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Ok this goes to all those who seem to be hard headed, and don't believe those who say duckii jr never double clanned.First off i will admit duckii did make a thread claiming he was going to be a DM later on for us,but then again that post has no meaning if he was never in our clan period.And you guys

@@Chrono @autumn @@MuffinMonster since you guys seem to not believe duckii jr or the people who are telling you he never double clanned,im going to tell you myself as the Co-Leader of WD that duckii jr never double clanned.Now if you don't believe me then idk what to say to you guys but the fact that you guys are hard headed as fuck and just can't accept the fact that he never double clanned.Im hoping that once you guys read this,i hope you guys realize that ya'll were wrong the whole time,and should also say sorry to duckii jr for humiliating him in front of a lot of people cause you guys claimed he double clanned and were also soo sure that he was doing such thing when the whole time he was innocent.Just wanted to let you guys know what has been told to you guys many times since you guys didn't believe them.Now good day to you ladies.


~That Nigga Speed \_(*0*)_/ <33!!

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The point is, you said he was eventually gonna be the division manager. That means he would be in your clan, which would be considered multiclanning or he had an intent to leave our clan anyway. I will not say sorry to him, he does not deserve it. He is the one who disrespects me and others for having an opinion against him.

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ok so let me get this straight he was banned for "double clanning" when he was in-fact not in WD, he was banned for multiple suicide threats. (most recent being a rumor) and his un-ban protests on the FORUMS were shot down because of some things that he has done in the PAST and not on the FORUMS (Ie:Teamspeak,In Game). Can i see some posts where he posted anything about suicide on the forums recently? Also most of the people he ask to "+1" his application he asks them to, and i quote from his lips himself "hey could you check out my ban protest. Thanks" he never has asked that we +1 it only that we take a look at it. If you have any problems with what I've said please do tell me.


~Kirito-san, Master of the Blade.

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Silence how you gonna tell me if he double clanned or not? last time i checked your not a leader in WD.i obviously have the upper hand in this situation there for you're argument is invalid.And muffin even if i said "he was going to be a DM later on" still doesn't change the fact that he never was with us,there for he was never "double clanning".And also,just because i say he was going to eventually going to be one of our DM's does not mean he was already with us cause he never LEFT xG and he never JOINED WD.

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A ban from forums is a ban that is taken into heavy consideration before being done @@Kirito and when it is a permanent ban it takes into account EVERY SINGLE THING that has taken place, past and present. if you commit a crime, that crime stays on your criminal record for your entire life and in 99.99% of cases, you will receive a harsher punishment. whether it be higher to no bail etc. i don't know why you guys seem to think "that happened in the PAST, that doesn't matter now." EVERY SINGLE THING MATTERS.


Also, if you post "hey guys happy to be your future div leader" you should be damn ready to face the consequences in your current community if someone there reads it. regardless of your official "joining" or not, I would consider that double clanning. so does silence. so does muffin. so did the co's when we originally removed his membership right after. so speed, i'm not quite sure what you are getting at, because you may think double clanning is one thing (like making a member submission etc.) where as we consider posting on a forum for another community about your staff position that you are about to get officially to be double clanning.

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Can i see some posts where he posted anything about suicide on the forums recently

They are publically gone. If he were to actually do it xG could get in serious trouble. This isn't some utopia, this is the real world. You don't let murderers go if they shout "I'VE CHANGED!" Be realistic.

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I know that he didnt suicide threat. Thats all I need to know.

that's funny, did you see the screenshots, were you around when he did numerous times before? i doubt it.

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I dont want to fight. But really. Get hub up for counterstrike source.... Need bombs.

not relevant, not relevant. I repeat not relevant to this thread

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I could unban him but I want to get his parents number and talk to them about this. This is absolutely ridiculous and I want to see him get the help he needs before he hurts himself. I refuse to make xG a liability.

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I was also with him and he never asked us to +1 it, exactly what @@Kirito said. Chrono also you abuse your powers, on divisions that are not yours and when they get removed you magically get them back. But can you guy forgive him he didn't Double clan one bit almost all your reasons are false saying he Double-clannned and show some fucking proof that he said suicide threats on the forums, or in Mumble/teamspeak and ingame.



But thats my 2 cents and i also think its been along ban and should be unbanned.

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