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Out of Cells (Problem)

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Something that I really dislike and that should be avoided is when CTs order everyone to leave their cell after a certain time. For example: " Out T's take one step out and face your cell at 6:30." When this happens, many Ts don't understand what's going on and about half of the team leave the cell and assume that position. Because of that, many CTs think that Ts should be out of cell, so they starting shooting people inside the cell. At the same time, the warden who gave the order starts to shoot people outside the cell because that was the actual rule. The combination of the freekills and actual kills end up in a big mass and wipe 2/3 of the teams. Wouldn't this be considered a type of tarping? Could anything be done about it? Thanks for the time


PS: Sorry for the long and boring chunk of text !

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well than let an admin know , the warden must atleast explain for those who are confuse otherwise there will be mass freekilling going on and we don't want that , so just type @ in team chat and message the admins and let them know , hopefully they'll deal with this.

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well than i hope the admins are doing there job , but yeh if not just add me or somethnig while i am playing and let me know and ill come in and watch and let other admin know what to do since they seem to ask alot of questions and don't know whats wrong or right most of the time.

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I liked the part when you said, "Assume the position." But you do have a point and the warden would have to clarify that

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It's not a tarp as long as they say don't say don't leave til I say go.. but really say know. or something that sounds similar. Telling T's not to leave the cells by a certain time is fine as long as they are not being talked over. As mods/Admins we try to stop this so you can hear him. If you have been freekilled as a result I am sorry.

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no hes saying that they have to leave their cells AT 6:30 not before. so the ts misunderstand and get killed for leaving thier cell early and then retarded cts kill ts in their cell because they also misunderstood. this has been happening a lot lately and should not be allowed.

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no hes saying that they have to leave their cells AT 6:30 not before. so the ts misunderstand and get killed for leaving thier cell early and then retarded cts kill ts in their cell because they also misunderstood. this has been happening a lot lately and should not be allowed.


Yes, that's what I meant. Many CTs tell us to leave the cell AT X:XX time, making a huge, massive confusion. Then many CTs kill the Ts inside the cells, while the Warden kills everyone that is outside.

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