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Things to do in New Orleans

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I'm in New Orleans for a few days and some plans got cancelled so I was wondering if anyone knew some things to do here



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No idea I've never been there lol. Why are you stuck there?

Just a trip with my dad and brothers. We were gonna fish but its too windy.

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Uh, you're in the party capital of USA and you're asking us stuff to do? Just walk around outside and try new shit, life is all about experience

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Uh, you're in the party capital of USA and you're asking us stuff to do? Just walk around outside and try new shit, life is all about experience

Kinda hard to go do stuff when you have two little brothers with you. Would be much more fun with a group of friends.

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Find the nearest man of African descent, and say: "I'm glad your family made it through those rough times during civil rights. The US was really fucked up then, but we still have you here with us today."

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