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Wattup bruhh !

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Just wanted to post saying that i am slowly but surely rewording stuff that was copy and pasted onto our forums by a certain person.That way we can avoid problems with you guys.Everything should be fixed by tomorrow,if not ASAP.Have a nice day.


#That nigga speed \_(*0*)_/ <33!!

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The Dominion simply seeks unity, though towlie may be "owner" he is not the founder. I ask that you stop these pointless complaints about our "stolen" system from xG, and any other complaints towards our glorious Dominion. Have you the need to continue complaining, we will disregard it as you being unable to understand the sheer simplicity of this message.


We have no quarrel with XenoGamers, Nor do we want to have to deal with complaints from other clans.

for example, I do not think that you would be so willing to resolve an issue should the Dominion have an issue with XenoGamers? So i ask why should we have to deal with outsider's claims of theft? Does the glorious Eagle of America bow down to the whims of terrorist group Al Qaeda? Why should we as a whole bow down to Xeno?


sincerely, Razgrize8, Pack Leader of the Wolven Dominion. Commandant of the 666th Wolven Raiders.



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The Dominion simply seeks unity, though towlie may be "owner" he is not the founder. I ask that you stop these pointless complaints about our "stolen" system from xG, and any other complaints towards our glorious Dominion. Have you the need to continue complaining, we will disregard it as you being unable to understand the sheer simplicity of this message.


We have no quarrel with XenoGamers, Nor do we want to have to deal with complaints from other clans.

for example, I do not think that you would be so willing to resolve an issue should the Dominion have an issue with XenoGamers? So i ask why should we have to deal with outsider's claims of theft? Does the glorious Eagle of America bow down to the whims of terrorist group Al Qaeda? Why should we as a whole bow down to Xeno?


sincerely, Razgrize8, Pack Leader of the Wolven Dominion. Commandant of the 666th Wolven Raiders.



I love how you say "stolen" as if it's not true. Your admin handbook and ours are LITERALLY EXACTLY THE SAME. All Towlie did was steal our Admin Handbook, word for word, and just replace any mention of XenoGamers with Wolven Dominion. If you'd like to compare it yourself, here you go:


Not only that, but many parts of your rules for CS:S Jailbreak, are identical to ours, literally copy and pasted from our motd into your's. While you could try to say "oh well Duckii said we could copy some games" you're not just copying games, but copying rules word for word from XenoGamers, and in some cases making no attempt to re-word it whatsoever. How can you expect to keep your clan running for a while if you're going to base it's foundation on the hard work of others, and not yourselves?

But good try though trying to make it look like we're attacking you, when in reality you're the ones who are stealing directly from us, attempting to take members from our community and bring them into your's, and the ones who are advertising for yourselves within our community.


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I love how you say "stolen" as if it's not true. Your admin handbook and ours are LITERALLY EXACTLY THE SAME. All Towlie did was steal our Admin Handbook, word for word, and just replace any mention of XenoGamers with Wolven Dominion. If you'd like to compare it yourself, here you go:


omg i feel dirty he uses my gif. as his avater GAAAAAAAAAAH

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Alright you chickens, Indeed they did steal xG formats and such without siting it. But they have already a warning from me that if a higher-up within their clan do something idiotic around xG they're all ban from xG. Don't wanna deal with a previous member who caused enough trouble whose leading another clan with our content.

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And it's called PLAGIARISM .... I guess they haven't taught you that in school yet. The general consensus is: anything posted online is immediately copyrighted, unless specified otherwise by the author.

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Plagiarism, perhaps. Though is not life merely a set of historical repetition? I take all of your words into account. Yes, is did say we do not like listening to complaints from other clans. who does in all honesty? None the less. i suppose you are right. Yes, we did base out setting of xG, and are working to revamp our system. Furthermore, i would like to say many clans i have seen run off similar, if not the same system. Yes, Towlie may have left the clan to create his own, Yes, we may have based certain aspect of the Dominion off of xG, but need you continuously attack us? we merely wish to create a a group of friends loving the game for what the game is, competitive or not. Clans were created to a add a touch of competitiveness to games. as well as add a system to which new friends could meet. A system based on compromise.


allow me to reply to all of you at once:


Diabeetus: Perhaps you are correct. They may be the exact same. as well as the jailbreak. we've been working to Revamp aspects of the system based on our own words and why we were founded. this means utterly destroying the current system and creating a new one. Much like the Revolutionary war, or the French Revolution.


JINGS: yes, he took your Gif and used it as his avatar, i was slightly thrown off by it for a moment.


IUDesigns: The 666th Wolven Raiders are my Diplomats, as well as the force I'm privately selecting to be my squad when we do let's plays or Clan Battles with rival clans. like i said earlier, clans were created to add competitiveness and fun to games. I believe that small to large scale battles can provide quite the entertainment needed to keep any clan alive.


