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xGLeadership vs xG-rep

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2/15/2013 Credits are working again I believe, but only 1 credit per minute right now


I am aware that credits are not working right now. This doesn't mean once its fixed it can't be implemented into it.


I had this idea a while back but never got to discuss it.


This is mainly for CS:S, my main division, but I'm sure CS:GO can also work the same [Not sure how the credit system works there if there is free credits or not]


Okay so I decided I'll go ahead and bring this up in Admin Discussion and possibly move it to public area if you guys want others to discuss this. But this post is concerning the xG-rep versus xGLeadership tags mixed with the in-game HUB credits.


While in game and on a team [both T or CT] you earn credits, and the number of credits change sometimes[buggy] between what clan tag you wear?


[xG-Rep] tag gets you 1-2 free credits per minute while on T or CT team, not in spec.


xGLeadership tag gets you the same 1-2 free credits per minute while on T or CT, and no sitting in spec.


Sometimes this will bug and even if you're not wearing the clan tag, as long as your steam account is linked with xG and the HUB, you'll earn credits.

The amount earned also varies depending on the number of people on. Having less than 4 people won't earn you any, I believe under 12 gets you 1 free credit, and more gets you 2. This does glitch occasionally though.


My thoughts for the free credits earned.

Admins sometimes have to sit in spectate, and while sitting in spec, you earn 0 free credits. I was wanting to bring up a discussion of credits for admins.


The [xG-rep] tag should stay the same as its been; giving 1-2 free credits per minute on T or CT,


The xGLeadership tag should give admins who wear it more credits per minute, while on a team, not in spec. I was thinking maybe whoever wears it should earn 3-4[or more even] free credits per minute.


What are your thoughts?

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Just an idea...


So I agree that the xG rep tag should stay the same, although the xG leadership tag should be changed. I don't think it should be something that everyone should be allowed to wear though (and by everyone I mean those in leadership), it should be something based on merit/credibility. I don't think we should be giving it to those mods/admins that are hardly active and only get on and sit in spec for no reason.


The people who should get it are those who are active mods/admins, that actually go so spec to enforce the rules (Forest). Getting 4-5 credits is a great benefit for me to get on and sit in spec to enforce rules. And like I said, only those who are trusted and active should be allowed to wear the xG leadership tag.


The biggest issue I have with leadership is that there isn't a lot of acknowledgement of doing a good job, yes you can get promoted... but there's no feedback on how you are doing in your current position. Using the xG leadership tag could be a symbol like "Hey, this person is wearing this tag because they are a well appreciated mod/admin+ that has been around a while and has shown many times that they are doing a good job". Obviously DM's and DL should automatically be allowed to sport the tag, but mods and admins should work to earn the ability to wear it.


There's a ton of benefits to making this a "prestigious" tag:

1) Gives us mods and admins something else to work towards -- There's nothing right now... too many admins for some of us to get promoted

2) It offers somewhat of a feedback system. Example: I'm on steam and i get a message from you or forest or whoever like "Hey hiding, you're doing a great job go i'm giving you permission to add the tag, keep up the good work chap". Then we know that we may have the chance to be promoted, or at least that we are appreciated

3)It shows the community what mods/admins they can trust, which is a problem when there are a lot of people joining and leaving xG

4) It'll make us gain instaswag when we can wear it


I know its a lot, and its late so its probably as confusing as physics on opposite day, but i think it would be something you should seriously consider.


TLDR: Uhhhh...xG Leadership tag should be given to those who have swag, lots of benefits, $5 egg roll

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Why do you feel that higher-ups should earn more credits?


It's only so higher ups can get the same amount of credits without wearing the tag [xG-Rep] which everyone can wear.

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Why do you feel that higher-ups should earn more credits?

When I say "Higher ups" I am speaking of all staff. Paid moderators, moderators, paid admins, admins, Division Managers, Division Leaders, etc. Everyone who is a staff member [mod+] is required to be in xGLeadership.

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+1, hate having to play all day just to get two medium bombs.


Normal days of credits, you get...

1 per minute - 60 minutes = 60 credits - small bomb = 50 credits

2 per minute - 60 minutes = 120 credits - medium bomb = 100 credits


So to get a large bomb from 0 credits, you need 9 hours (9 hours at 1 credit per minute gets you 549 credits)or 5 hours at 2 credits per minute to get 600 credits)

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