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ye tute i'd liek to see u join xG so imma plus one ya here

+1 there

(active 9 mature 7)


but what these pplz said is true


the other day on parabellum = masterbaition of unforeseen proportions (no skin left) + freekilling me and zeal/wing guy + tarps


but then other times ur the best ct we got and u help admins so idk wtf ur playing at but cut the shit

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-1 from what i have seen you argue with admins A LOT and i have seen you refuse to slay your self when told by mods and admins other than that you're kinda good

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Tute is one of the more stern guys I know who plays Jailbreak. This isn't a bad thing, as we do need Wardens who get their shiz done right with minimal casualties (CTs). He May be boring at times, but he can also be a pretty damn funny guy. However; I do see quite a bit of disrespect here and there towards our younger staff members as well as any other younger players on the Jailbreak server, which Does need to be worked on.


A: 7/10

- Very active player on our CS:S Jailbreak server


M: 5/10

- Disrespecting is one of the major issues here. It needs to be worked on. I understand if there is a hate/dislike toward younger players, if this is the case, just refrain from interacting with them at all. Keep in mind that; if you have nothing nice to say, don't say anything at all (to an extent. The occasional cuss and burst of rage is understandable)


D: +/-0 for the time being. I want to see an attitude change toward certain players, I can't condone constant disrespect toward other players. I will be watching this week to see if a change has happened, and if there has been a noticeable change, then I will gladly 1-Up this app. It took a lot of willpower not to 1-Up this post because you're so damn sexy btw.


- Dat guy, Forest

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I agree with forest you are very funny and mature but you do take disrespecting some younger players and joking around too far which right now is not what xG needs so for now I would give you a 0 until I see you calm down on the disrespect but if I notice a change I will gladly +1 this bitch




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Alright disreguarding my previous post, I'm closing this. It's been up for almost 6 weeks and hasn't reached the required votes for becoming a member. So I'm closing, you may re-apply in 2 weeks.

-Dis furry be closin ur thread

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