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The biggest problem xg faces

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Maybe you should read what the plugin is, and then read the reason I provided as to why it does not work, before you stick your nose in something you know absolutely nothing about.


as stated previously, i will reiterate it for your post, people blindly blurt out what they think before they actually thought about it, or read the whole posts, because they think what they say is 100% correct, I am guilty of this too on occasion but perhaps reading it would have made you realize how ignorant you sounded prior to posting.


Actually I knew what the plug-in was Chrono. I was reffering to the problem with xG's server ranks. How a lot of them have fallen behind for many reasons, one of which is not staying up to date with the server plug-ins. How I come back after like a week wanting to give away my credits and find that the !hub is down, I dont know if its back up yet, or how long it was down for. I was also expressing my opinion of how hard it is to determine what should be put into xG's servers because how large the player base is, as well as who to let judge what should be implemented in xG.


I just didnt really care enough to put any effort into hence why it took me awhile to post back.

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Whats really wrong is that MMO is hidden somewhere in Plan R


Get on Silence's back about it then. I want the damn thing deleted. Servers cost $45 a month and even though when xG had a server and it had 30/30 players (more than TTT) 24/7 it still wasnt bringing in enough players to actually make a profit back in the end.


But then again maybe you should be the Division Leader of it, you both have 1 dominant trait in common. Being a useless piece of shit thats a waste of everyone's time.

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Get on Silence's back about it then. I want the damn thing deleted. Servers cost $45 a month and even though when xG had a server and it had 30/30 players (more than TTT) 24/7 it still wasnt bringing in enough players to actually make a profit back in the end.

Are you talking about WarZ?

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But then again maybe you should be the Division Leader of it, you both have 1 dominant trait in common. Being a useless piece of shit thats a waste of everyone's time.

Well look who joined back into the thread just to bitch some more to a clan that he doesn't care about. On a side note, the irony in that statement is huge.

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Wooowweee someone's a little bitter huh? Lurk these forums some more, they really help prove the point of how worthless you are.


Wooooweee. Funny how youve been a non-member longer than me and I have no clue if you even play on the servers. I also I only make about 2-4 posts a week where as you make a lot more. I mean I guess I should listen to you considering you are the king of lurking.


And I am worthless. I contribute nothing to the community besides 2-4 posts on the forums a week.


@autumn can you demote me?

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Funny how you didnt even come up with it and the only major friends you have have been permed, yet you stay. And its because you didnt have the balls to do what they did. You the biggest pussy troll in xG. Congratz.


Keep piggy backing on other's work. It gets you so far in life. Oh wait. Thats right, you are so much of a fuck up it doesnt matter.

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