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Regarding -xg-r-

Keep Or Get Rid Of xg-r-  

33 members have voted

  1. 1. Keep Or Get Rid Of xg-r-

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Ok. So since most people don't like the xg-r- for the people applying for xG. I'm making this thread. Some people have said it was a new rule. Some have said it was made up. Just vote and leave an opinion. I hate the idea of it. People who aren't in our clan are representing us wrongly. On jb someone was wearing the xg-r- and theyre submission got denied a month ago. He left it on. People who were interested in this. @@DarkWolf6052 @@diabeetus @@Crabman Thanks- Abraham Lincoln

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I'd say remove it. I think it was Darkwolf who told me that it was Mcneo's idea to make it up, So i'll trust a DM more.

It's nice to have a tag on that lets people know you are applying, but wearing it a week after your application was denied, THEN being told to take it off is a little... strange.

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Actually Serbian and Mcneo both came up with it. And if people are wearing the tag when they arnt suppose to, BAN THE SHIT OUT OF EM. you shouldnt ban the shit out of them actually.

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I think a nice comprimise on this would be a different tag all together that doesn't include xG. Maybe just -r- before the name, or something new entirely. That way people in xG can still recognize applications, but people outside the clan won't automatically associate somebody with xG.

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Well we were talking about changing it to xG-App (application) but to me that seems a little to cumbersome. I think its a good idea to have a tag for people who are applying but the word needs to get out that the tag means the players is applying and we need to crack down on those who are abusing the tag.

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My vote is to make it a steam group like xG-rep so there is less confusion.


Players would join the steam group and wear the tag when they are applying. When they get accepted or declined, they can just leave the steam group.

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I say NO to all (steam group, extra tag ideas). This idea makes the applicant seem that they have like a 75% of making it. We need to keep are members enclosed. It seems to me that the tag xG is soo comon that no one feels special wearing it. We have to keep the name xG contained and put pressure/restrictions on those who disobey.


So yes +1

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I say NO to all (steam group, extra tag ideas). This idea makes the applicant seem that they have like a 75% of making it. We need to keep are members enclosed. It seems to me that the tag xG is soo comon that no one feels special wearing it. We have to keep the name xG contained and put pressure/restrictions on those who disobey.


So yes +1


Your argument would make sense if, getting into xG was actually difficult, we were an "enclosed" community, keeping the tag contained is no longer possible and it stopped being special a long time ago, IMO, mainly because the Steam Group is public, these doesn't make members of the griup actual member, but still..., plus that xG-Rep thing.

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It's being discussed on the admin board and will likely be changing from :r to something else, and it won't be a requirement - but option for people who want to use it so they get noticed. The 2 week max time frame for an app to be open will stay, so using the tag will help get more vouches quicker, that's the whole point.

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Well see, either you call it a community and everyone is xG or you call it a clan and try to make it a little more difficult to enter. Oh well, too late for change



Off topic - But why doesn't xG get sponsors or someshit? Like ones that pay a lot and are dedicated (I may be totally off guard, this may be already happening, wasnt sure) Don't wana compare HG, but they have sponsors. Not to cause any arguing, just wondering.

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