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well hello....so yeah....fuck.

so anyway there will be a lot of inactivity from me and i don't know for how long.

i wont be on for i don't know how long but then when i do come back i don't know how active i will be. so yeah kinda sucks... the D.

but when i do come back (hoping to be sometime this early summer) i will hope to catch up to whats been happening. i will probably be active on forums just not servers or teamspeak.

but if i don't come back soon i wish best of luck to all.

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Thanks for letting us know. I doubt you'll get demoted for inactivity as long as you get on a little, you paid for mod, so the inactivity isn't as big of a deal.

Anyway, @@PiNoYPsYcHo @@Forest @@Gkoo letting you guys know

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As Darkwolf stated, there are definitely perks to being a Paid Mod. One of which is you are given a substantial amount of leniency in terms of Activity (since you paid for it). Don't worry about the activity mate, concentrate on your academic studies or whatever else is calling for your attention!


- Dat guy, Forest

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i hope to not be out to long if i can get lucky with what i am dealing with (wont be stated) if not then i will be on around early my summer break

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