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Sousei Out

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Well, Im out not because of the recent events haha. In fact, I was planning to leave anyways regardless of how it turned out. Personal life issues and dissatisfied of the overall gmod div. I'm pretty sure not many would know me anyways, since im from gmod div and just a member. Stayed cause of the gmod community, but decided not to stay afterall.


I wont be here to see all the changes Charrax is proposing, but I wish you and the gmod the best of luck. I might come back, but probably not anytime soon.




@@DMTwired Knowing you, you probably won't be reading this due to inactivity in forums but well it's been a pleasure meeting you. If I met you in real life, we would have probably be good friends.


@@Liam I know you'll miss me cause youre a fagg, but hit me up on steam or skype if you ever wanna play league/darkrp.


@@Tarikozd pointless to tag you as you dont even go on the forums, but msg me on steam if you ever wanna TTT on a different server.


@@Vegalyp maybe you were right about him, maybe I was wrong. But who knows; time will tell. Wish you the best of luck man and hope you dont get corrupted.


@@KawaKupccake lol not much to say but your balls dropped hard, been great meeting you man.


@@Xemnas if you do stay, goodluck with everything. If you leave, goodluck with that too man. Always had mixed opinion about you, but you proved me you were a great guy overall.


@@LastGame man, been a pleasure talking to you. Although my views are biased due to staying only on gmod you gave me hope that xG wasn't full of idiots.


@@Skyfrost although everyone seemed to have a hatred towards you, I never really found the reason to. You should go back to gmod tho, regardless. Its a great community,


@@Duckii we aren't really close but you were the one of the few higher ups that were active in gmod div. Been fun playing with you but not much could be said though. But mad respects for taking back the coleader position, so I wish you the best too.


@@Charrax haha, knowing you; you would probably hold a grudge at me for standing up against you. Not sure if your ignorant personality realizes much, but you ought to change yourself before you are the head of a division. Im not here to talk shit though, so goodluck on your division.


Just remember this, tho:

... ' date=' adapt to suggestions that people on the server say. Be friendly and open.[/color']


How to get people in your server.


@@Fuzz love you. <3

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