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PapiChulo Un-teamban

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Have you ever been on the servers as an admin for 2 years and wondered what it'd be like to mass freekill? I did! Hi PapiChulo here and I'm here to tell you about my mass freekill experience. I could tell you about how the pent-up, annoyed attitude was built but that would take explanation of the years I spent on xG and the months of my time dedicated to it. No, no. I mass freekilled and it felt amazing, but now I want to be unteambanned for I give you my word, sirs, that I shan't do it again. I have educated you guys with the truth about my mass, it was out of the spur of the moment. It was not, in anyway, to attack xG or be like "Fuck you guys" or anything. Its just something I felt like doing. I'm sorry for it guisee but you have nooooooo idea how long I've wanted to do that. 2 years of temptations. I've changed guys give me a second chance ):>



P.S. On the real note, my brother's dog did it.


That was sarcasm


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inb4 "mass freekill perma ban he knew it was wrong"


He's put a lot of work into this community, and yeah, sometimes it just kind of itches at you to know how it would feel to be a lawn mower.

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I guess i'm going to have to be the one. I'm going to have to -1 this request.


The intention was there, be it for shits and giggles or not. I Really don't want to seem like a total asshole, but I don't know if I can make any exceptions, even though Papi is a great guy. This is in no way an act of hostility toward Papi, and should not be treated as such.


If you really wanted to know what it felt like to mass free kill, why take it to the xG Jailbreak server? Why the server where you moderated for two years? There are many other servers in which you could have chosen to do so. The only viable reason I see that you did it here was that you believed you would be let off easily, and again, this is in no way supposed to be treated as hostility, i'm just assuming, so correct me if i'm wrong.


I'm sorry, but I can't condone actions like this with the reasoning provided here, it's just not something that should be let off easily. Even with someone of your stature Papi.


- Dat guy, Forest


EDIT: After thinking about it and reading what everyone else has had to say, i've decided to stay at a 0. I won't deny in agreeing that people have been unbanned before for things like this, people who were frequenters and such and honestly; it wouldn't be fair to be giving them a second chance and not giving Papi one. plus he's pretty cute.

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I will +1 this request, although I do agree with Forest. He has given a lot to xG. However, if he mass freekills again I think the permaban should be well...permanent.

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I guess i'm going to have to be the one. I'm going to have to -1 this request.


The intention was there, be it for shits and giggles or not. I Really don't want to seem like a total asshole, but I cannot make exceptions, even though Papi is a great guy. This is in no way an act of hostility toward Papi, and should not be treated as such.


If you really wanted to know what it felt like to mass free kill, why take it to the xG Jailbreak server? Why the server where you moderated for two years? There are many other servers in which you could have chosen to do so. The only viable reason I see that you did it here was that you believed you would be let off easily, and again, this is in no way supposed to be treated as hostility, i'm just assuming, so correct me if i'm wrong.


I'm sorry, but I can't condone actions like this with the reasoning provided here, it's just not something that should be let off easily. Even with someone of your stature Papi.


- Dat guy, Forest


If anyone is proof that a perm ban is not perm in xG, it's me...

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Honestly, have you seen this man's face? You can't deny him anything. He's too beautiful.



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If you really wanted to know what it felt like to mass free kill, why take it to the xG Jailbreak server? Why the server where you moderated for two years?


I said its because I moderated it for 2 years and had to deal with the stupidity for 2 years lol. But I understand your response and I'd probably be saying the same thing if I were you.


And I did it with no intention of trying to be unteambanned. I didn't really care at that moment since I never played on the JB server. I got on last night and saw how retarded people were and I wanted to play CT but then I would get slain and I remembered lol.


Stop treating me with hostility you asshole. I'm a nice guy.

love you

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+1 . We've unbanned people of admin status who have threatened to ddos us and also mass freekilled(the same person). Ridiculous as it sounds, wouldn't be fair to Papi to keep him banned. And he's cute +1


Not to mention the fact that he's put up with this crap for 2 years. I'm all for keeping perm bans perm, but not for banning some and forgetting anything ever happened with others..

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