Duckii: Ah, greetings once more my friend! how have you been since our last session? Yes, i suppose we did say this, and this is noted. But is it not customary to grant the condemned a final request? all i ask, is that you, listen. Towlie indeed integrated your system into the Dominion, This much is true. The culmination of the Dominion, will clearly, be based of Xeno. Towlie isn't an issue, he is clearly Rebellious towards outsiders of the inner circle and can not be helped in his Crusade to win the day. and to which i ask, how is my simple defense of the clan "idiotic?" I can come up with comparisons all day, quotes of lecture, or anything else needed to win a debate. though, i feel the use of the word "Idiotic, the complete lack or use of common sense" is miss placed. I respect you, as well as any other member of Xeno until given reason to think otherwise, so you can ban me. i hold no ill will towards anyone, i never have been able to. i may come off as ignorant, i have many a time. But admission is key. an so to you i say, Er is to human, to forgive divine.


autumn: Plagiarism, yes. clearly, i was told that towards the bottom of the list a quote was given, stating it was from xG, by none other than towlie. and as to us not being taught what plagiarism is, i do believe that the American school system is failing as to that of many other nations. any who think otherwise simply have not done the proper research. As for copyrighting, i saw no symbol for copyrights on your list of permissions, but you are correct all the same. It was...improper to take the settings, and for this we are grieving. With the aid of someone with more intelligence of diplomacy management than myself, we shall begin to work towards bettering the Dominion to all clans likings.


I suppose we owe all of xG that much, do we not?

Simply remember that a suspicious mind is a healthy mind. if you think we're acting out of character, feel free to call and criticize, But also remember that an open mind is like a fortress with it's gates unbarred and unguarded.

I want nothing more, than for the cold war of our clans to end, and believe me, that's how I've been feeling this pointless feud, nothing more than a war to which both clans would seek to out do the other, in which case, i would say at the moment you would have us beaten.


And Duckii, i would like to get together with ALL of your leaders at some point and openly discuss what you would like to see of the Dominion in an organized fashion consisting of one speaker at a time. We can not act like the continental congress and agree on every little thing, it never works out, so i believe that will be the best way to go. i would like for nothing more than to have peace that all of Xeno and the few of the Dominion can agree on. I believe a contract and peace treaty is in order, one to which all can live by between that of your clan and our Guild, perhaps regular meetings, much like the United Nations, may help hear EVERYONE'S say, not just ours.


Keep true to your mindset and you shall prevail with fury of all that is holy.


With the purest of hopes, Razgrize8.


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No he did not say it was "borrowed from xG"


in the post it says "taken from xG which they stole from other clans." No, we did not steal. The only 'stealing' done here, is towlie copy pasting it. some rules are similar to other communities, because they make sense, but we did not go and copy paste it, we went looked at em, and wrote our own version of it.


+1 derp, sue dem bitches! also, your attempts at this 'diplomatic' entourage here, in which you actually are trying to insult us, aren't working. if anything, many of us are even more annoyed with your group than we were when we just didn't like it because towlie was starting it up.

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hmm...i see your point actually. Perhaps the approach was off set, but might ask as to why you did not like it simply because towlie started it up? I've known about this hatred, though i see no reason as to why you hate him, might i inquire to that?

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Ok @@Razgrize8 , you can stop it with the fancy talk. Your arrogance is incredibly obvious, and please just talk like a normal person instead of trying to make yourself look smarter than you actually are. The reason why we don't like your clan, or whatever you want to call it, is because you have stolen content from our community, without giving any credit or asking for permission whatsoever. You copy and pasted our admin handbook pretty much word-for-word, and have tried to take members from our community and bring them into your's. Regarding the topic of Towlie, he is overall just an asshat. When he had power, he abused the fuck out of it, or just didn't do anything unless it benefited him. When he lost power, he constantly complained about admins/mods supposedly "abusing" their powers, and how they, according to him, weren't doing their jobs properly. Towlie has trolled and disrespected within our community countless times, and has blatantly advertised the many communities he's joined after being kicked out of xG. We have a pretty damn good reason to dislike Towlie.

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This is just ridiculous. I get that Towlie made his clan in response to us kicking him out for being disrespectful, a troll etc. (Just like everyone else in xG history he has been given a crap ton of chances), but to go as far as to COPY AND PASTE our admin handbook is just pathetic. If you want to make your own clan to prove some point, fine, go ahead. Shouldn't bother me or anyone else. But don't steal our shit. And just saying @@Razgrize8 , when you talk like that, it doesn't make us respect at some form of higher level. Frankly, it kinda projects the feeling that you want us to feel that you're superior than us.

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