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Written Forum Rules and New Category

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Could we possibly get a Forum rule book up and running. I dont even know what is allowed for post reports or infraction reports. Theres always been a lot of trolling, disrespect, and general douchery. But lately there has been a lot, not excluding myself. If we are suppose to be cracking down on trolls we need to start doing it not only in server and on TS3, but on the forums as well.


I know im not the one to come up with a list for ban times, and maybe it would be best to hear from the community for ban times and the reasons.


Generalized reasons to ban a player from the forums (without ban times):


  • Creating a Flame Thread

  • Taking Part in a Flame Thread (by also flaming)

  • Derailing a Thread to Flame

  • Racism With the Intent to Flame

  • Posting Inappropriate Images (aka porn or images with extreme gore or both :P)

  • Posting Thread in Wrong Category (Posting Fast Lane in General)

  • Posting Fake Abuse Threads in Wrong Category (should be Fast Lane, different from above because it is more serious)





Now I was also thinking having categories for people who meet certain requirements. Such as:


  • Members and Up Category

  • Moderators and Up Category

  • Admins and Up Category

  • 16-18 Years Old and Up Category



And we already have one for Divs and Up

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+1, kinda


We couldn't do a mod+ category or even an admin+ category since the forums doesn't recognize those ranks.

@autumn we REALLY need forums to show Mod/Admin again, and once they do, make an Admin+ board in the Admin category. If Admins are the front line to training mods and running the server they need a private place to talk about people, rules, etc.


As for the forum rules, it's pretty much the "General Rules" that apply everywhere, which are pretty lax, which is how it should be imo. We don't need more and more rules, we need A- people to realize that this is the internet and B- some common sense to throw the ban hammer if needed even if the offense doesn't nicely fit under a rule.

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I thought we did have an admin section in forums?


We don't need all those categories.


The rules for forums are pretty much common sense, but a thread with the forum rules would be nice.


No spamming to get your posts up (Ex: spamming posts to get mod) 1-3 day ban


Constant disrespect and hurtful trolling will not be tolerated (5-7 day ban)


Inappropriate picture(s) resulting in 6-24 hour ban


Ddos threats - perm ban


Ignoring an admin and continuing to do what you were told not to do - 1 day ban



That's all I got. Feel free to give your opinion

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I thought we did have an admin section in forums?


Admin section is for higher ups only, so Division Managers and higher can view it. I think he is talking about moderators and admins getting a section that members can't see.

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I think he is talking about moderators and admins getting a section that members can't see.


Than this should be in the Admin section of the forums with the Div and ups

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I don't think trolling is something you should be banned for unless it's constant. A lot of the time people mistake sarcasm and joking around with trolling. And someone shouldn't be banned just because you're really sensitive and your feelings got hurt over a joke on the internet.

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