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cs:s JB rule

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what is with this you can now judge steps rule. it's kinda bullshit you cant "measure" a step in

counter strike if we could the moment we are out of our cells is "one" step. can we please get rid of this

rule it just kinda dosn't make much sense. +1 for the rule -1 against the rules




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This should probably go into CS:S discussion. However, I don't remember seeing this added unless it was JUST added. It's a stupid rule so many people trying to get away with jump stepping now. It needs to be taken back out if it was added.

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Was never a rule

You can judge steps




Cell door is represented by an: @ for example

T is represented by an: #





Perfectly fine




Should be killed

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Holy hell, at this point I'm going to start saying "Take a step out of your cell, face your cell and afk freeze. If you cannot leave a knife mark on the left or right of your cell opening at your current location, you will be killed." Even then, that's a hell of a lot to say.


We don't have this as a current rule, and I highly doubt it ever will be. However; you can obviously use logic that One Step out of your cell is One Step, meaning you should be in close proximity of your cell. If you really find it that much of a problem, if you're warden just say "You must be within a reasonably close distance from your cell."

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This was never a rule. people say things like "it's a game, lolz it's not QWOP u cent judge step lawlawlawlawl." but no. a "step" refers to you being within a REASONABLE distance from your cell. and if you were to put an exact measurement to a step, it would be anywhere within 1-3 feet. your "jump step" is much beyond 1-3 feet, and is just that. a jump step. not a STEP. when people complain about getting freekilled when they would jump out of cell, i would resort to the age old method of gag em fer the round. and if they don't realize how stupid they sound "yew cant judge step lololol" then sucks for them getting killed every round.


case closed?

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what i meant was i take a "jump-step" out and it's not an unreasonable distance from my cell and i get killed. (i was around the 3 ft mark)

for "unreasonable distance from cells" when i saw others who went like halfway across cell block and they didnt die.


sorry if this is in the wrong area ~Kirito/Rarity

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not that my opinion matters but the jailbreak server should be closed and you should focus more on the slide race server because nobody plays jb.

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what i meant was i take a "jump-step" out and it's not an unreasonable distance from my cell and i get killed. (i was around the 3 ft mark)

for "unreasonable distance from cells" when i saw others who went like halfway across cell block and they didnt die.

Jump-steps were never a rule. Someone (probably zapper) made it up and managed to spread it around enough that many people firmly believe that a jump-step is some type of rule. Honestly I doubt that you'd be able to do what people claim a "jump-step" is, and manage to stay close to cells, as whenever people get butthurt over this "rule", they're a long ways away from their cell. If you feel that you're getting killed unjustly for this (and what you're doing is basically your own fault), just stop doing it.

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On CS:GO if someone gives the order "Take one step out face cells afk freeze" and you jump out of your cell? thats not taking one step out, thats taking one step out and then jumping. On CS:GO you'd be shot every time. Never heard of jumpstepping before.

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Did they say, "take a jump step out" or "take a step out". There's a clear difference. Don't try to be cool while taking a jumpstep out, be normal, dont try to nitpick orders and "think outside the box" and you wont get killed. Or learn how to rebel.

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