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Highhthere's Bullshit

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So if you know highhthere, you know she is a complete bitch.


So heres how this goes.


Highhthere is a non-member who constantly bashes players she doesnt like. The only people I have seen her with are complete trolls. She bashes my division constantly, insults me and then complains when I insult her back, and now has posted my personal information on a thread.


My boy Salt's gone!


I posted a picture of my grades for loki as kinda joke when he called me a retard on another thread. I thought I had blacked out all my info, but I missed some. She then posts it in a thread that is trying to unban a player I banned for a day from the forums after not heading a warning and then continuing to insult my division.


After she was banned from the forums (not by me) she edits her post by stating #worththeban


I already have people messaging me joking about identity theft. Though they are joking, its still fucked up. My Full name including my First, Middle Initial, and Last are now on the internet. As well as the state, county, and school I go to. Even my grade.


Lets talk about the other shit she does.


She has been banned from the forums I think 3 times now.

She and Deodate got another member to add me to try to troll me. They recorded it and im pretty sure its on youtube? I remember Deo saying something along the lines of that.


I mean how much is enough? Im pretty sure 3 bans means she wont stop. And I have asked her to before.


She does nothing productive for xG at all. And isnt even a member. Silence even hates her.


What I want is a perm ban from the forums. That way she cant affect me or my division in any way shape or form. She can stay in TS3 and on the servers, I just want her off here.


TL;DR Highhthere is the definition of a bitch who took it a step to far.

@Brian @@Duckii @autumn

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Honestly anyone could have gotten that information from the picture you posted, she just happened to be the one who noticed it. She didn't even post all your info and even if she did, it would still have been your fault. Don't post pictures like that in public places and do you honestly think anyone here is gonna do anything with it?






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Honestly anyone could have gotten that information from the picture you posted, she just happened to be the one who noticed it. She didn't even post all your info and even if she did, it would still have been your fault. Don't post pictures like that in public places and do you honestly think anyone here is gonna do anything with it?


Im not saying the pictures are her fault. Its mine for keeping my information up.


Im saying that its her fault for posting it in a thread that had nothing to do with me, just to fuck with me. Proof being the #worththeban She knew she would get in trouble and did it anyways. And she went out of her way to get the information. No one else saw the info besides her. I didnt even.


Added on top of all her previous posts I would say the request is justified.


Heres an example too. Remember the kelly incident? How she posted "personal information" Others then re posted it in many many other places. Those who reposted it got in trouble. But instead of breasts, it is where I live and my full name.



And answering the question "Do I think anyone will do anything with it?" Why does that even matter? There now is the chance of something happening, no matter how low it is. And Highhthere is the main cause of it. Remember when Aegean got swatted, I wasnt even part of that shit and I some how started getting DDOSed. So with my luck, ya probably something will happen.

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+1, I was gonna make one of these threads myself. Fuck her bullshit. All she is is a troll. She sits in here and bashes on everyone for the tiny things they do. +1+1+1

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And answering the question "Do I think anyone will do anything with it?" Why does that even matter? There now is the chance of something happening, no matter how low it is. And Highhthere is the main cause of it. Remember when Aegean got swatted, I wasnt even part of that shit and I some how started getting DDOSed. So with my luck, ya probably something will happen.


I would still say you're the main and only cause of anything happening tbh. You also sound a bit too paranoid, better glock up.

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You are making it such a big deal about this and drawing all this attention to something you have wanted to get rid of. You posted the picture. You didn't black out the Large name at the bottom, and You posted it for everyone on the internet to look at. This was not sent in a PM, or private forums, this was posted on a very public board. Stop blaming everyone for your mistakes. Everyone I have talked to that has seen the picture, can really care less. Just remove the picture and links to it from the forums and if people post it again deal with it if you really feel like doing something. At the time you had one thing scratched out, so it was safe to assume that you didn't care about the rest of your info being shown that was on it.


If you don't like her, ignore her. There is a thing called Ignore button, as well as a mute button, that you yourself can use on TS. Aswell as most online games have a mute button. Not only that, but it's the internet, Get over it, she isn't a member so it's not like she represents xG in anyway, she is just a random person who plays games with a few people from xG.

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sorry my dude but i'ma have to go by -1 this thread , as billy already said , it is kinda ur fault , even if she did do it to mess with u , if anything , just tell her to stop messing with u cause u feel offended by what she says or does , i think u guys should talk tings out though i do know how hard it is to get through to her. but on the real , don't be so dumb next time and post up information about urself.

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she is just a random person who plays games with a few people from xG.


At this point it is really about the intent rather than the outcome. The intent was to troll using personal information. And you cannot deny that.


Oh and Christ. I completely forgot about how she got some girl to add me on steam and try to troll me while she and deodate told her what to say and do.


So for all those saying to just say stop. I have. And she has been forum banned 4 times and done what I said above. If she was going to stop, she would have already by now.

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Let me tell you all a little story. A true story that happened on teamspeak.


So I go on teamspeak. Aubri is there and Aegean. She was disrespecting Aegean jokingly but I didn't know it. She told me to chill out and that most of the time she's just joking with people. I asked her "Then how come when you disrespect me you seem to actually mean it." Want to know the response?


"Because I really do fucking mean it Duckii Jr. You're fucking retarded Duckii Jr. When I tell you to go kill yourself I mean it. END YOUR LIFE. Everyone talks behind your back all the time. Nobody fucking likes you."


People that hang with her all the time need to stop fucking defending and completely sucking up to her. You people need to get it in your minds and realize how bad of a person she really is. Have you never noticed all the horrible things she says? Do you seriously not notice her trolling?


She needs to go to the hospital, get treated for her life long period, needs to stop fucking cheating on Hitler with Satan and leave them both.


Get off your ass and say something NICE for once Aubri.


I swear to fuck. Nothing is EVER done to Aubri just because she's Aubri and everyone has to fucking defend her NO MATTER WHAT SHE DOES. She literally gets away with EVERYTHING.


I've never met a worse person in my life. You're a horrible parasite that we just can't seem to get rid of.

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