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Caretaker - Counter-Strike: Source

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Counter-Strike: Source

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Previously in xG:


Active on Teamspeak:




Further Information:

Well I don't know if you guys have spotted me on the servers if not you probably will since I'll be participating with XenoGamers once again. My intentions are simple for rejoining the community.

1. Help out the community.

2. Meet and greet oldies and newbies.

3. Have some good times.


I am going to be honest and say that I am not happy with the current state of the clan ,but hell maybe I can change things as long as I've been around. I plan to bring enforcement and fun to the servers.


Thank you for reviewing my application. I await eagerly and courteously for your responses.



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is this jake jake like the jake that took me from SL and brought me here jake?

No, this is Jake, like Korean, Whorean, Jake, and an extensive list of other names.


My vote: -1

A: ?/10

M: 5/10

Reasoning: I don't necessarily play CS:S all that much anymore (I don't play steam much! but when I do, I devote it to playing with friends or managing csgo) however I do know you. I know you as a person, and while you are typically kind hearted, there are some negative aspects.


(Bi-Polar): I put this in brackets as you may not necessarily be legitimately Bi-Polar, however you have that sort of attitude, when someone disagrees with you, you tend to argue (understandable) but you also tend to specifically target them in the future for anything, trying to start arguments, you also tend to act more annoying to them, than the normal annoying (but manageable) way you are with others. [you typically start spamming more when they are in the channel in TS]


Un-Faithful: let's be honest, I lost count of how many times you have left and rejoined, much like Duckii Jr. each time you decide you are bored or you don't like a specific few people, you post a goodbye thread, and are already a member of some other community, you then come back after a short period of time and then ask for membership again, only to leave after a couple months.


Abusive: Now this hasn't happened recently in particular with him, but he had abused his div leader powers when he got them, just before he left, where he would impersonate others, ban people he didn't like, etc. while he hasn't really had the opportunity to do it, this is something to consider if he is accepted in, whether he should be mod or not. (the most recent case of this being Duckii vs. Brian & Minecrack)


Remember this is not a personal attack on you, I find you fun and enjoyable, however these are observations I have made, as well as numerous others. The second reason is actually something silence was talking about (and is still considering) where you get about a 1-2 week grace period from when you post a good-bye thread to rejoin, otherwise you are not allowed to rejoin at all.

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is this jake jake like the jake that took me from SL and brought me here jake?

No, this is Jake, like Korean, Whorean, Jake, and an extensive list of other names.


My vote: -1

A: ?/10

M: 5/10

Reasoning: I don't necessarily play CS:S all that much anymore (I don't play steam much! but when I do, I devote it to playing with friends or managing csgo) however I do know you. I know you as a person, and while you are typically kind hearted, there are some negative aspects.


(Bi-Polar): I put this in brackets as you may not necessarily be legitimately Bi-Polar, however you have that sort of attitude, when someone disagrees with you, you tend to argue (understandable) but you also tend to specifically target them in the future for anything, trying to start arguments, you also tend to act more annoying to them, than the normal annoying (but manageable) way you are with others. [you typically start spamming more when they are in the channel in TS]


Un-Faithful: let's be honest, I lost count of how many times you have left and rejoined, much like Duckii Jr. each time you decide you are bored or you don't like a specific few people, you post a goodbye thread, and are already a member of some other community, you then come back after a short period of time and then ask for membership again, only to leave after a couple months.


Abusive: Now this hasn't happened recently in particular with him, but he had abused his div leader powers when he got them, just before he left, where he would impersonate others, ban people he didn't like, etc. while he hasn't really had the opportunity to do it, this is something to consider if he is accepted in, whether he should be mod or not. (the most recent case of this being Duckii vs. Brian & Minecrack)


Remember this is not a personal attack on you, I find you fun and enjoyable, however these are observations I have made, as well as numerous others. The second reason is actually something silence was talking about (and is still considering) where you get about a 1-2 week grace period from when you post a good-bye thread to rejoin, otherwise you are not allowed to rejoin at all.

ok first yes this the jake that i am talking about.

second the abusive/unfaithful/bi polar reasons i cant see

my reason for this is a gmod community we were admins in the past. he didnt show any of these characteristics.





when he is playing on the severs he makes everyone laugh. has/was an amazing friend to me

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You guys mean a bunch to me and if that wasn't true I wouldn't be right back at step one. To be honest I have been unfaithful to the clan and to the people in it and chrono you really know how to make a man cry and finally wake up ,but now I know maybe it's just my time. I wish I could take back all the bad things I've done but you can't turn back time and I've lost who I am a long time ago. Maybe it really is my time I know now that the end is beginning and let me go and I will run ,but once I'm gone I am not coming back and that is that. Damn it sucks to know I am just going to be on that list but let's face it I already was. I'm sorry guys I guess I really fucked up this time I am sorry...



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