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Go to A table

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I'm very annoyed right now.


Squeak gave the order in alpha "all T's go to a table and freeze", we T's were by the train, so I walked toward the furthest table I could find, since he didn't say go to the closest table, and he fucking shot me saying I detoured, which I did not because he didn't specify which table. I was going to A table, did not detour, nor delay in anyway. WTF


Compare this to if all T's are at bottom of cell stairs and are ordered into the train with the order "All T's shift walk into the train". Do we EVER shoot them if they attempt to go in any other train door except the back door, you know, since that's the closest?! The answer is fucking NO, and you would sure as shit get slayed if you shot a mod for not walking into the back door saying he was detouring. And don't even try to say you wouldn't cause I've seen it done.


I see no where in the rules where if the warden gives an order to go some place that has multiple locations on a map, that you MUST go to the closest one or it's detouring. It's just like when we say go to the bottom of cell ramp on maps with 2 ramps, unless we say MAIN cell ramps, T's can go to whichever one they want, can they not?!

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No Detour / No Delay: This means you must take the fastest route to get where the warden orders you to go, you must being complying within 2 seconds of receiving and order, and cannot stop until you get to the destination. This is always implied!

By going to the furthest table away, you are not taking the fastest route and may be shot.

you would sure as shit get slayed if you shot a mod for not walking into the back door saying he was detouring. And don't even try to say you wouldn't cause I've seen it done.

I've never seen this happen. You can always contact an admin/DM/D to solve these problems.


It's just like when we say go to the bottom of cell ramp on maps with 2 ramps, unless we say MAIN cell ramps, T's can go to whichever one they want, can they not?!

They SHOULD go to the closest one to them, though whether or not CTs pay attention to each and every T to make sure they go to the right ramp is another thing.

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I get shot all the time for going to the other train doors....lololol


Just try not to be too smart, it gets you killed... and while yes some mods would slay you, mostly only the mods that ct without thinking first.... swizz did that shit all the time....

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For all intents and purposes, what really is a table? In this instance you are looking at several pixels on a screen that resemble what we call in the real world a table. But what is a table in the real world? A piece of wood or some other material with four legs? But a stool is a piece of wood with four legs as well... Ask yourself, what exactly is a table?

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Warden - When cell doors open go to the center circle.

Me- Do not kill me I am going to soccer

Ct- Boom

Me-Slay that CT

Same Ct- Freeslay

Me- The closest circle in the map that is surrounded by other circles making it the center circle is in soccer.

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Cookiesars that's different, that's just a common misconception made by a warden/ct. The tables thing is different as it refers to one of many things, whereas the center circle on dubai - there is only one.

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Seriously, it's not freaking delaying or detouring if I go to the furthest table if you don't specify. I played the other day, gave the order "all t's get into a race stall" and killed all the T's that weren't in the first one, the way Dontbleed suggests I should, and half believed it was freekill and the other half not. I'm with the half thinking it's a freekill if the warden isn't specific. Isn't that part of the fun of being a T?! Taking the wardens orders when he doesn't specify and making him wish he had?


Can we get clarification @@Chrono? If the warden orders T's to a vague place, such as "all t's go to a table" or "all t's go to the black line", are they to always go to the nearest one? If that's a yes, please place a line in the rules stating something like "closest is implied."

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You should take the green because that is the quickest route. Taking the yellow route although is quick, is not the quickest way. By taking the red route you are definitely delaying.


Final verdict, go to the closest object of whatever is specified or you aren't taking the fastest route. If you want them to be able to go to any table, say "Go to any table and freeze" The no detours no delays rule already covers this by taking the fastest route to your destination.

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