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Peppermint - Counter-Strike: Source

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Counter-Strike: Source

In-Game Name:

TG | Dirty Dan [C]

Steam ID:



Un CT ban

Same as last time.

I was banned for killing 2 people.

But it was by mike thats why it was perm.

I know i should be permed from all servers because i fucked up but it was an accident even though none of you care.

But i miss ct

Thanks for reading


Yours truely,

Dirty Dan/Peppermint

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Peppermint, no, just no, you already almost got banned permanently when you were disrespecting and trolling with your already big past the other day, so you wouldnt be any better while being a CT

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Even if you say it was only two, there's no way to prove that unless you can provide Console proof, which I doubt you have from then.


Because you have already been perm'd prior to this permanent ban, I'm going to have to -1 this request. A second chance is as far as i'll go, I can't give any further chances after that. @@DarkWolf6052 @@PiNoYPsYcHo @@Gkoo @@HighSociety


- Dat guy, Forest

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I responded to the other thread and will not change my opinion.


I was the warden. I feel that Dirty Dan was as confused as any other person would be in that situation. And I clearly saw how it was a mistake. He was doing so well before this incident, and I don't think that he should be judged for his prior experiences.


I can also confirm that it was only 2 prisoners killed by Dirty Dan.

That was why I was confused on why Mike permanently banned him.


+1 to the unban

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Well, its kinda hard to say when gkoo +1ed it and forest -1ed it but, I have played alot and , I kinda think you did changed but cant tell since you were "quiet" the past few days. so I will +1 this unless you do start screwing around again.


+1ing unless he screws around.

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-1. Once again, we have given Peppermint faaaar too many choices. Every time we unban him, he goes and blows his chance again. People said that he had "changed" when he reapplied to xG a few months back, and after about a month he was back to being the disrespectful troll that he's always been. If you guys feel that he's "changed" go ahead and unban him, but I guarantee you that within a month or so, he'll be banned again, and will make yet another protest, and people will probably still +1 it saying he's "changed". It's time for Peppermint to own up for what he's done, and feel the consequence for everything he's done on the server. If Peppermint has a problem playing on our Jailbreak server because he can't go CT, then he should find another server to play on.

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We all know that ive fucked up. And i understand that i prolly shouldve been banned from all servers and shit but I just dont think it should be judged off of this because even gkoo knows it was an accident and he was there. And i really am trying to not be so disrespectful just some of you guys(shadowspy)piss me off sometimes even if im right or you guys are right. Yes i do argue but it would help if you just muted me or something. But next time i will try to control myself and i am sorry. And i know this sounds stupid but im really only "disrespectful/mean" to people i like. I do this with everyone, video game or irl. I mean even ask koto. Im a dick to him all the time but that is just how i show that i like you. So really just dont take it personal. I know i take it personal sometimes with you guys but thats just me. So yes i realize i am disrespectful and such and thats mostly the reason why ive been banned so many times but im just showing that i like you(No homo). So if you could just give me another chance, not just with being ct but being friends with you guys it would mean a lot.


Yours Truely,

Dirty Dan/Peppermint

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Well, its kinda hard to say when gkoo +1ed it and forest +1ed it

Gkoo is speaking off of what he saw as he was there when it happened, whereas I'm speaking from what I Didn't see and by the amount of offences as well as chances he has been given.

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From what I conclude from what Daibeetus and forest has said, I agree with diabeetus and forest. and change it to a -1, Sorry dan but even I was given a good amount of chances and I have finally owned up to my shit and turned my past to the side , but from what he said about you continuing by doing it is just pure over kill, sorry man but good luck. Trolling,disrespect, and rule breaking was something I did in the past and it became a problem. Its time to look back and leave the childish kid life in the past and become the better "you".



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+1 For anyone who didn't know Mike HATED Dirty Dan/Pepperment and even said in TeamSpeak he'd permanently ban him if he messed up again. I'm not sure why he didn't server ban him but he clearly abused and banned him for the wrong amount of time. Even if Dirty Dan messed up. It's not his fault if the warden messes up or confuses people. If you were in this situation you would want unbanned.

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well if its that john, I agree with you that if the warden is purposely trying to tarp then he should listen for details and not mess up, I do agree and will change my status of the post to a +0 , but if the warden is tarping before 5 then its the wardens fault, either or , listen more Dirty dan.... lol


+0 atm.

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