges for using fake information to discredit their game, thus making them lose money. She also was unbanned.


Also JayBreeze WE are not wasting time on this divison considering xG hasnt put a single cent into it. I am the only one who has paid any money for this division currently. And I will pay once again when the ability to create a server for xG is given to the players.


Wow, you have got to be kidding me with this.


They don't have to ban accounts for asking for a refund on a game. Stuff like this shows that they can't handle stuff maturly enough.




How are you even trying to defend the false advertising bullcrap, if you ask me, if you have to lie about a game then you obviously shouldn't get money since you are not selling what is being said about it. It's illegal in some Countrys to do such things, since it's false advertising.


False advertising - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


The user agreement from LoL is telling me that they were to lazy and couldn't take a few minute or hours to change it for the game and wanted to rush it out the door in time for the holidays.



Now they also decided to release this game at a fixed price while still being extremely buggy and boring to play. Then add micro transactions to the game from the ingame store. Not only that, but they announced the game after the huge blowup in popularity from DayZ and it shows that it was rushed so they could get it out in time for the holiday season so it'll sell.


Now DayZ isn't a great game, it's has bugs and problems, but it's a Free Mod that is clearly advertised as an alpha. The only thing you have to buy is the game that is needed to play it.





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All i hear is duplo spittin the same shit out, bro we get it you paid for a peice of shit game and your pissed about it. if your the only one who put a dime into it then why is it a fuckin division bro? no one plays that trash. stop whinin and bitchin about tryna get power in a dying community and do something with your life. #drunk

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Hey LoneWolf. Am I defending the Devs? No. Did I say it was wrong ANYWHERE IN MY ENTIRE POST THAT FALSE ADVERTISING IS OK? No.


You continuously post about how bad WarZ is. Just shut the fuck up. I really dont give a shit about your opinion. I enjoy the game, I have friends who enjoy the game. If you dont like the game state that once and gtfo. Because repeating yourself constantly just makes you seem stupid as fuck.




You also complain about micro transactions. These micro transactions are only to buy CLOTHING AND GENERIC STARTER AMMO. Its not pay to win, unless you consider having teddy bear back packs and arrows without something to shoot them pay to win.

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Its not pay to win, unless you consider having teddy bear back packs and arrows without something to shoot them pay to win.


I consider teddy bear backpacks a way to win 100% legit

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Hey LoneWolf. Am I defending the Devs? No. Did I say it was wrong ANYWHERE IN MY ENTIRE POST THAT FALSE ADVERTISING IS OK? No.


You continuously post about how bad WarZ is. Just shut the fuck up. I really dont give a shit about your opinion. I enjoy the game, I have friends who enjoy the game. If you dont like the game state that once and gtfo. Because repeating yourself constantly just makes you seem stupid as fuck.




You also complain about micro transactions. These micro transactions are only to buy CLOTHING AND GENERIC STARTER AMMO. Its not pay to win, unless you consider having teddy bear back packs and arrows without something to shoot them pay to win.


The stupid micro transactions in the game, isn't pay to win, Not once have I ever said that. What I have said in the past is the fact that if you buy an item with real life money and die in the game, then you lose it forever. So that is obviously the devs trying to get money out of you and then take it away from you. Games like this (DayZ, WarZ, Deadlinger) should not have micro-transactions since it's based on survival and scavenging for items to use then when you die you have to start all over. That was what I was getting at.


When I was talking about DayZ I was talking about how it was still an Alpha, A work in progress and a mod.Clearly advertised as such. WarZ on the other hand was sold to the public and was sold it as a full game, advertised as such. It's a bad game and we don't need to have this as a division in the community supporting it.


WarZ is boring and a bad game, we should not support it.

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Once again, WarZ's microtransactions are not for game changing items. When you die in any game like this you lose all your items. The store itself is not just IRL money. You earn money in game that you can use to buy the same items. Your basically saying that games like TF2 shouldnt be endorsed because you can buy guns to use in game. And in TF2 you pay $3 for some shitty guns that you can trade someone for for 2 other guns. Plus you have to buy an item from the store just to be able to trade.


So let me ask you this.


If to play DayZ you must pay 2 payments of $15 for both ARMA games, and then not pay a single cent for items in game.


And then in WarZ you pay 1 payment of $15. Thats $15 in savings. I highly doubt that after that you will pay any more money, because theres nothing good to buy in the game. But if you decide to, you have $15 to spend before you have paid the same for DayZ.


Also, stating "This game is boring" as a reason to not support is the most idiotic thing I have ever heard. I think Minecraft is boring, but we support it. Do I go all out and start bashing that game? No, because it doesnt hurt me one bit to have another divison to show how big our clan is.


Also, is xG stating "WarZ is the best game ever, all games suck compared to it"? No. We arnt. Its simply another division that we have. Nothing more, nothing less.


Also, people got refunds for the game when they asked for it the way they were suppose to. And they still get refunds.


Also, it was never stated that WarZ was a finished full game. Infact take a look at the old buy screen that I found in an old email from them.




Also if the next post isnt something different than what you havent already stated, im closing the thread because it was started by a drunk JayBreeze, but more importantly JAYBREEZE. And you seem to be the only one who gives a flying fuck about it to continue to post the same shit over and over again.


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Your divisions population is of 2. The question is why is there an entire division for 2 people. And multiple people have posted so I don't know how you can say it's only JayBreeze. Your just mad that someone pointed out how poinltess this division is because you will lose your powers which is what you've been looking to get forever. I'd look up examples but whenever you notice theres an openning in some division you always write a lengthy post about the credentials someone would need to be that position (i.e. your recent Co-Leader post) or how you think you could fill the apparent void.






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Your divisions population is of 2. The question is why is there an entire division for 2 people. And multiple people have posted so I don't know how you can say it's only JayBreeze. Your just mad that someone pointed out how poinltess this division is because you will lose your powers which is what you've been looking to get forever. I'd look up examples but whenever you notice theres an openning in some division you always write a lengthy post about the credentials someone would need to be that position (i.e. your recent Co-Leader post) or how you think you could fill the apparent void.






Also [ATTACH]4342.vB[/ATTACH]


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