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MOTD suggestion(s)

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1.) Slaying yourself/being slayed during a round transition does not qualify as being slayed for breaking rules


2.) Ts may not have a head start in any event that will result instantly in the death of losers (such as some ts starting race at blackout while being closer to the entrance than others)


the first one is a bigger deal to me.

What you guys think?

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1.) Slaying yourself/being slayed during a round transition does not qualify as being slayed for breaking rules

This is already enforced by all the non bad admins :)


2.) Ts may not have a head start in any event that will result instantly in the death of losers (such as some ts starting race at blackout while being closer to the entrance than others)


the first one is a bigger deal to me.

What you guys think?

This one would be very hard to enforce due to the fact it would rely heavily on opinions. Tho most people, unless they are douchbags, try to keep it fair...

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1.) Slaying yourself/being slayed during a round transition does not qualify as being slayed for breaking rules

As Matsi said, this is something that is already enforced. If at any point a rule is broken at the end of a round that affects the round transition (IE. Terrorist rebels during LR and gets killed) they are slain the next round. Same goes for a CT who kills the Terrorist who has Last Request and it ends with the round being over; they are slain the next round.


2.) Ts may not have a head start in any event that will result instantly in the death of losers (such as some ts starting race at blackout while being closer to the entrance than others)

This is completely up to the Warden. In most cases, the Warden will give a time to start so that it is fair. It would be difficult to enforce this any further.


Oh also, i wanted to suggest that tasers have some sort of recharge time. like a minute, or 3.

Not sure if we can edit the plugin to have this work out. However, I'm sure we could edit the amount of ammo given for the taser (currently 10 if I'm not mistaken). We could possibly have it give a max of 5 instead(?) @@DarkWolf6052 @@Gkoo @@Rhododendron

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1.) has happened multiple times today already. cough @@RainbowDashie cough

They aren't ALL non bad... usually if you ask/remind someone to slay them the next round they do, if it keeps happening post some demos on the forums or something...


Not sure if we can edit the plugin to have this work out. However, I'm sure we could edit the amount of ammo given for the taser (currently 10 if I'm not mistaken). We could possibly have it give a max of 5 instead(?)

Infinite Taser on LCT FTW!

I think the taser is good how it is... it only has like 7 shots and it reloads each time, and the usp takes FOREVER to reload....


I think we need an autoshotty taser.

Or make it like the Zeus in GO.... :P

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